100 series Flashcards
Departmental Teams
Departmental Teams The department utilizes the “Teams” process to facilitate and guide the development of policies, procedures, and programs within the organization. Labor representation is included on all teams dealing with issues that impact the membership of the department. All teams will complete a team profile and operate under current established team
When does the Labor management team meet? And what do they cover?
The labor management team meets quarterly, and on an as needed basis, to discuss issues related to departmental policies, programs, and strategic planning. This forum may also be utilized for the discussion and research of wages, benefits and working conditions prior to presentation at the Meet and Discuss Employee Issues Forum.
When did the city of Mesa become accredited?
The CFAI accredited the Mesa Fire Department on August 23, 2001
What are the 10 categories accreditation is based on
- Governance and Administration
- Assessment and Planning
- Goals and Objectives
- Financial Resources
- Programs A. Fire Suppression B. Fire Prevention and Life Safety C. Public Education Program D. Fire Investigation Program E. Technical Rescue F. Hazardous Materials G. Emergency Medical Services H. Emergency/Disaster Management I. Response to Weapons of Mass
J. Aviation Rescue and Firefighting - Physical Resources
- Human Resources
- Training and Competency
- Essential Resources A- Water Supply B- Communications Systems C- Administrative Support Services D- Office Systems
- External System Relations
What does it mean to be accredited?
Accreditation means that a fire department’s, programs are “credible” and they promote excellence within the organization. MFD’s accreditation was achieved in two major areas, Self - Assessment and Standards of Response Coverage.
High probability
These structures are most likely to be at fire risk.
The Standard of response coverage (SORC) consists of three key elements:
Distribution : the station and resource locations needed to assure rapid response deployment to minimize and terminate emergencies. Concentration : the spacing of multiple resources arranged so that an initial “effective response force” can arrive on scene within sufficient time frames to mobilize and likely stop the escalation of an emergency in a specific risk category. Staffing levels : consists of the number of personnel and their task assignments.
High probability structures
Non - sprinkled occupancies 3 or more stories in height, including apartments, hotels medical buildings and office complexes (R - 1)
Hospitals (I - 1.1)
All high - rise and mid- rise complexes sprinkled or not (R - 1 or B)
Warehouses with heavy fire load (M or S - 1)
Explosive manufacturing (H - 1 and 2)
Semi - conductor industries (H - 6)
Occupancies with extreme health hazards, toxic and highly toxic material s (H - 7)
Non - sprinkled nursing homes (I - 1.1), assemblies with >50 (A - 3) and jails (I - 3)
Vacant buildings that are not preplanned (A’s, I - 3, 4, H - 1,2,6, M occupancies with high piled stock, R - 1)
Downtown Commercial Occupancies
Low probability
These structures are least likely to be at fire risk, generally, due to built - in fire protection.
High/Special Risk-Built in fire protection but there is potential for multiple life and property. Low probability /high consequence.
“H” occupancies, where flammable solids present a high physical hazard (H - 3), large repair garages or shops (H - 4) and large aircraft hangers (H - 5) Sprinkled shopping malls (M) movie theatres and restaurants >50 (A - 3) Large assembly, with an occupant load over 1,000 and a stag e (A - 1)
Large assemblies 300 people (A - 2 and 2.1)
Stadiums and amusement parks (A - 4)
Sprinkled nursing homes/nurseries with full time care of children under 6 (I - 1.1)
Sprinkled mental institutions and jails (I - 3)
Large factories or industrial occupancies of a moderate hazard (F - 1)
Schools, including public, private, charter, and parochial (E - 1 and 2) High Probability - These structures are most likely to be a fire risk.
What are the requirements to be certified in haz mat or TRT.
Hazardous materials and/or technical rescue requires a 200 hour certification program through the State Fire Marshal’s Office, Arizona Department of Emergency Management or nationally approved program
Arff requirements
An airport rescue Firefighter (ARFF) assignment requires an Arizona 80hour certification program or nationally approved program
When do non certified members begin to receive special teams pay?
Non-certified personnel assigned to a special operations position for six consecutive months or longer will begin receiving assignment pay once the following has been completed: 75% of all training has been attended and documented in Firehouse, and their Special Operations packet has been completed and signed off by their Captain/Preceptor. This assignment pay needs to be requested by the member via e-mail to the Operations Deputy Chief. They will not be recognized as a certified technician, or receive the attribute in TeleStaff, until after certification training. This certification training is currently 200 hours for Hazardous Materials and Technical Rescue. The ARFF certification is currently 80 hours
Requirement for leaving special teams for less than one year.
Returning members away from their special teams assignment for less than 12 months will immediately receive assignment pay and retain their specialty attribute(s). A commitment of one year begins with the start of the assignment pay
Can you leave special teams for longer than 12 months ?
When members have been away from their special teams assignment for 12 months or longer or were hired with a specialty attribute, they may go through the process to regain or receive special operation assignment pay. Past members will take a written test and must pass with a score greater than 75% and must complete and pass a competency based practical exam that demonstrates their proficiency. New members will be evaluated by a preceptor for twenty shifts and then must pass a written and practical exam
What is needed to keep special teams pay
Assigned members will attend 75% of the required training to maintain their assignment pay and position on special teams. Training includes: in-station, bimonthly and regional training to help maintain certification. Documentation includes completing a TAC form and submitting it to Training and Special Operations. Failure to comply with required training may result in loss of assignment pay and/or assignment
How long can a position go unfilled
When the projection for a temporary Engineer, Captain, or BC “shift” vacancy exceeds 90 days, and 30 consecutive shifts of a documented employee leave, a temporary promotion will be made
What is protocol for a position that is unfilled for less than 90 days
If a vacancy occurs that is expected to last 90 days or less the department may fill the opening with leave pool personnel from the same shift if appropriate leave pool personnel are not available, a temporary assignment will be made, only if the vacancy is expected to last 30 days or longer. If leave pool personnel are utilized and the vacancy lasts 90 days with the expectation that it will extend at least 30 more days a temporary assignment will be made. In any case where the original projection for a vacancy exceeds 90 days a temporary assignment will be made
What If the applicable promotional list has been exhausted and a spot needs to be filled?
