1000 Personnel Flashcards
Command discipline - A penalty imposed by department officers to sanction those members under their direct command with the purpose of correcting minor deficiencies and maintaining discipline within the command of the officer imposing the discipline. Command discipline does not include any formal charges.
Formal discipline - A penalty that includes formal charges for violation of department policy or procedure.
Supervisors may impose command discipline for infractions including but not limited to:
Violation of uniform regulations.
Minor infractions involving conduct and behavior while on-duty.
Failure to display required knowledge, skills, abilities.
Formal discipline may be imposed following the completion of an administrative investigation.
Infractions that may result in formal discipline include but are not limited to:
Harassment of any kind.
Personnel complaints.
Criminal acts.
Violation of the oath of office.
A counseling session or conference is not considered a form of discipline and should be non-adversarial.
All command and formal disciplinary actions should be documented in the member’s personnel file.
A disciplinary report is documentation of an incident where a member has violated or is alleged to have violated a department policy or procedure.
Reports relating to informal discipline such as an informal counseling may serve as records of the incident and may be the first step in progressive discipline.
For incidents that may require formal discipline, members should refer to the Personnel Complaints Policy and any other applicable policies or procedures.
Forms of progressive discipline include but are not limited to:
Informal counseling
Oral reprimand.
Written reprimand.
Loss of accrued paid time off.
Suspension, with or without pay.
Personnel involved in discipline may need to consult the following procedures:
Administrative Investigations and Interviews
Personnel Complaints
All fire department personnel who participate in the Oklahoma Firefighters Pension and Retirement System will be required to successfully complete the entire evaluation annually and will be required to pass the Functional Capacity Evaluation to return to duty in accordance with the following criteria:
Any orthopedic surgery requiring physical rehabilitation
Any injury or medical procedure requiring an individual to be off work or on restrictive duty for greater than 30 calendar days
Any spinal fracture
Any spinal surgery
Any illness causing hospitalization for more than 7 calendar days
Any open cardiac surgical procedures (excludes procedures such as arteriogram, angioplasty or cardiac stents)
The annual fitness evaluations shall be recorded on a form listed in Appendix A and B.