11-251 Maneuvers Flashcards
Full aft-stick stall parameters
Level flight below FL200, 80% rpm minimum
What does a full stall look like?
140 KCAS, nose slightly low, 6000 fpm descent, 1.1 AOA
When should you discontinue the full aft stick stall?
Bank exceeds 90 deg or stabilizes past 60 deg
Simulated trim failure parameters
300 KCAS, trimmed for level flight
Mr Immelmann likes to Loop in Cuba (parameters for Immelmann, Loop, and Cuban Eight)
500 KCAS, MIL pwr, 8000-10,000’ above
Immelmann: 1 nm forward
Cuban Eight: 1 nm forward, 2 nm behind
Loop: 1-2 nm ahead
A Lazy Eight is half a Barrel Roll (parameters for Lazy Eight and Barrel Roll)
95% rpm
Lazy Eight: 350-400 KCAS, 4000’-6000’ above, 2 nm forward, 6 nm in direction of turn
Barrel Roll: 375-400 KCAS, 4000’-8000’ above, 3 nm forward (the 8 does NOT go to the Lazy Eight)
Cloverleaf parameters
450 KCAS, 170-200 KCAS inverted, 3 nm forward, 3 nm opposite direction of first turn, 2 nm in direction of first turn, 8000’-10,000’ above
Split-S parameters
200 KCAS, 7,000’-10,000’ below, MIL power
(Technique, squidward, 230 KCAS, pull up to 10 deg NH, then roll inverted)
1 nm forward, 1 nm behind
When should you rotate on takeoff and to what pitch attitude?
145 KCAS
7 deg NH
When does the nosewheel liftoff? When should the aircraft fly off the runway?
155 KCAS
165 KCAS
During an over-the-top maneuver approximately how much energy will be lost?
500’ altitude
What two things should you check when going to MAX on a static TO?
AB operation and EGT stabilizes within limits
When should you slow to 240 KCAS during an approach or a pattern?
Base turn or 10-15 miles for straight-in
On the climb out when should you reduce power out of MAX?
Between 220-280 KCAS
On the climb out when should you terminate AB?
300 KCAS
Do not exceed what airspeed below 10,000’?
Do not exceed what airspeed above 10,000’ with a WSSP?
300 KCAS; 400 KCAS
When can you combine the climb check with the level-off check?
When leveling off at any altitude at or below FL180
How do you do a MAX climb?
Climb at 350 KCAS, 20-25 deg NH. Passing 10,000’ accelerate to hold 0.9 Mach indicated
When flying above FL350 fly what airspeed at a minimum?
Mach 0.9
What are the only 3 suitable barriers?
BAK-15, MA-1, and MA-1A
True/False. You can taxi the T-38 single-engine.
False. You can, however, clear an active runway of gear is pinned.
Approximately what AOA is final approach speed?
0.6 AOA
When should you initiate the break?
Between approach end and 3000’ down the runway
45 deg off the preceding aircraft in the break and abeam the aircraft in the break ensure what spacings?
How do you execute a closed pull up?
Start it at 240 KCAS and maintain 200 KCAS in the pull up as execute 180 deg turn
What’s a guide for level flight in the break turn?
FPM or pitot boom on horizon
What’s normal no-wind space for a 1500’ pattern?
1-1.3 nm
What is the desired rollout point for the final turn?
1-1.3 nm from threshold, 300-390’ AGL
A T-38 2/3rds of the way through the final turn and abeam ensure what spacings?
How should you fly the final turn?
Confirm configuration, 45 deg bank at perch, 0.6 AOA, want VVI to indicate twice AGL (3000 fpm for 1500’ pattern), halfway around, halfway down
When can you consider the final turn made?
Less than 30 deg bank required, within 30 deg of runway alignment , less than 0.6 AOA required
What VVI should you see on final?
700-900 fpm
Where should you put your HUD off aimpoint?
Top of lower glass of HUD
What rpm will maintain on speed indications in a normal glide slope?
Approximately 90%
Where should you put your aimpoint?
100-200’ past the threshold
According to the crack-shift-idle-flare technique, when should you crack? Shift? Idle-flare?
1000’ before aimpoint
500-750’ before aimpoint to move FPM 100-200’ down
300-500’ before aimpoint
What is touchdown speed?
20-25 knots below final approach airspeed
At what airspeed should the aircraft cross the threshold at?
5-10 knots below final approach speed
Where on the runway should the aircraft touchdown?
150-1000’ down the runway
What reference do you use for landing hot/cold side?
Centerline between main landing gear and wingtip
The VASI/PAPI systems are for what parameters of approach?
Touchdown 2000’ down runway, 2.5-3 deg glideslope
What pitch attitude do you use to aerobrake?
10-12 deg NH
How can you calculate landing distance?
2500’+fuel remaining+touchdown point?
Upon landing keep the stick full aft until what airspeed?
Fly the nose to the runway at what airspeed on landing?
100 KCAS
How should you plan to land when XW exceed 15 knots?
