1.1 Consideration for the case of reform Flashcards
in terms of the UKs democracy
why does the UK democracy need reform?
trust in politicans is sooooo bad now.
and like if voting is low, legitimacy and mandate is also so low
are the proposals for the reform of democracy convincing?
the usa has ballot initiatives where voters can influence public policy - this would be a good thing
it encourages accountability and would address claims of democratic deficit
what is democratic deficit?
if only a minority of citizens engage in politics, the government is illegitimate
proposals: people’s referendums
direct democracy!! currently, it feels like there are only referendums when the government need people to vote (brexit, genny lecs, etc)
referendums example - ireland
1937 constitution says any proposed constitutional change has to be endorsed by the public in a referendum
same sex marriage - 2015
abortion - 2018
what are the disadvantages of ireland having a referendum everytime there’s a call for constitutional reform?
can lead to overlaod Ireland had 19 referendums in 22 years with an average turnout of 48%
switzerland example?
if a petition demanding new law has over 100,000 signatures, a referendum is triggered.
what are the disadvantages of common referendums?
switzerland example
it could create a conflict between urgancies and long-term priorities.
in 2021, swiss voters rejected govs proposals for new green taxes to help it reach paris treaty carbon commitments, leaving its environmental policies.
these referndums are also majoritarian and they can be weaponised over divisive issues rather than advancing liberal democracy
debate surrounding e petitions
100,000 votes should trigger a parliemtnary vote says critics, but this would give gov less time to complete programmes they are voted in on
Eg. in 2021 an epetition demanded HS2 production be stopped immediately.
how could power of recall be improved? (+ US example)
broadening requirements? this could weaken whips + make MPs more responsive to their constitutients :D
19 states have policies of recallm in 2003 Gray Davis governor for california was recalled over his failure to balance the budget.
critics of broadening recall?
this would undermine the Burkean principle that MPs should act in their own conscience if MPs were recalled over decisions conflicting with their constituents, parliament could be deprived of free thinking MPs.
why is devolution a good thing for Scotland?
in Scotland and in Wales, issues are much closer to the public than they were before the Scotland Acts.
why could devolution be a bad thing in Scotland and Wales?
the turnout is low. The public don’t seem to be interested.
2004 vote in the North east
they were offered their own regional assembly, but only 22% voted in favour
why is the house of lords a negative thing for democracy?
political cronyism.