105 - ACE Flashcards
What is electronic warfare?
military action involving electromagnetic and directed energy to control the electromagnetic spectrum or to attack the enemy
What does HMH do?
Marine Heavy Helicopter Squadron. provides assault helicopter transport of heavy weapons, equipment, and supplies during amphibious operations
What are the 6 functions of Marine Corps Aviation
Anti-Air Warfare Assault Support Air Recon Control of Aircraft and Missiles Electronic Warfare Offensive Air Support
What is assault support?
The use of aircraft to provide tactical mobility and logistic support for the MAGTF, the movement of high priority cargo and personnel within the immediate area of operations, in-flight refueling, and the evacuation of personnel and cargo
What are the types of assault support?
Combat assault transport Aerial delivery operations Aerial refueling Air evacuation TRAP Air logistical support Battlespace illumination
What does VMAQ do?
Marine Tactical Electronic Warfare Squadron. VMAQ conducts airborne EW in support of FMF operations EA-6B
What is air recon?
the gathering of intelligence information by visual observation and/or sensors in aircraft
Where are the MAWs located?
1st MAW - MCAS Futenma, Okinawa, Japan
2nd MAW Cherry Pt, NC
3rd MAW Miramar, CA
4th MAW New Orleans, LA
What does VMU do?
Marine Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Squadron. provides unmanned aerial reconnaissance support to the MAGTF
What does the MACG consist of?
What is the ACE of a MEF?
What does VMM do?
Marine Tilt-rotor squadron. provides assault transport of combat troops in the initial and follow-on stages of amphibious operations
What is the control of aircraft and missiles?
and 2 sub categories
the coordination of facilities, equipment, communications, procedures, and personnel that allows the ACE commander to plan, direct, and control the ACE to support the MAGTF
- Air direction - regulates the employment of air resources
- Air control - directs the physical maneuver of aircraft in flight or direct surface to air missile to engage target
What is the ACE of a MEU?
A VMM 22 squadron reinforced with CH-53, and AV8
(MACG) detachment
(MALS) detachment
What is defensive anti-air warfare?
and sub categories
includes all defensive measures designed to destroy attacking enemy aircraft or missiles in the earth’s atmosphere or to nullify or reduce the effectiveness of such attack.
- Active
- Passive
What does HML/A do?
Marine Light Attack Helicopter Squadron. provides combat utility helicopter support, attack helicopter fire support, and fire support coordination during amphibious operations and subsequent operations ashore
What is the ACE of a MEB
reinforced MAG
Comprised of four primary elements:
o Marine Aircraft Group Headquarters (MAGHQ)
o Marine Aviation Logistics Squadron (MALS)
o Marine Wing Support Squadron (MWSS)
o Fixed-‐Wing (e.g. VMA/VMFA) Rotary-‐Wing (e.g. HMH/HML/A) Squadrons
What is offensive anti air warfare
- Offensive anti air - operations conducted against the enemy air or air defense system before it can be launched or assume an attacking role.
What are the types of Electronic Warfare?
electronic attack (EA)
electronic protection
EW support
What do MAWs include?
Marine Wing Headquarters Squadron (MWHS)
o Marine Aircraft Group (MAG) (Note: Can be fixed or rotary-‐wing aircraft)
o Marine Air Control Group (MACG)
What does MWHS
Provides administrative and supply support to the MAW it’s attached to
What is active air defense?
direct defensive action taken to destroy attacking enemy aircraft or missiles or to nullify or reduce the effectiveness of such an attack
Mission of HMH
supports the (MAGTF) commander by providing assault support transport of heavy equipment, combat troops, and supplies, day or night under all weather conditions during Expeditionary, Joint, or Combined operations
What is offensive air support?
OAS is “air operations against enemy installations, facilities, and personnel to destroy the enemy resources or isolating the military forces
- Deep and Close
What are the types of Air Recon?
Visual Reconnaissance
Multi-sensor Imagery Reconnaissance
Electronic Reconnaissance
What does VMA do?
Marine Attack Squadron. attacks and destroys surface targets under day and night visual meteorological conditions and provides helicopter escort Harrier
What does MTACS do?
Runs the TACC (Tactical Air Command Center) of the ACE
What is the primary mission of Marine Corps Aviation?
to participate as the air component of the MAGTF in the seizure and defense of advance naval bases and to conduct land operations that may be essential for the prosecution of a naval campaign
What does maccs do ?
Marine Aircraft and control squadron
Controls aircraft and missiles
• Integrates the other five functions of USMC aviation into a coordinated effort
• Gives Commanders control of USMC assets *Staffed by Marine Air Control Group (MACG)
What does VMFA do?
Marine Fighter/Attack Squadron. intercepts and destroys enemy aircraft and attacks and destroys surface targets single seat
What does LAAD do?
Low altitude air defense battalion. provides close-in, low-altitude, surface-to-air weapons fires in defense of MAGTF assets. Stinger missiles, Avenger weapon systems
what does MWSS do
Marine Wing Support Squadron Aviation ground support - weather services - Build airfields - field hospitals - Messing facilities - Motor transport - engineer services - aircraft and ground gas
What does MACS do?
- Runs air traffic towers. Air surveillance, ATC, surface-to-air AAW weapons
- Weather radar, airspace control
What is passive air defense?
constitutes all measures, other than active defense, taken to minimize the effects of hostile air action
What are the sub categories of Anti-air warfare?
Air Defense
What does VMFA/AW do?
Marine All Weather Fighter/Attack Squadron. intercepts and destroys enemy aircraft and surface targets, day or night, under adverse weather conditions 2 seat
What is the MACG?
coordinates all aspects of air command and control
How many MAWs are there?
three active duty MAWs and one Reserve MAW.
What are the 3 levels of maintenance?
D-LEVEL MAINTENANCE - Maintenance done on material requiring major rework or a complete rebuild of parts. (e.g. Cherry Point)
I-LEVEL MAINTENANCE - Maintenance which is the responsibility of, and performed by, designated maintenance activities for direct support of using organizations. (e.g. MALS)
O-LEVEL MAINTENANCE - Maintenance which is the responsibility of, and performed by, a using organization on its assigned equipment. (e.g. Squadron)
What does MALS do?
Provides aviation logistics support, guidance and direction to MAG squadrons
• Provides intermediate level maintenance
What does MWCS do?
Communication support to the ACE
What is anti-air warfare?
and 2 sub categories
that action required to destroy or reduce to an acceptable level the enemy air and missile threat
Offensive and defensive
What is the MAG?
Marine Aircraft Group.
It is the smallest aviation unit that is designed for independent operations with no outside assistance except access to a source of supply.
What does MASS do?
Runs the DASC (Direct Air Support Center) to coordinate RW/FW in direct air support (DAS) of MAGTF
What does VMGR do?
Marine Aerial Refueler Transport Squadron . Provides aerial refueling service in support of Fleet Marine Force (FMF) air operations and provides assault air transport of personnel, equipment, and supplies KC-130
Are MAWs organized according to T/Os?
no they are task organized to accomplish the missions assigned