11/26/2024: Implicit Bias Flashcards
What is Implicit Bias? What questions do we need to answer about it?
When and How it arises?
Can we overcome it’s influence?
What is it? The press says “unconcious attitude” but Fazio disagrees. Conflates measure with construct.
How does the Perceptual Institute (Starbucks people) and even researchers define Implicit bias?
Unconscious attitude
But what does FAZIO says Implicit bias ACTUALLY is?
Better to think it is an EFFECT of attitude which on MIGHT be unaware of
No evidence the attitude is what they are unaware of
Perception is [blank] in nature and effected by what?
Context, Expectations, Hopes/Wishes/Aspirations/Stereotypes/Attitudes
Perception vs. Judgement
Sometimes clear we are judging (jury) but experience is perceiving. Not aware perception is influecnedby stereotypes and attitudes.
MODE MOdel of attitude to behavior
Attitude auto activated –> Judgement or behavior
(Ex: April 15th, Tax Day) It’s all associations.
BUT! Motiations to change, and opporuntities to change are what matters
When we use priming words with black and white faces, the modern racism scale, and motivation to control prejudice, what is actually going on?
Truely unprejudged: low automatic attitude regardless of scores
Prejudiced: I’m racist, and I have no desire to change
Motivated Egalitarian: I have an automatically negative attitude BUT! I’m trying to change
Low motivation to control: More modern racism = more prejudice
BUT! High motivation = over correction.
MODERATION By motivation.
What would happen in a racism study where we trick you? Say you’re just evaluating applicants for a job and we’re not activating motivation.
What happens and why? What about roommate relationships?
Judgement not viewed as race related, you have depleted resources, fatigue and time pressure. Having suppressed emotions and consumed alcohol will do the same thing.
Lack of Opportunity
Judge black candidates more harshly if automatically activated attitude, UNMODERATED by motivation to not be racist. Same thing happens with roommates, because you can’t be motivated all the time.
Implicit Measures in Romantic Relationships
Implicit attitudes prospectively predict dissolution of relationship and long-term changes in marital satisfaction.
Positive illusions- the things we tell ourselves.
When implicit measures are used, people may be unaware attitude is being measure, but does this mean they are unaware of the attitude itself?
NO! Conflating measure with construct!
Discordance between implicit and explicit does not = unaware Need additional evidence, and other studies give evidence of that awareness
How does Hahn, Judd, Hirsh, and Blair (2014) go after the “unawareness” issue, or the idea that explicit and implicit not matching might not mean unaware of attitude.
Within subjects (GETS AROUND DIFFERENT LEVELS OF AWARENESS BETWEEN PEOPLE). IAT trainign on black vs. white, child vs. adult, etc.
Saying culture or my attitude didn’t matter
Average wihtin subject correlation = .55
Conclusion: Evidence of some awareness.
So in conclusion: When and how does implicit bias arise?
When strongly ASSOCIATED attitude is auto activated
Can one overcome implicit bias?
Yes, IF
1) Motivation
2) opportunity
What is implicit bias?
EFFECT of an attitude. One is unaware of the effect not the attitude itself.
Implicit Association Test: What drives it?
De Houwer 2001 demonstrated 2 types of assocations, what are they?
“ease of associating two concepts”
1) Category membership (Tulip is a flower)
2) Individual exemplar (tulip is +)