111B: Differences between the North and the South Flashcards
Population of the North in 1860
18.65 million
Population of the South in 1860
10.5 million
Where did most of the immigrants settle?
In the North what fraction of the population lived in towns?
In the South how much of the population lived in towns?
1 in 14 people
In which part of the country did industry grow the most?
How much of the nations manufactured goods did the South produce in 1860?
What was the South’s main source of labour?
What percent of factories were located in the South in 1860?
What were the main products farmed in the South?
Cotton, Tobacco, Rice
What did the South favour in terms of trade?
Free Trade
What did the North favour in terms of trade?
Why did the South feel they were being exploited by the North?
The South were dependant on Northern credit to finance, transport and market their goods and resented the profits made by the North
What code was important in the South?
Code of honour
What laws did the North begin to pass which conflicted with the ‘Code of Honour’
Laws which suppressed duelling
What was South’s identity based on?
Slavery, Honour and Christian faith
What was the North’s identity based on?
Free Labour, Liberty and Puritanical Christianity
Who was generally better educated?
What did the South tend to resent?
What did the Northerners see the Southerners as?
Out of touch
What did the Southerners see the Northerners as?
What did the South want politically?
For the State to have power over legislations rather than the Federal Government
What were the North less supportive of politically?
The rights of individual states
What did the South strongly support?
What were the economic reasons that the South supported slavery?
The economy relied on cotton and tobacco which were labor intensive. They believed that without slavery their economy would collapse
What were slaves also a sign of in the South?
What were the social reasons that the South supported slavery?
It ‘kept African-Americans in their place’ and established White Supremacy
What did the North think slavery was against?
The Declaration of Independence
From when did the North begin to ban slavery?
Who did the North agree with on slavery?