11 - Muscular System Flashcards
What is the byproduct of movement using muscles?
What is the structure of a muscle?
A group of fascicles, which is a group of fibers, which are muscle cells.
What are the CT components of a muscle?
1) Fascia = CT
a) Epimysium – surrounds entire muscle
b) Perimysium – surrounds fascicles
c) Endomysium – surrounds each muscle fiber
2) Tendons + Aponeuroses
extensions of epi-, peri-, + endomysium
anchors to bone (periosteum), cartilage, skin, or fascia
tendon = rope-like
o e.g. Achilles tendon
aponeurosis = sheet-like
o e.g. galea aponeurotica = epicranial aponeurosis
What are the parts of a muscular fiber?
1) Sarcolemma = cell membrane
2) Sarcoplasm = cytoplasm
3) Myofibrils
4) T-tubules
5) Sarcoplasmic Reticulum
How many myofibrils per fiber?
Hundreds to Thousands
Describe the structure of a sarcomere.
• sarcomere structure (composed of proteins):
o made of 2 types of myofilaments:
a) thin filaments:
composed of:
i. actin – functions in contraction
ii. tropomyosin + iii. troponin – regulate contraction (regulatory proteins)
b) thick filaments
composed of:
i. myosin – functions in contraction
attached to Z discs by titin
has rod-like tail with 2 globular heads
o head extends toward actin and attaches to it – forming a crossbridge
o the myofilaments create dark + light bands (striations) of the sarcomere
Descibe the bands of a sarcomere.
o banding pattern:
a) A band
dark = length of thick filament – myosin + actin (with troponin + tropomysosin)
b) H zone
lighter band at center of A band – myosin only
c) I band
light = actin (with troponin + tropomyosin) + titin
d) Z discs (in center of I band)
actin + titin attach
connect sarcomeres: between 2 z-discs = 1 sarcomere
e) M line (middle line)
where myosin tails (thick myofilaments) attach to each other (center of sarcomere)
o sarcomeres join end to end (at Z discs) to form myofibrils
What are the T-tubules?
continuations of sarcolemma that extend deep into fiber (cell)
directly encircle myofilaments of myofibrils at junction of A & I bands (2/sarcomere)
Describe the sarcoplasmic reticulum.
= smooth ER
triad = 2 enlarged areas of SR (terminal cisternae) & T-tubule
What are the three mechanisms that muscles use to produce movement?
1) Pulling on bones when they contract
a) origin = attachment of tendon to stationary bone
b) insertion = attachment of tendon to movable bone (generally distal bone)
2) Using group action
a) agonist = major muscle producing the movement
b) synergists = help the agonist action and prevent undesirable motions caused by the agonist
c) antagonist = produces opposite action of agonist (contraction inhibited when agonist contracts)
3) Lever systems
bone/muscle interaction at a joint
a) levers = bone
b) fulcrum = joint
effort = contraction of agonist
resistance = opposes movement
effort must be greater than resistance to get movement
Describe the flexion and extension of the forearm according to muscle movement.
\: flexion of forearm o agonist = biceps brachii o antagonist = triceps brachii o synergists = brachialis, brachioradialis o lever = radius (insertion of agonist) o fulcrum = elbow joint o effort = muscle contraction o resistance = weight of forearm e.g.2: extension of forearm o agonist = triceps brachii o antagonist = biceps brachii
How do we name skeletal muscles?
1) Action they perform (in anatomical position)
a) Flexors
decrease angle between 2 bones
e.g. biceps brachii
b) Extensors
increase angle (back to anatomical position after flexion)
e.g. triceps brachii
c) Abductors
move limb away from midline
d) Adductors
move limb toward midline
2) Shape of Muscle
e.g.1: deltoid
o triangular shape
e.g.2: trapezius
o trapezoid shape (no two sides parallel)
3) Origin + Insertion
e.g.: sternocleidomastoid
o origin
• sterno = sternum
• cleido = clavicle
o insertion
• mastoid = mastoid process of temporal bone
4) Location
e.g.: tibialis anterior
5) Relative size
e.g.: gluteus
o maximus
o medius
o minimus
6) Direction of Fibers
e.g.1: rectus abdominis
o rectus = straight ||
e.g.1: external obliques \ //
7) Number of Origins
e.g.1: biceps brachii
o 2 origins on scapula
e.g.2: triceps brachii
o 3 origins on scapula and humerus
e.g.3: quadriceps femoris
o 4 origins on os coxa and femur