111 - TESTING Flashcards
State the purpose of a testing program?
Assess achievement of LOs.
State the primary course source data for creating test items.
List usable course source data to be used when the primary course source data is not available or has not been created.
OCCSTDs, CTTL, PPP Table, and a COI.
Define the following tests:
Formal: Test is graded and is used in the calculation of the trainee’s final grade.
Informal: May or may not be graded. The grade will not be used in the calculation of the trainee’s final grade.
For the below items, define the three levels of proficiency levels contained within each:
Level 1: Imitation - Can perform a task but is not proficient.
Level 2: Repetition - Can perform tasks, but has not had enough repetitions to achieve expert proficiency.
Level 3: Habit - Can perform any task with an expert’s proficiency.
Level 1: Knowledge/Comprehension
Knowledge - Can recall the information.
Comprehension - Can understands the information.
Level 2: Application/Analysis
Application - Can use a concept in a new situation.
Analysis - Can separate concepts into component parts.
Level 3: Synthesis/Evaluation
Synthesis - Builds a structure or pattern from diverse elements.
Evaluation - Makes judgments about the value of ideas.
List the five categories for performance and knowledge tests.
Pre-test: For Validation of Material, Acceleration, Pre-requisite, Advanced Organizer.
Progress Test: Blocks of instruction.
Comprehensive Test: Final Exam.
Oral Test: Normally by board, assesses trainees comprehension.
Quiz: Short test to assess achievement of recently taught material.
Discuss the process of piloting a test.
Review by SMEs.
Supervised by CCMM.
Forwarded to LSO for approval.
Test trainees who completed the course.
Survey trainee test results.
Use test item analysis and survey to improve the test.
Describe the use of each test instrument as they relate to knowledge and performance tests:
Job sheet
Problem sheet
Assignment sheet
True or false
Case study
Validation of Test Instruments
Job sheet: Direct the trainees in the step-by-step performance of a task.
Problem sheet: Present problems requiring analysis and decision making.
Assignment sheet: Designed to direct the study or homework efforts of trainees.
Multiple-choice: Multiple possable answers.
True or false: Only two answers.
Matching: Match two lists.
Completion: Fill in the blank.
Labeling: Label parts in pictures, schematics, diagrams, or drawings.
Essay: Answer a question with a written response.
Case study: Group discussion/excercise on complex issues.
Validation of Test Instruments: Validate test before use.
What are the two types of testing methods used in testing?
Criterion-Referenced Test: Assesses whether required level of skill or knowledge is met.
Norm-Referenced: Estimates individual skill or knowledge in relation to a group norm (Navy Advancement Exams).
Discuss test failure policies and associated grading criteria within your learning environment.
Counsil, Remediate, Re-test. The highest score the student can receive is 75%.
Discuss during performance test design how the skill learning objective criticality is determined.
High - Value 3. Skill is used during job performance.
Moderate - Value 2. Skill influences job performance.
Low - Value 1. Skill has little influence on job performance.
Discuss during knowledge test design how the knowledge learning objective criticality is determined to perform a task.
How important is the task and how offten will you perform it.
Identify the ten sections of a testing plan.
Course Data.
Course Roles and Responsibilities.
Course Waivers.
Test Development.
Test Administration.
Course Tests and Test Types.
Grading Criteria.
Test and Test Item Analysis.
State the purpose of test and test item analysis.
To determine statistical validity.
Difficulty index.
Index of discrimination.
Effectiveness of alternatives.
Documented in the course’s testing plan.
In a remediation program, discuss what the primary and secondary goal is.
Primary goal is to motivate and assist trainees in achieving the learning objectives.
Secondary goal is to remove barriers to learning.
Discuss the three methods of remediation available to instructors:
Targeted: Single objective.
Scalable: Multiple objectives.
Iterative: Entire course.
Define the following sections of a remediation program:
Drop from training and attrites
Academic Review Boards
Retest: The retest may cover the portion of the test the trainee had difficulty with or the entire test.
Setback: The student may be setback in training.
Drop from training and attrites: Trainees dropped from training may be re-rated or discharged from the Navy. Trainees who are discharged will be classified as attrites.
Counseling: Counseling for performance and personal problems.
Academic Review Boards: ARBs will be convened when other means of remediation have failed.