11-2T-38 Vol 3 Flashcards
How should you return NORDO from the MOA VMC?
Descend below 10,000’ in lateral confines of area and proceed to VFR entry with VFR hemispheric altitudes. E is odd plus 500, W is even plus 500
How should you return NORDO from the MOA in IMC?
Climb to FL240 in assigned airspace and proceed to IAP, hold and descend as published and execute published approach.
How should you return NORDO while on recovery in VMC?
Passing 10,000’ continue descent to VFR hemispheric altitude and proceed direct to VFR entry
How should you return NORDO while on recovery in IMC or in the radar pattern?
Intercept the 15 DME arc at 4000’ MSL and execute published approach to center. Do not descend below 4000’ until established in the approach
How should you fly NORDO when established in RSU/Tower pattern?
Fly normal groundtrack to initial and rock wings, pitch our to land and look for light gun signals on final.
How should you fly a complete electrical failure in day VMC?
Recover via NORDO procedures. Fly a st in, 1800’ MSL and fly over RSU at 500’ AGL, at DER turn Xwind for a st in and fly normal st in ground track at 2300’ MSL.
What is the controlled bailout area?
R-204, hdg 204, 15 DME, 4500’ MSL
What is joker fuel?
A prebriefed fuel state needed to terminate an event transition to the next phase of flight.
How do you compute MSA for a low level?
Add 500’ to the highest obstruction to flight within 5 mm of route centerline including the aircraft turn radius
How do you compute RAA (route abort altitude)?
Add 1000’ (2000’ in mt terrain) to elevation of the highest obstruction within 22 mm either side of the entire planned route
What is bingo fuel?
A prebriefed fuel state which allows the aircraft to return to the base of intended landing or alternate if required, using preplanned recovery parameters and arriving with normal recovery fuel.
What is normal recovery fuel?
The fuel on initial or FAF at the base of intended landing or alternate, if required. 800 lbs or local requirements whichever is higher.
What is min fuel?
600 lbs or less
What is emergency fuel?
400 lbs or less
What is the taxi interval?
150’ staggered or 300’ in trail
When must pins be stowed?
NET clear of parking area, NLT completion of before takeoff checklist
When should you place the wingman on the upwind side?
If the crosswind exceeds 5 knots
Do not takeoff if What?
1) . RCR<10
2) . Computed takeoff roll exceeds 80% (70% for formation takeoff) of the runway
Do not make formation takeoffs when:
1) runway width is <150’
2) standing water, ice, slush or snow is on the runway
3) . Crosswind or gust component>15 Kts
What’s the min takeoff interval? What about for join up on top?
10 seconds; 20 seconds
What is day weather criteria for VFR join up under a ceiling?
1500’ and 3 mi
What are rejoin parameters for flight lead?
300 Kts and 30 deg bank
What’s the min altitude for low altitude maneuvering?
500’ AGL
Aircraft will not descend below what during any portion of aerobatic maneuvering?
5000’ AGL
Can you attempt to shift the CG and change performance using differential throttles or cross feeding?
What’s the min maneuvering airspeed?
150 Kts
When are ops checks required?
1) . During climb or level off after takeoff
2) . Before each engagement or intercept
3) . Before entering air-to-surface range, once on range if doing multiple passes and after departing range
What do you check at a minimum on an ops check?
AFOGE Altitude of cabin Fuel qty and balance Oxygen system G suit connection Engine instruments
What is the query and response for ops checks in formation?
Fuel and Gs
When must you do a G-ex?
Anytime expected to maneuver above 5 Gs
Maintain a minimum of how much between aircraft during the G-ex?
Where can you do the G-ex?
1) . Special use airspace
2) . Above 10,000’ MSL or below 10,000’ MSL outside special use airspace
3) . Inside confines of MTRs and low level training zones
What do you use a knock it off call for?
When safety of flight is a factor.
What is the maximum flight size in IMC?
Four aircraft
Do not use rolling maneuvers to maintain or regain formation position below what?
5000’ AGL or in airspace where aerobatics are prohibited
What must a flight lead have before breaking up formations?
Must make sure each pilot has a positive fix from which to navigate (VOR, INS, GPS etc)
What are the min altitudes for lead changes?
500’ AGL over land; 1000’ AGL over water; 1500’ AGL in IMC (except radar downwind, can be below)
Do not initiate lead changes with what:
1) . Greater than 30 deg aft from line abreast
2) . Wingman further act than a normal fingertip or route position
When directed to deconflict what minimum altitude separation should be used (after a blind call)?
When are three situations where the flight lead is responsible for deconfliction?
1) . Tactical maneuvering places the leader in the wingman’s blind cone
2) . Wingman’s primary attention is away from lead
3) . Wingman calls blind and receives acknowledgement from the flight lead
Chase will not stack lower than lead below what altitude?
1000’ AGL
What is the chase cone?