Land on the upwind side of the runway
Crosswind landings may have increased landing distances of up to what?
50% more
A no-flap pattern needs how much spacing from the runway?
1.5 NM
Where should you put the FPM on a no-flap pattern?
4-6 deg NL
Where should you put the aimpoint for a no-flap no-HUD approach?
1/3 of the way up the HUD glass or slightly above the AOA indexer
How can you calculate landing distance for a no-flap pattern?
(2500+fuel remaining)x2+touchdown pt
How should you fly a single-engine pattern and approach?
Bad engine at no less than 60% rpm
Use rudder to counteract asymmetric thrust until on glideslope and then fly uncoordinated
How much distance will an actual single engine approach/landing add?
True/False. Following a touch-and-go or go-around situation (unplanned) for a single engine approach continue using that one engine to simulate single-engine conditions.
False. Use both engines in both cases.
How should you fly a practice single-engine go-around?
Bad engine no less than 60% rpm, from a straight-in or normal pattern, use both engines on final until planned go-around, apply boldface
What is considered an excessive sink rate?
Twice the normal amount of sink rate
What should you do when encountering excessive sink rate?
Execute a stall recovery
What is light buffet?
0.6 AOA, green donut, final approach speed
What is moderate buffet?
0.7 AOA to Definite Increase in Buffet Intensity (DIBI), red chevron
What is DIBI?
0.8 AOA, increased amplitude of buffet but decreased frequency, may have wing rock
What is heavy buffet?
Greater than DIBI AOA to point where stick is at full aft stop
How do you recover from a stall?
Both throttles to MAX, relax as needed, roll wings level, fly AOA just below DIBI (may have stall warnings), airspeed should be constant, set a climb
What four pilot-controlled variables determined controlled patterns?
Altitude, airspeed, configuration and power
What is overrotation?
An abrupt excessive backstick pressure which results in too much nose-high
How do you execute a go-around?
Set power to MIL (or MAX) if required, attain final approach airspeed at a minimum, retract landing gear when sure won’t touch down and retract flaps when have sufficient airspeed
How do you execute a go-around from the final turn?
Set power as required, climb and descend as necessary, attain final approach speed at a minimum, clean up, maintain between 240 and 300 KCAS
How should you do alternate gear extension?
Flaps first, then gear
How do you reset the alternate gear extension system?
Make sure alternate gear extension handle is stowed. Cycle the gear handle down, then up, then down again
How can you recover the aircraft if the airspeed indicator fails?
Use AOA because it’s independent or ground speed on MFD or known power settings or fuel flow. Get a chase ship if able. 0.5 AOA is usually good to lower gear.
How do you signal that you need assistance from Mx or the fire department following an emergency landing?
Hold the brakes and raise both hands.
How can you calculate cruise indicated Mach?
0.52 Mach + altitude/1000
How can you attain cruise speed at a medium/low altitude (less than 10,000’)?
Set a fuel flow of approximately 1200 pph/engine to maintain 300 KCAS
When will the Min Mach caret appear?
Above FL280
In all cases when flying above 35,000’ MSL what minimum speed should you fly?
Mach 0.9 or higher (as indicated by the technical order)
Where should you put your HUD off no flap aimpoint?
A third of the way up the glass.
How do you fly the rudder effectiveness exercise?
Configure, level flight, 0.8-0.85 AOA, apply full rudder until the aircraft begins to react, then apply full rudder in the other direction and take it out before the aircraft begins to react.
How do you fly a turn reversal?
Mil power, between 350-400 KCAS, roll into 90 deg of bank and 4 Gs, unload and roll the other way, then, holding 4 Gs on the jet turn the other way using rudder.
How do you fly an accelerated stall?
MIL power, 300 KCAS, 2-3G turn to light buffet and then increase back stick pressure until the nose stops tracking.
What are the parameters for a pitchback?
MIL power, 450-500 KCAS, bank between 0 and 90 deg, pull to 4-5 Gs and finish inverted
What are the parameters for a sliceback?
MIL power, 200-300 KCAS, bank between 90 and 180 deg, pull to light buffet, 180 deg of turn
What are the parameters for a low-speed stab ex?
85% RPM min, 60 deg NH, as airspeed decreases through 170, unload to 0.5G, attempt to maintain level flight as jet hits horizon, note stall indications and maintain 0.5 G until 175-200 and recover to level flight.
What pitch do you hold for a 15 knot plus crosswind landing?
Landing attitude. Do not aerobrake
What’s the HUD off aimpoint full flap?
Top of HUD combining glass
Maintain what airspeed on the go-around?
240-300 KCAS
How do you reset the landing gear?
Handle down, up, then down again
What AOA indicates safe single engine airspeed?
What AOA indicates safe gear-lowering speed?
How much altitude for airspeed?
1000’ altitude for 50 knots airspeed
How do you best exchange altitude and airspeed?
MIL power, canopy bow on horizon or 80-85% rpm and 20 deg NH