104 - 108 Flashcards
What is Market Research?
The process of gathering primary and secondary data on the buying habits, lifestyles, usage and attitudes of actual and potential customers.
What is Primary Research?
Primary research, or field research, gathers first-hand information that is new and directly relevant to the needs of the business.
Methods include questionnaires, interviews, focus groups, consumer panels, experiments, observations and test marketing.
What is Secondary Research?
Secondary research, or desk research, involves the use of previously collected information that has not been gathered specifically for the business but instead adapted for its use.
Methods include official publications, industry magazines, internal information or online desk research.
What is Qualitative Data?
Data referring to attitudes, opinions, intentions, motives and beliefs.
Methods include focus groups, open-ended questionnaires, interviews, customer reviews.
What is Quantitative Data?
Data or facts that can be tested, in the form of numerical/mathematical data that can be measured and is statistically valid.
What is Sampling?
Sampling occurs when researchers take a selection of the population who are representative of the whole population.
Examples are quota and random.
What is Quota Sampling?
Involves population being segmented into specific groups with the same characteristics and then a number selected from each group.
What is Random Sampling?
A subset of a statistical population where every member of the population has an equal chance of being interviewed.
What is Bias in research?
Something that may cause data within a sample to be weighted towards one side, occurring when one subgroup outweighs another in a sample.
What is the Private Sector?
Businesses owned and run by private individuals, aiming for survival, market share, profit maximisation, growth, maximisation of sales revenues, and increasing share value.
What is the Public Sector?
Organisations which are owned and run/funded/controlled by the government (local and national).
What is a Sole Trader?
A private sector business that is owned and run by one individual (but they may employ people) and has unlimited liability.
What is a Partnership?
A private sector business owned and run between 2–20 people with unlimited liability.
What is the Sale of Assets?
Established businesses are able to sell off assets that are no longer required, such as buildings and machinery.
What is Debt Factoring?
Where a business can raise cash by selling their outstanding sales invoices to a third party at a discount, useful for cash flow problems.