30-60 deg cone, out to 1000’
When can you use category D minimums?
1) straight in approach is flown
2) aircraft is flown at final approach speed if 165 KIAS or less
3) aircraft is flown at 260 KTAS or less for the missed approach segment (which may not work at high pressure altitudes and temperatures)
At low altitude how will wingman or elements deconflict?
By going high relative to flight lead’s or element’s plane of motion
How will a flight respond to a blind call?
Make an informative position call, call altitude, deconflict at a minimum of 500’ altitude separation. If no acknowledgement of blind call, flight member going blind will maneuver away from lead’s last known position
What minimum of takeoff spacing will you use for trail departures?
20 seconds
Accelerate using AB power until what airspeed when doing a trail departure?
250 KTS
During climbs or descents each aircraft or element will call passing what?
5000’ altitude increments and heading until join up, level off or called visual
During a trail departure each aircraft or element will maintain how much vertical separation?
Formation penetration is restricted to two aircraft when:
Weather at the base of intended landing is less than overhead traffic pattern mins
When may a formation VMC drag maneuver be used to establish spacing?
1) . Weather is at least 1500’ ceiling and 3 mi vis
2) . Coordinated with ATC agency
3) . S turns will not be used and wgmn will not fly below final approach speed
4) . Min spacing is 3000’ or greater if briefed
5) . Latest drag point created separation and allows for flight lead to slow to final approach speed NLT 3 nm from the rwy
What does the 11-2T-38 say about icing restrictions?
Do not fly in areas of known or reported icing. Climbs or descents through icing conditions more severe than forecast light rime are prohibited.
If flight leads are unable to ensure separation or see known vertical obstacles they will direct a climb NLT what? To ensure vertical separation by what?
3 NM prior
2 NM from obstacle
At altitudes below what, wingman will not fly at a lower AGL altitude than lead?
1000’ AGL
When crossing high terrain during low altitude what should you do?
Maintain positive G and do not exceed 120 degrees of bank
What’s the minimum airspeed for low level navigation?
300 KTS
What’s the desired touchdown point?
150-1000’ from threshold for a VFR approach/landing
What will be taxi spacing at night?
300’ on centerline
How do you execute a night formation takeoff?
Call for brake release and gear retraction on radio, climb on runway heading to 1000’ before making any turns (expect when departure instructions don’t allow or doing night overheads)
Where can you change lead/wing positions?
Above 1500’ AGL or on radar downwind
What does the 11-2T-38 say about the altitude warning function?
It will be set to MSL.
What’s minimum break interval?
5 seconds
How can you do tactical entry to the overhead traffic pattern?
Max of four aircraft, lateral spacing of 4000-6000’, no more than 6000’ element spacing, lead element breaks to downwind abeam the touchdown point, if using offset box formation offset away from break direction, normal altitudes, airspeeds, spacing, downwind etc.
What is low approach min altitude for IPs or SEFEs? Formation low approaches? Chase aircraft during emergency?
50’ AGL; 100’ AGL; 300’ AGL unless safety or circumstances dictate otherwise
During a go-around what altitude must you maintain?
500’ below a VFR overhead traffic pattern altitude until cross the DER
For a closed pull up plan to arrive at downwind at what airspeed?
200-240 KTS
What must the weather be for a formation approach?
500’ ceiling and 1 1/2 mi vis or the highest of any flight member’s weather category, whichever is higher
How should the flight lead position the wingman during a formation approach?
On the upwind side if the crosswind exceeds 5 knots. Do not land if the crosswind exceeds 15 knots.
How much lateral wingtip spacing for a formation approach?
What if the wingman overruns the lead after landing?
Both pilots will accept the overrun, the wingman will not attempt to reposition behind lead
What is the minimum runway width for formation landings?
Pilots will not land in formation if:
1) Crosswinds exceed 15 knots
2) Runway reported wet, or has ice, slush or snow on it
3) Arresting gear tape connectors on the runway surface at the approach end of 150’ wide runways
4) With a PMP aircraft on the wing of a non-PMP aircraft
What are 2 situations when we should not land single-ship?
1) Computed landing roll exceeds 80% of available runway
2) RCR is less than 10
What are solo crosswind limits (including gusts)?
15 knots for dry runway
10 knots for wet runway
If crosswinds exceed 15 knots what is the min runway length for 60 and 100% flap touch-and-gos?
10,000’ without a suitable barrier. Do not perform no-flap touch-and-go landings without a suitable barrier with these crosswinds.
What are maneuvering limitations for air-to-air weapons employment?
1) Negative G guns jink maneuvers are prohibited
2) Minimum airspeed during maneuvering low altitude training is 350 KTS
3) Min maneuvering airspeed during ACBT is 150 knots
What are basic weather minimums for air-to-surface weapons employment?
Ceiling no lower than 2000’ AGL for climbing or diving deliveries or 1500’ AGL for level deliveries
Can you deliver weapons and do range ops at night?
