105.9 Rules of the Road Flashcards
Is a vessel that is trolling a Fishing Vessel or a Power Vessel?
It is a power vessel, since other than the act of fishing, trolling does not inhibit maneuverability, like the using nets, lines, etc.
Proper lookout means
CONTINUOUS scanning, using all senses but primarily direct sight and use of equipment
When doing a proper lookout, always remember to look….
astern of you. For boats and ships coming at you from behind also have rules.
A risk of collision exists when the compass or relative heading of a boat…
… does not change over time.
Head-on boats alter their course (how) and (to do what)?
alter to starboard to pass port-side to port-side
In a crossing situation, the boat __ ____ is the stand-on boat. Your boat is the ___ ___ boat.
on the starboard; give-way boat
Is there any difference between a power vessel over taking a sailboat or a sailboat overtaking a power vessel?
No. The boat being overtaken is the stand on boat; the over-taking boat is the give way boat.
A stand-on vessels primary responsibility is to maintain ____ and ____, yet still ultimately avoid ______.
speed and course; collision
A boat further into the wind from you is considered a _____ boat, and the opposite downwind boat is considered _____.
windward; leeward
If you are the Give Way vessel, you must either (3 things)
change speed, change course, stop
Actions take to avoid collision should be done ____ and _____.
early and substantially (to make clear to other boat)
When two sailboats have wind on their opposing sides,
the one on a starboard tack (wind coming over the starboard side) is the stand-on vessel; the one on a port tack (wind coming over their port side) is the give way. Starboard-side light is green, starboard-side WIND (NOT BOOM) is go.
When two sailboats both have wind coming from the same side…
the windward boat (the one closer to the wind’s source) is the give-way boat.
Why? Windward boat likely have better manueverability, and might even be blocking the wind of the other boat.
Nuance — In sailing’s Rules of Racing, the windward side of the boat is always the side…
…. opposite from where the boom is sitting. (Boom, though, may not always be on the true leeward side of the boat, due to preventers or other issues.
In a narrow channel, ___ boat of less than ___ meters, and sailboats of ___ size, must….
This takes precedent over…
ANY; 20; ANY
not impede the passage of vessels that can only navigate within the channel.
…. normal rules of the road
Rules re: Separation zones include (3 things)
- Shipping vessels must travel in the indicated direction on a chart
- Must stay out of the neutral zone
- When crossing a shipping zone, do so AQAP and at a right angle
Enumerate the hierarchy of rights from least rights to greatest (six of them)
- Seaplane (must keep clear of all)
- Power vessel
- Sailing vessel (not under power)
- Fishing vessel (but not trolling only)
- Vessel restricted in its ability to move
- Vessel not under command
Adjust speed in fog to align with (three things)…
- limits of visibility
- density of other traffic
- maneuverability of own boat
When you hear a fog horn ahead, be ready to
turn right to avoid a collision
Sailboats are under less of an imperative to reduce speed in fog because reducing speed also…
…decreases maneuverability
Fog signals generally indicate the
…type of vessel or landmark blowing its horn
Fog signals are always issue in
…two minute intervals unless
Fog signals are either _____ or _____, lasting respectively ____ and ____ seconds.
short; prolonged; 1 second; 4 to 6 seconds. (NOTE on cards here, may be referred to as dash and dot)
Fog signal for a power vessel of any size underway (vessel is not moored, anchored or aground, not necessary engine on)
1 Prolonged
Fog signal for Power vessel underway (not moored, anchored, aground) but stopped/not making way
2 Prolonged
Fog signals for any of the following:
Vessel not under command
Restricted in ability to move
A sailing vessel
Fishing boat
Tug with tow or pushing
Dash Dot Dot
Fog signal for Last vessel in a tow
Dash dot dot dot
Fog signal for pilot vessel
dot dot dot dot
Ringing of five bells indicates
Vessel under 100 meters at anchor; not required for vessels under 20 meters or in certain anchorages
Ringing of five gongs
Follows ringing of five bells for vessels OVER 100 meters at anchor
Bells are at the bow; Gong is at the stern
The odd thing about a masthead light is that it…
… frequently isnt at the mast head but part way up the mast
Arc of a masthead light
White light, covering 180 degrees beam to beam plus 22.5 degrees (half of 45 degrees on each side. So 225 degrees total (180+22.5+22.5)
Arc of Side lights
Red or green, 112 degrees from bow on each side = (90 + 22.5)
Arc of stern light
White light at stern with arc of 135 degrees total (90-22.5 on one side, plus 90-22.5 on other side, or said differently 180 - 45 = 135)
Towing vessel lights color and position
A towing vessel has a yellow light at the stern when towing
two or three white masthead lights facing forward
Another name for an anchor light is…
an all-around light
Anchor light characteristics (location, color, arc)
At the mast head (go figure…), white, 360 degrees
When at anchor with anchor light on, turn ___…..
off all other running lights.
