1.12) Stalin's rule, Collectivisation and the Purges Flashcards
What were collective farms?
- May 1929 5 year plan announced that 5 million households would be put into collective farms by 1932
- Peasants formed collective farms (‘Kolkhoz’), where all animals and tools were handed over and ran by a committee
- Some produce sold to the state and then the state funded the tools e.g tractors
Why did Stalin choose to collectivise?
- By introcuding collectivisation Stalin could improve the situation more at a time
- Stalin could get grain more easily from collective farms
- Stalin kept introducing machinary it meant more peasants could work in the cities as they werent needed
Why was collectivisation so urgent?
In the 1920s there were food crisises, bread and meat rationed 1928/9
How did Stalin carry out collectivisation?
- 1930 party officials and police sent to persuade peasants to be collectivised
- Animals, farms, and tools taken from Kulaks and combined
- If they refused there were named Kulaks and shot or sent to labour camps
- ‘Dekulakisation’ was essential, the govt created a class enemy and used them as a scapegoat
How did the peasants resist collectivisation?
- Peasants refused to hand over animals and preferred to kill them, eat them, or sell them
- Burnt crops, tools, and houses with them in them
- There were riots and armed resistance
What were the effects of forced collectivisation?
There were severe food shortages and in 1923 a famine
How many died in the 1923 famine?
At least 13 million
When did the purges begin?
Who did Stalin target in the purges after 1936?
All people in the communist party who opposed Stalin, particularly Bolsheviks who had been important in the past. (loyal communists)
What happened in show trials?
Trials to crimes that the victims had not committed, which were broadcasted on radio. Fabricated evidence was submitted, and afterwards they were shot
What happened after a denunciation?
Denouncing someone in the party was a good way to get a better job within the party. Denunciation usually led to arrests and torture
How many party members had been expelled or shot by the end of the purges?
By the end of the purges around 1/5 of the members had been expelled or shot
What types of people were targeted in the purges?
Anyone Stain suspected was purged and the families of the victims. But Stalin particularly disliked poets and writers
How was Pavlik Morosov used by the party?
Pavlik Morozov (14 yrs) denounced his own father, then he was reverred as the perfect child of communism. Statues were put up of him and buildings named after him. He was then stabbed by his family members
Why did Stalin Purge the armed forces?
Anyone with the power to oppose Stalin e.g generals were removed.1937 Marshal Tukhachevsky and 7 other generals were executed and in the following months thousands of other army officers were executed. The navy and air force were also purged.
What were the consequences of purging the army?
So many top army officers were removed, including 90% of all soviet generals, that the army was in a desperate situation at the beginning of WW1
Why did stalin call a halt to the purges?
1938 Stalin stopped them because they were getting out of hand as they were pulling soviet society apart
What were the effects of the purges?
Stalin’s position was unchallenged, the communist party was made of totally loyal men and women, who carried out Stalin’s orders and had no memory of the old heroes of the revolution. There was no opposition to Stalin.
How did Stalin negatively impact the USSR?
- He caused millions of deaths during collectivisation and the purges
- He killed some of the best soviet brains who could have done brilliant work
- He destroyed the communist party as he became a dictator
- Responsible for 30yrs of terror and fear
- Collectivisation was a failure
- Living standards stayed poor and he did little to help them
How did Stalin positively impact the USSR?
- He turned Russia into a modern superpower in 30 yrs
- He did not personally order all the purges, as the NKVD got out of control
- Advances in education and medicine were made, lots more people could read
- His policy of industrialisation saved Russia in WW2, as Russia had the infrastructure to defeat Hitler
- His strong leadership helped Russia to win WW2