1.1 - Japan Flashcards
What does a hazard involve?
People - which disrupts day to day life
What does a disaster involve?
2,000 deaths /200,000 homeless / 5% GDP drop / 1 yr+ of aid or impact on a community
What is a hazard?
An event that is a potential threat to people or property
What is a disaster?
An event where losses are actually experienced/ harm is caused / hazard is realised / happens
What is the Hazard Risk Equation?
Event x Vulnerability
Capacity to Cope
When did the Tokohu tsunami occur?
March 2011
Where was the epicentre?
43 miles to the East
How powerful was the tsunami?
Most powerful to hit Japan and 4th most powerful in the world
How tall was the tsunami?
How many people were effected?
15,800 dead, 6,000 injured, 2,500 missing
How much damage was there?
$235 billion damage
What was the magnitude?
7.1 on the Richter scale
How many aftershocks were there?
How many countries offered aid?
How many buildings in Tokyo were destroyed and how?
30 by soil liquefaction
Why were people living 10 miles within the Fukushima power plant evacuated?
Radiation started to leak
How do you measure magnitude?
- use the Richter scale
- use P&S waves
- Moment magnitude scale
How do you measure intensity?
- Mercalli scale
- look at secondary hazards
How is vulnerability measured?
- physical: where they live
- economic: lost jobs, income, assets
- social: disadvantaged groups
- knowledge: training and education
- environment: population growth into risky areas
How do you measure capacity to cope?
- governance - strategies/organisations
- empowerment of individuals
- frequent drills
- faith in government
- media