Lights on a power vessel UNDER 50 meters
Allowable for under 12 meters is…
single masthead light, side lights, stern light
under 12, the masthead and stern light can be combined into one all-around light, but side lights must be lit (otherwise will appear at anchor)
Power vessel towing
Normal masthead, sidelights, stern lights
stern yellow light all-around
second masthead light if tow is < 200 meters
third masthead light if tow is > 200 meters
Lights on a power vessel OVER 50 meters
single masthead light, side lights, stern light
a second masthead light located aft and higher than first one
Relative position of masthead lights indicates which way boat is heading (schooner, scoop)
Unique lights for a tug alongside or pushing its tow
International - no yellow light at stern
Inland waters, TWO vertical yellow lights
Behind a tug beware an
unlighted two
Behind a tug, towed vessel should show
either normal running lights or at least a all-around white light.
A sailing vessel underway should show what lights and not what lights
sidelights and stern lights only.
not masthead light (only used when under power)
not all-around white (only used when at anchor)
Lights on a row boat or sailboats less than 7 meters
A flashlight may be used for (two situations)
row boat / dinghy
sailing vessel under 7 meters
Sailboats should shine a spot light on ….. and not on …..
its sails
eyes of the other ship
A tricolor at the top of the mast may be used on boats less than ___ International and ___ Inland
Special light situations Red over Red
I’ve lost my head – vessel not under command but also not in distress
Special light situation Red over White over Red
Can’t control my head – vessel with limited maneuverability
Rigid-hull Inflatable Boat
If a dingy or RIB can travel fast than 7 knots…
the dighy or RIB must have running lights (otherwise just a flashlight)
When on dinghy or RIB, can also use the ____ ____ frequently found on VHF
strobe function (but be careful if it sends SOS signal)
Three vertical whites
towing at night
Red over Red over Red
Constrained by draft
Green over white
trawling at night
towing nets
Red over white
fishing at night
White over red
pilot ahead
Single white light
Vessel under 50m at anchor.
If over 50m, two white lights, forward and astern
Day Shapes: Single black ball
Vessel at anchor
Day Shapes: two black balls
Vessel not under command
Day Shapes: Black Diamond
Vessel is towing
Day Shapes
Restricted maneuverability
Day Shapes
Diamond along side Ball or Diamond over Ball
Towing AND restricted in maneuverability
Day Shapes
Inverted Cone
Sailing vessel with both
Sails aloft
Running engine
Signals you are a power vessel even though sails are up
Whistle Signals: Only used when and why?
Within sight of one another
Not to confuse with fog signals
Whistle signal: One short blast International
Turning to starboard for port-to-port pass
Whistle Signals - two short blasts International
I am altering my course to port
Whistle Signals - Three short blasts International
I am backing
Whistle Signals (Inland) – one short blast
I intend to leave you on my port side
Whistle Signals (inland) – two short blasts
I intend to leave you on my starboard side
Whistle Signals (inland) - three short blasts
I intend backing
Whistle Signals (inland) - one short blast while overtaking
I intend to pass you on your starboard side
Whistle Signals (inland) - two short blasts while overtaking
I intend to pass you on your port side
Whistle Signals (international) - Dash dash dot when passing
I intend to overtake you on your starboard side
Whistle Signals (international) - Dash dash dot dot when passing
Intend to overtake on your port side
In international waters, except when overtaking, Whistle Signals are indications of….
actions in progress, therefore no reply is needed. Unless disagreement, and reply should be five short blasts
In inland waters, except when overtaking, Whistle Signals are indications of….
intention. The other boat should respond with exact same signal. If disagree, five short blasts.
Whistle Signal: When naviating around a blind turn where a boat may be coming the other direction
One prolonged blast (4 to 6 seconds)
“Distress” means a vessel needs
immediate help
Distress signals when vessel needs immediate help (seven of them):
2 sound related
6 sight-line related
1 multi-purpose
3 electronic
- Firing gun or explosive signal one minute intervals
- Continuous short blasts of fog horn
- Red flares. (Red indicates distress. White are used to attract attention of another boat)
- Orange smoke signals
- Orange signal flag w/ black square and ball
- International Code Flags N over C (Need Care)
- Open flames?!?!?
- Slow repeated raising and lower or arms
- SOS made by any means
- Call on VHF Channel 16
- DSC radio signal (if registered)
In nearly all instances of “give way”, two legitimate options besides turning are to
slow down or stop
Two sailboats, same tack, one windward, one leeward
Windward boat must keep clear by turning, slowing, stopping
When describing whistle pattern to be used (for example DASH DOT DOT for sailboats and many other vessels other than plain power boat) you should also indicate…
…. frequency of signal