113/114/116 - Environment/Comms/tactical Flashcards
Hazardous Material that has been discarded
Medium power radio distance
what is the criteria for selecting a helicopter LZ
- ground chosen must support helicopter
- Site should be identifiable from the air
- Site can be secured without risk of enemy fire.
Length of blades + 100 feet day/150 night
Identified by inverted Y or chemical light sticks or holding VS-17 chest plate high
What Does the S in SMEAC stand for
A- enemy forces
B- friendly forces
What does SINCGARS stand for?
Single channel ground and airborne radio system
What is COVER?
use of anything to protect from bullets/observation/exploding rounds etc.
What does KEK do?
encrypts/decrypts TEKs and is used for OTAR of TEKs
Define critical line of sight
what you see is what you get as long as antenna has line of sight, can transmit and receive.
When operating in the FH mode, two of the SC presets are reserved for what?
the manual and cue channels
What is the operating frequency range for UHF?
CT operations require what?
a traffic encryption key (TEK). A key encryption key (KEK) is required for over the-air rekey (OTAR).
What is the TSK?
a generated variable that controls the pseudo-random FH pattern.
How are SC frequencies and offsets entered?
manually through the radio’s front panel keypad.
When establishing CNR nets what must commanders consider?
the mission, availability, and capabilities of CNR communications equipment, electronic attack (EA) capabilities of adversary forces
What is the typical application for UHF?
Critical line of sight
SATCOM footprint
Low power radio distance
What is the criteria for selecting a helicopter landing zone
Appropriate size for type aircraft.
Day or Night Landing
Add 100 feet over main rotor width for daytime landing and 150 feet for nighttime landing.
Ground condition – stability, slopes, and obstacles.
What is AUL?
Authorized Use List (All Hazmat for use in an activity)
• List of what hazmat is authorized to use in a community
• If not on the list, it is not authorized
What is the Frequency Hopping-Master (FH-M) Mode?
Only one radio in each FH radio net will use this mode. The FH-M radio maintains the radio net’s sync time and transmits the ERF.
What is sync time?
required for synchronization of the frequency hops.
must be within (+/- 4 seconds) of the net sync time to communicate
What does the A in SMEAC stand for
Administration and logistics
- rations, supply issues
- munitions, corpsman, aid stations
PPE approval approval can be met through the use of what?
Must Meet ANSI (American National Standards Institute) Specs
What is a SALUTE report?
Size, Activity, Location, Unit, Time, Equipment
hides you from enemy observation but does not protect you from enemy fire.
Net IDs, embedded in the hopset data, are loaded how?
with a fill device or by ERF
What are hopsets and lockouts?
hopset is the set of frequencies on which an FH net hops. . Lockouts provide frequency exclusions in conjunction with a hopset.
attempting to make things invisible or not what they really are
SINCGARS radios can store what?
SC frequencies and offsets
What does Salute report stand for
Size - size of the enemy peeps, vehicles
Activity - what there doing
Location - where they are (grid)
Units - who enemy (patches, clothing, symbols
Time - when observed enemy
Equipment - weapons, vehicles, supplies,
What are the three levels of security classification?
Top Secret
What does the C in SMEAC stand for
Command and signals
- special instructions on comms,
- pre-arranged signals, password, countersigns, emergency signals
- location of platoon commander, sergeant and squad leader*
What is MSDS?
Material Safety Data Sheet. OSHA Form 174 or an equivalent form containing the identical data elements, must be used by manufacturers of chemical products to communicate to users the chemical, physical, and hazardous properties of their product to comply with the OSHA Hazard Communication Standard, 29 CFR 1910.1200.
What does the M in SMEAC stand for
Mission – concise mission statement
What is the range for HF?
2-29.9 MHz
What does HF stand for
HIgh Frequency
SINCGARS radios require what four data elements to communicate in the FH mode?
net identifiers (IDs)
net sync date/time
what does VHF stand for?
Very high frequency
What’s the typical application for HF?
Radio line of sight & beyond/long range
Explain the general procedures to be followed when a HAZMAT spill is discovered
Discovery and Notification. Initiation of Action. Evaluation. Containment and Damage Control. Dispersion of Gases/Vapors. Cleanup and Decontamination. Disposal of Contaminated Materials. Certification for Re-entry. Follow-up Reports
What is the operating frequency range for VHF?
30-88MHz and 116-150MHZ
What does SMEAC stand for
used for offensive operations
Situation Mission Execution Administrative and logistics Command and signals
What does UHF stand for?
Ultra high frequency
What are the modes that SINCGARS radios offer to commanders?
SC plain text (PT)
What is HAZMAT?
Any substance that can cause human/environmental damage
High power radio distance
What is a net id?
a 3-digit number from 000 to 999 that distinguishes one FH net from another
What does the E in SMEAC stand for
- Concept of operations (big plan)
- Subordinate tasks (specifics who does what exactly)
- routes to and from objectives, formations and order of movement, time of attack, fire support (naval, mortars, air)
What is the typical application for VHF?
30-88 Radio line of sight & relay/transmission
116-150 Critical line of sight
The TEK is used in what kind of operation & to do what?
CT operation and encrypts/decrypts operational voice and digital data transmissions.