104 Administration Flashcards
Sec Def
Ash Carter
What are the 2 chains of command
Service and Operational
Service = pres. Sec def - sec nav- CMc
Operational = pres- sec def- combatant commanders
What is the roll of the Command Master Chief?
Enlisted advisor regarding Navy policy for navy enlisted
What is J/G/S?
Joint/flag level section/O-6 & lower command level section
Who does the Command Master Chief advise?
CG, II MEF, Surgeon, Chaplain, and Dental Officer on all matters pertaining to the morale, welfare, utilization, and training of Navy enlisted members
Robert B Neller
What does the comptroller do?
Advises the Commanding General in all matters pertaining to financial management
What is the TA?
Training Allowance. What the command is allowed to have in training supplies, including ammunition for ranges
What does the Chief of Staff do?
coordinates activities of generals staff
List your service chain of command
LtCOL Hoewing Col Blair - mag 16 co MGen Rocco - 3d MAW CG LTGEN Berger - 1 MEF CG LTGEN Toolan - MARFORPAC CG Ray Mabus - SEC NAV Ash Carter - SED DEF Joe Biden - VP Obama
The G-2 division consists of:
Intel/counter intel
special security
List the sections in a command
1 - admin 2 - Intell 3 - Ops 4 - Supply & Logistics 5 - Planning 6 - Comms 7 - Safety & Inspector office (IG complaints) 8 - Comptroller (\$\$$)
What is the roll of the command Sgt Maj?
Enlisted advisor to command on all matters
What offices fall under Chief of Staff?
A- I MEF Band
B- Protocol Officer
C- Admin/ Sec. of Staff
The G-3 division consists of:
special ops training