NAVEDTRA 133A (series), Training Requirement Review (TRR ) NAVEDTRA 135 (series), Navy School Management Manual NETCINST 1500.9 (series), Training Requirement Identification and Resource sponsor Commitment
Training Requirement Review (TRR)
60-month cycle
event occurs
Naval Education Training Command (NETC)
Provides policy and guidance
oversight of policy and guidance.
Learning Center Commanding Officer
Serves as CCA
TRR Executive Steering Committee (ESC).
Learning Center Director of Training
TRR oversight and guidance
schedule and approves
release of TRR messages
Learning Center Learning Standards Officer
Manages TRR process, provides guidance and assistance,
Learning Center TRR Coordinator
Plans/ facilitates TRR,
Course Curriculum Model Manager (CCMM)
TRR Executive Steering Committee
reviews, validates, and prioritizes TRR Action Chits
responsible for training requirements under TRR
input data that affects training requirement validation
TCCD, CTTL, PPP, Unresolved TRR Action Chits, Performance Issue documentation, Non-
academic Factor documentation, Occupational Standards (OCCSTDs), Navy Training System
Plan (NTSP), Safety Issue documentation Job Duty Analysis (JDTA) Data.
four triggers to conduct TRR
Requests by Requirement Sponsor
Fleet Feedback
Course Surveillance
Curriculum Control Authority (CCA) directed
Annual TRR Schedule Message
30 days prior to Oct 1
TRR Announcement Message
90-days prior to the date of the TRR
course(s), CIN(s), tentative agenda, date, and location
TRR Agenda Message
60-days prior to date of TRR
TRR Action Chit Message
Summarizes the TRR
requests sponsors provide POA&M and provides POC information
Formal Course Review (FCR)
Formal Course Review (FCR)
findings for submission during a FCR.
findings for submission during a FCR.
Training Requirement Identification and Resource Sponsor
NETC requires a commitment from the resource sponsor that the requirement is valid and
resources will be programmed and sustained.
List the three forms of acceptable actions from a Resource Sponsor identifying
the commitment of resources to a valid training requirement
Naval Message
Command Letterhead letter
Digitally signed Email