105.6 Tides and Tidal Currents Flashcards
“Tide” refers only to the ___ and ___ of coastal waters
Rise and fall – it strictly refers only to vertical change
Where coast waters flow horizontally is call ____ ____, including ___ (in) currents and ___ (out) currents
Tidal currents; flood; ebb
Describe a day of tides and current
- Low tide
- Flood tidal current –> rising tide level
- Reaches maximum height –> slack current
- Ebb tidal current –> lower tide level
- Reaches minimum height –> slack current
- Rinse and repeat one more day
The maximum tidal current speed is ______ between tide extremes – rising and falling back to zero over time from max high to max low
Slack current can last between ____ and ____ minutes, depending on location
two and twelve
Typical time between high and low tides is
6 hours and 13 minutes
The entire “daily” tide cycle (including slack water time) takes how much time?
24 hours and 50 minutes (so not quite daily). That’s why tables are needed
Use a tide and current table to find:
- Times of high and low tides
- Depth of water at each of those points
- Set and drift, including times of maximum current
- Times of slack water
Tides are caused by the gravity of
the moon
Why does an equivalent bulge happen on the side of earth away from moon?
Centrifugal force seeking balance
The moon travels around the earth every
24 hours 50 minutes (same a tidal day)
When sun and moon aligned, get
spring tides, full or new moon, high tides are higher than average, low tides are lower than average
When sun and moon at 90 degree angle to one another, get
neap tides, quarter moons, high tides lower than average, low tides higher than average
Actual peak spring and neap tides occur:
slightly after full/new moons, after quarter moons
Comparatively, the sun’s influence on tides is only
half that of the moon
Tidal CURRENT Table 1 is for ____ and gives
Select Reference Stations (e.g., SFO, SD in CA); Slack water times; and Max Current Velocity Times –
Tidal CURRENT Table 2 is for _____ and gives
Subordinate Stations; correction factors to apply to Table 1 data
Tidal Current Tables are expressed in _____ _____ Time. You must adjust for _____ _____ time.
Local Standard Time; Daylight Savings Time
The Velocity Ratios on Table 2 are a _____ of the velocities shown on Table 1.
percentages (i.e., .4 = 40%)
To get actual Tidal Current information at a Subordinate Station you must combine the information from
Table 1 and Table 2
Tidal Current Table 3 purpose
Calculate Current velocity of at any time
Tidal Current Table 3 x-axis; y-axis; resulting value; its use
X difference between time of slack and time of max from Table 1 (and potentially adjusted for Table 2 Subordinate Stations); Y difference between time of slack and the desired time; table value is a percentage factor (.8 = 80%); apply that to the max current shown on Table 1
Tide Tables (not Current) have a similar process to determine water height in between published times similar to Table __ in the ______ ______ tables
3; Tidal Current
Main flow of a current is usually at the _____ of the flow, with _____ eddies and _____-currents at the edges.
middle; reversing; counter
What is the shoaling effect?
Water speeding up over shallower surfaces; rough water on top
Seas are steeper and rougher when the ____ and ____ are in opposition
current and wind
Winds can create a current of _____ _____ likely no more than ____ knot.
surface water; 1 knot
Storms affect tidal heights. A drop of ____ in barometric pressure will raise tide height by ____.
1-inch; 1 foot
Visual indications of current is the buoy ____. In strong current a buoy will also have a
buoy wake; it will have a bow wave;
The heel of a buoy can indicate the ___ of the current.
set; buoy heels WITH the direction of current flow
An anchored boat will ride bow-to a combination of wind and current. If there is no wind, it indicates the currents
Wet or dry shoreside objects can also indicate
ebb or flood tide
Rule of twelfths
1 hour after high/low, 8% change (I'd round to 10%) 2 hours after, 25% change 3 hours after, 50% change 4 hours after, 75% change 5 hours after, 90% change 6 hours 13 min after, change is 100%
Insetting currents are …. and in the book are called the
the tendency of ocean coastal currents to also push inward toward bays and the shore… silent trap.
Why can insetting currents catch skippers off-guard?
Sounders might be off if think 1000 feet of water below; Radar reflectors might pick up distant hills or mountains but not the miles of beach and low land leading to them; GPS can be off by a mile or two. Open your eyes!
Discolored water can indicate current flows
Bright clear warm water of Gulf Stream vs. green, dark, cold water of Labrador Current
Debris in the water can indicate current flows
Generally coming from onshore out to sea
Summarize Triangle 1 Steps
- Draw vector from point of dep
- From vector tip, draw exactly a 1 hour @ Boat Speed line intersecting back to DR. Mark that point. You now have triangle.
- Drawn line is the heading to offset current/leeway.
- Measure Dep to line intersection point for true boat speed
Summarize Triangle 2 Steps
- Plot fix point off the DR line @ t = X. Draw line back to departure.
- Connect DR plot @ t = X to fix. You now have triangle.
- Mag of that line is the Set.
- Bring that mag line back to the 1 hour mark