102 Instructor Fundementals Flashcards
102.1 State the purpose of the Navy Training System.
Ensure a systematic approach for determining what to train and how best to accomplish that training.
Three elements: Preparation to train, Delivery of training, and Evaluation of training.
Define the most essential, single link in the training chain.
The instructor
State and discuss the three qualities of an efficient and effective instructor.
KNOWLEDGE: Be SME. train to meet the needs of the navy. Know basic instructional strategies and techniques.
Professional: Leadership skills, planning, organizing,delegating.
Instructional: be efficient and effective. Know principles, methods, techniques of instruction
PERSONALITY: Gain respect by respecting.
1. If you dont know, admit you don’t know.
2. No profanity
3. Be patient
4. No sarcasm
5. Be sincere
Discuss the Instructor’s responsibilities in terms of:
a. Responsibility to students
b. Responsibility to training safety
c. Responsibility to security
d. Responsibility to curriculum
To the students: Personal involvement outside school affects student performance help students resolve conflicts that arise. notice changes in a student then take steps to help. set a good example for students to follow, and resolve conflicts,
Fraternization: OPANVINST 5370.2
Sexual Harassment: Unacceptable, zero tolerance of sexual harassment, per the SECNAVINST 5300.26
Diversity: Encompasses race, religion, age, gender, national origin, and all the different characteristics and attributes of individuals
To training safety: Role model. Safety is paramount. demonstrate proper safety procedures. “actions speak louder than words”.
Security: Be aware of requirements for teaching/ storage of classified material. OPNAVINST 5510.1. Don’t downplay the importance of the security of classified material.
Curriculum: a change is minor, pen and ink. a revision requires TPP, CCA approval. Maintenance is an ongoing effort.
List and discuss the four principles of John Keller’s model of motivational theory.
Attention- Sea stories related to topic
Relevance - practical use on the job
Confidence - challenging but achievable goals
Satisfaction - Rewarding tasks, recognition
List and discuss the key principles of applying motivation theory in a training situation.
Needs and Drives: a lack of something desirable or useful that causes a desire for satisfaction.
Attitudes: instructor shows a positive attitude which will cause a desire to learn the material.
Achievements: a strong desire to obtain a goal
Values: students values, attitudes, and previous experience affect the nature and the amount that they learn
Interests: view of an activity as worthwhile. emphasize why needed
Incentives: awards motivate some
State the ultimate goal of instruction.
Cause students to remain motivated beyond the instructor’s influence and apply what they have learned on the job and in other areas of their lives
State and discuss the six laws of learning.
PRIMACY: states that the first instructional event often creates a strong, almost unshakeable, impression on the learner.
INTENSITY: states that if the stimulus (experience) is real, a change in behavior (learning) is far more likely to occur.
EXERCISE: stresses that practice makes permanent and perfect (when taught correctly).
RECENCY: the things learned last will be best remembered.
READINESS: states that people can only learn when they are physically and mentally read.
EFFECT: involves the emotional reaction of the learner. Learning will be more effective when a feeling of satisfaction accompanies or is a result of the learning process.
State and discuss five ways of learning.
Association: comparison of past learning to new learning situations. Similar elements can be used from past experiences.
Trial and error: discovery learning, learning by doing.
Imitation: See and Do
Transfer: applying past learning to new but somewhat similar situations.
Insight: ah-ha moment
Discuss how motivation affects student learning.
Motivation often has as much or more impact than scholastic ability. Motivation often determines whether or not a student achieves course objectives.
State and discuss the types of sensory learners.
Visual - Visual aids, graphics and VAP. 75% of basic learning
Auditory - Hearing
Kinesthetic - blend of all senses with psychomotor and perceptual skills
State and discuss the four basic learning styles.
Abstract conceptualization: prefer a theory based, analytical approach
Reflective observation: observe and reflect. Impartial observer
Concrete experience: do it themselves. Rely heavily on their own feelings and personal judgments.
Active experimentation: step by step, trial and error.
Abstract = 20% retained
Abstract and reflective = 50% retained
Abstract, reflective, and concrete = 70% retained
Abstract, reflective, concrete, and active = 90% retained
Discuss the barriers to effective communication.
Lack of common core experience: determine level before teaching
Overuse of abstractionisms: Concepts, ideas, or words that are not directly related to the subject. Use correct terms.
