State the purpose of the Navy Training System.
A systimatic approach to what to train and how best to train it.
Define the most essential, single link in the training chain.
The instructor.
State and discuss the three qualities of an efficient and effective instructor.
KNOWLEDGE: Be a subject matter expert
ABILITY: Know what to teach and how to teach it.
PERSONALITY: Have a professional attitude and be honest.
Discuss the Instructor’s responsibilities in terms of:
Responsibility to students
Responsibility to training safety
Responsibility to security
Responsibility to curriculum
Responsibility to students: Remedy conflicts that may arise. No fratrinization. OPNAVINST 5370.2. No Sexual harassment. SECNAVINST 5300.26.
Responsibility to training safety: Safety is paramount.
Responsibility to security: Teach to security level. OPNAVINST 5510.1.
Responsibility to curriculum: Maintain curriculum. Know the diffrence between a changes (pen and ink) and revisions (CCA approval).
List and discuss the four principles of John Keller’s model of motivational theory.
Attention. Gain students attention.
Relevance. What students learn is relavent to the job.
Confidence. Set challenging but achievable goals.
Satisfaction. Create opportunities for sucess.
List and discuss the key principles of applying motivation theory in a training situation.
Needs and Drives: A lack of something needed and the drive to aquire it.
Attitudes: Positive attitudes cause a desire to learn the material.
Achievements: Setting and completing goals.
Values: Teach to students values.
Interests: Keep lesson interesting or you will lose the students.
Incentives: Incentives motivate students.
State the ultimate goal of instruction.
Cause students to remain motivated beyond the instructor’s influence and apply what they have learned on the job to other areas of their lives. Life long learning.
State and discuss the six laws of learning.
LAW OF READINESS: People can only learn when they are ready.
LAW OF EXERCISE: Practice makes permanent and perfect.
LAW OF EFFECT: Learning is more effective when a reward accompanies.
LAW OF PRIMACY: The first instructional event creates a strong impression.
LAW OF INTENSITY: If the stimulus is real, learning is more likley to occur.
LAW OF RECENCY: Things learned last will be best remembered.
State and discuss five ways of learning.
Imitation: Observe and imitate.
Trial and error: Learning by doing.
Association: Past learning to new learning situations.
Insight: “ah-ha”
Transfer: Past learning to new but similar situations.
Discuss how motivation affects student learning.
Motivation determines whether a student achieves course objectives.
State and discuss the types of sensory learners.
Visual Learner. Learn by sight. 75 percent of basic learning.
Auditory Learner. Learn by hearing.
Kinesthetic Learner. Blend of all senses with psychomotor and perceptual skills.
State and discuss the four basic learning styles.
Concrete Learners: Rely on own feelings and personal judgments.
Active Learners: Prefer a step by step approach.
Reflective Learners: Observe and reflect before drawing conclusions.
Abstract Learners: prefer a theory based, analytical approach to learning.
Abstract = Twenty percent retained
Abstract and reflective = Fifty percent retained
Abstract, reflective, and concrete = Seventy percent retained
Abstract, reflective, concrete, and active = Ninety percent retained
Discuss the barriers to effective communication.
Lack of common core experience: Everyone has diffrent experiances.
Overuse of abstractionisms: Be spacific.
Environmental Factors:
State and discuss the purpose of an effective communication process.
Communication is the exchange of information. The process consists of a sender, a message, a delivery vehicle, a receiver, and feedback.
Discuss the importance of listening communication skills.
Process of hearing and understanding which demands concintration and attention.