Do not taxi an aircraft with what malfunctions:
1) NWS
2) Brake system
3) Canopy
4) Generator failure
How do we abort as a formation?
We don’t do sympathetic aborts unless something on the runway poses a hazard to both aircraft.
Abort the mission for any of the following regardless of normal operation:
1) Birdstrike or FOD
2) Over-G
3) Flight control system anomalies
4) Engine flameout, stagnation, or shutdown
What should be done in formation with a NORDO aircraft?
Lead them to the base of intended landing and execute a formation approach to a dropoff on final
If flying other than close or route formation when radio failure occurs what should the NORDO aircraft do?
Attempt to rejoin to a route position at approximately 500’ and wait for a wing rock to move in closer and pass signals
What should you do if NORDO during surface attack procedures?
Attempt contact with the range control officer, then make a pass by the control tower on attack heading while rocking wings. Turn in direction of traffic if only have NORDO. If have other emergency turn away from direction of target for class A and B ranges.
How will the chase direct a go-around for a straight-in approach with a NORDO aircraft?
It will pass the NORDO aircraft and rock its wings
How will lead direct a go-around for a straight-in approach with a NORDO aircraft?
Make a gentle turn into the wingman and begin the go-around
For two or three ship flights in wings level flight how do you do lost wingman when straight and level? Inside the turn? Outside the turn?
15 deg of bank for 15 seconds, resume heading
Reduce power for nose-tail separation, and keep AOB until have separation, tell lead to roll out
Reverse direction of turn 15 deg bank for 15 seconds
Lost wingman for final? For missed approach?
Momentarily turn away, commence climb, inform lead, and proceed to MAP
Momentarily turn away, inform lead and continue the published or assigned missed approach procedure while climbing to 500’ above missed approach altitude
For number 4 how do you execute lost wingman when wings level? Inside turn? Outside the turn?
30 deg bank for 30 sec then resume heading
Reduce power for nose-tail separation and increase bank by 15 degrees and tell lead to roll out
Reverse direction of turn using 30 deg bank for 30 s
When can you practice lost wingman procedures?
Only in day VMC
How should you deal with spatial D single-ship?
Concentrate on instruments head-down, bring aircraft to straight and level flight and maintain for 30-60 s. If still does not fix then advise ATC and declare an emergency
How should you deal with spatial D in formation as lead?
Notify wingmen, wingmen should confirm attitude and provide verbal feedback, if continues, terminate mission
How should you deal with spatial D in formation as wingman?
Notify lead, lead advises on attitude, altitude, heading and airspeed, establish straight and level flight for 30-60 s, if continues should consider passing lead to wingman and have them fly straight and level for 60 s.
How should you deal with spatial D as a four ship?
Split into elements and handle it
What is a simulated emergency procedure?
A procedure that produces an effect that would closely parallel the actual emergency
What are the SAR procedures (Search and Rescue)?
Squawk, talk (use Guard), Mark, Separate (remain above chutes and allow 1 min/1000’ and deconflict other SAR aircraft, Bingo (revise bingo for max SAR coverage but do not overfly)
What are the solo student restrictions?
No TP stalls or slow flight
No practice nose high or low recoveries
No lost wingman as wing
No rolling takeoffs
No practice emergency patterns or landings
No low closed or circling
No formation landings
No takeoffs with crosswinds greater than 15 knots, or landings with crosswinds greater than 15 knots (dry) or 10 knots (wet)
Patterns or landings with more than 2500 lbs fuel
Formation low approaches below 300’ AGL
What is solo student min fuel?
800 lbs
When may post-contact checkride solo students climb and descend through IMC?
If the ceiling is at or above 5000’ AGL and not more than 2000’ thick with min in flight vis above and below ceiling of 5 mi. No level off or cruise in any IMC
If not using actual weights assume takeoff fuel weight to be what (dual or solo)?
3800 lbs
Pilots will ensure calculated takeoff roll is less than it equal to what?
Pilots will ensure CFL is less than or equal to what?
Accelerate-stop distance available
Can we use aircraft with expired databases?
Yes, in accordance with 11-217V1. RNAV ops are prohibited.
If it is necessary to place items on rear cockpit breaker panels they should not exceed what?
8 inches in height to prevent interference with the balance weight arm
G suits are required for all sprites except what?
Instrument or navigation.
What must solo student pilots do with regards to arming their seat and installing pins?
Stop the aircraft prior to removing or reinstalling their seat pins. Make a radio call to the controlling agency stating that the seat is armed prior to being cleared for takeoff
As a minimum use the VDTS to record what?
MOA work, air to air and air to surface training, low level flight, pattern work and aerial events
When DS<=EF, what is go speed with a remotely controlled BAK-15?
When DS>EF, what is go speed with a remotely controlled BAK-15?
If DS<=TOS then OG/CC approval is needed and TOS is go/no-go speed