Fear: Afraid to be wrong or be embarrasment.
Environmental Factors: noises and temperature
State and discuss the purpose of an effective communication process.
Communication is the exchange information through speech, writing, nonverbal cues, signs and images. The communication process consists of a sender, a message, a delivery vehicle, and a receiver.
Discuss the importance of listening communication skills.
It is an active process of hearing and understanding, which demands concentration and attention.
Describe six factors that must be considered in planning instructional delivery.
Articulation Grammar Rate of Speech Dropping volume at end of sentences Inflection Force (of delivery)
State and discuss the importance of body movement as an important part of successful communication.
Body movement reinforces, emphasizes, and clarifies verbally expressed ideas.
State and discuss the four purposes of oral questioning.
Focuses attention
Arouses interest in subject matter
Drills students on subject matter
Stimulates students to think
State and discuss the characteristics of a good oral question
Level of instruction: Use simple words, grammar which is correct, and complete sentences.
Use of an interrogative: use the interrogative at the beginning of your question
Clarity of Meaning: Do not use trick phrases. Convey the intended meaning.
Discuss the types and purpose of oral questions.
Multiple Answer: Has more than one correct answer. Increases student participation.
Yes / No: Can be used to arouse interest
Canvassing: Helps to determine how many students may already be familiar with the subject matter.
Leading: Suggests its own answer
Interest arousing: Used to focus student attention.
Factual Question: Asks for specific information.
Thought provoking: Stimulates student thinking.
State the five steps of the five-step questioning technique.
APPLE Ask (State the question) Pause Pick (Call on a student by name) Listen (Comment on answer) Emphasize correct answer
List and discuss the different instructional methods.
Lecture: large amount of information in a short period of time.
Lecture with Audiovisuals: Lecture with audiovisuals includes visual and/or audio learning aids.
Lesson: interactive in nature
Demonstration: teaching skill-type
Role-Playing: active roles in a simulated situation followed by a group discussion.
Team Dimensional Training (TDT) : diagnose and correct their own performance problems
Gaming and Simulation: split-second decisions.
State and discuss the three parts of a learning objective.
Behavior: What the student will be able to do as a result of a learning experience. Consists of subject / object / verb.
Condition: The aiding and limiting factors imposed upon the student in satisfying the performance requirements.
Standard: What degree of proficiency will be required to perform the behavior
Discuss the two methods of testing and their importance.
Knowledge: measure the achievement of objectives. Written at the appropriate learning level.
Performance: demonstrate skills
Explain the five learning levels a knowledge test item may test.
Comprehension: understanding of what was taught
Recognition: verbatim identification of terms, facts, rules, methods, presented during training.
Recall: Remember
Application: Ability to use acquired knowledge in a job-related situation.
Analysis / Evaluation: understanding of elements of data
Discuss the different types of performance tests.
Product: comparing students’ efforts to an acceptable completed example
Combination: Both product and process
Process: students’ ability to correctly follow procedural steps in completing a task.
List and describe the primary materials used in presenting instruction.
- Lesson Plan: (front matter, lesson topics)
- Instruction Sheets: (Outline, Job, Problem, Assignment, Information, and Diagram) “O J P A I D”
- Instructional Media Material/Visual Media Material:
Discuss student feedback/course critique.
Provide feedback on training and curriculum effectiveness, instructor performance, safety, and quality of life issues.
Discuss the following programs and include possible actions and responsibilities of an instructor.
a. Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO)
b. Navy Core Values
c. Sexual Harassment
d. Diversity
EEO- everyone gets to do everything (No gender bias)
Navy core values- role model
Sexual harassment- report to supervisor
Diversity- strengthens navy
Discuss the instructor qualification process
- Attend NITC and earn 9502
- Attend Indoc and complete Instructor Development Plan
- Complete the course of instruction scoring at least a 90 on all tests.
- Personalize Lesson Plan and get it approved by Course Supervisor.
- Complete 2 practice evaluations for technical knowledge and technique.
- Complete 3 evals with Course Supervisor, SME and LSO.
Discuss the instructor disqualification factors and process
Unsat evals
PFA Failure
Reclassified (NEC 9502 removal process and reassignment)
LC may re-qual individuals when deficiencies have been corrected