The most senior member that meets the requirements will be offered the position. The individual will be selected from the shift needing the temporary position. The Department reserves the right for the final approval in the selection process based on ALS/BLS, specialty attributes, or other assignments
Do members receive raises while temped?
During a temp assignment, the employee’s Merit Review Date does not change and the employee continues to receive merit increases based on the schedule established at the employee’s regular class, per COM Personnel Rules, Section 630, C
How long can a temp assignment last?
The duration of the temp assignment shall not extend beyond a period of 12 months unless approved by the Department Manager or designee
What is needed for a pregnant member to come back to work?
The employee must have approval in writing from her physician to return to active duty with a Return to Duty Progress Report, which is available in the Fire Wellness Office
Who can take a leave of absence? And for how long?
Employees with at least twelve months of continuous regular full-time or regular parttime employment with the City of Mesa are eligible to request a leave of absence of up to twelve weeks of paid and/or unpaid leave per a 12 month period for specific family and medical reasons. (As defined by the Personnel Rules: Section 442, Family and Medical Leave and Management Policy #345).
The City of Mesa shall grant leave to an eligible employee for one or more of the following reasons
- For the birth of a child or the care of a child
- For the care of the employee’s spouse, son, daughter, or parent who has a serious health condition
- Leave may also be granted for a serious health condition that makes the employee unable to perform their job
Definition of child for FMLA
Child means biological, adopted or foster child, stepchild, or legal ward. Son or daughter also includes a child eighteen (18) years or older who is incapable of self-care due to mental or physical disability
For the care of the employee’s spouse, son, daughter, or parent who has a serious health condition.
A serious health condition means an illness, injury, impairment, or physical condition that involves any period of incapacity or treatment in connection with or subsequent to in-patient care in a hospital, hospice, or residential medical facility or any period or incapacity requiring absence from work school, or other regular daily activities of more than three (3) calendar days that also involves continuing treatment by or under the supervision of a health care provider and for prenatal care
Requirements for filing for leave for a serious health condition that makes the employee unable to perform their job.
Employees must provide thirty (30) days advance notice to the Fire Chief and the Personnel Director when the need for Family and Medical Leave is foreseeable. Employees must complete a Family and Medical Leave Request Form from the Personnel Department and submit it to the Fire Department Personnel Section. The City will request medical certification to support a request because of a serious health condition
Regs for coming back to work from FMLA
Upon returning from Family and Medical Leave, the employee shall be restored to their original or equivalent position at the same pay. There will be no benefit accrual during unpaid Family and Medical Leave. However, all benefits for which the employee is eligible will resume immediately upon their return from Family and Medical Leave
How often are sops reviewed
Standard Operating Procedures will be reviewed and updated whenever there is a new policy, a change in an old policy, or three years have lapsed since the last review date. (For example: past review date January 2005, next review process would be completed by January 2008
Transitional work benefit guidelines.
Both full and part time employees are eligible for the TW benefit. TW is intended to be a short-term benefit. The employee may be on TW work for a maximum of 520 hours. If the employee requests an extension, the employees Assistant Chief/RC Manager/Department Manager may approve another 520 hours (1040 total). If additional time is requested, the Fire Chief and the Human Resources Director must approve the extension
Who can file for transitional work.
- The member must be a permanent employee of the City of Mesa, at the time of his/her current accident, injury or illness.
- Members injured on the job must complete the Return to Duty Progress Report form (signed by their physician) in order to qualify for Workman’s Compensation Benefits
If a transitional work position is not available in the Fire Department
Employee Benefits will assist in finding the member a position in another department. The physical work activities of an employee shall be restricted in accordance with his/her particular disabilities or needs
How long can a member be on TW?
It is the intent of this policy that employees shall not be on transitional work for a period longer than 1040 hours (approximately six months) per injury or illness. For unusual circumstances, the City Personnel Director and the Department Manager will evaluate what conditions constitute unusual circumstances on a case-by-case basis
What is Long-Term Modified Work Program assignments
When sworn members are injured to the extent that a return to regular duty in a line assignment in emergency services is unlikely
Who can be on long term modified duty
In order to be considered for placement in a long-term modified duty assignment, the member must be physically, emotionally, and psychologically capable of performing the duties that they will be assigned
The Fire Department will consider a member for a long-term modified work assignment, on a case-by-case basis, using the what criteria
- Necessary funding for such a position must be identified and secured. 2. The member’s last three performance evaluations must be rated at least overall “Successful Performance.” 3. The member’s immediate supervisor(s) for the past three years and battalion chief(s) must recommend the member for the assignment. 4. The member must have a minimum of 15 years of credited service in the Arizona Public Safety Personnel Retirement System
How long can a member be on long term modified duty
The maximum time served on long-term modified work status shall be five years
Health Care Provider
Agency contracted to conduct medical examinations
Peer Fitness Trainer
Fire department personnel trained to provide wellness education and conduct fitness evaluations
Licensed Health Care Provider
A health care provider licensed by the State of Arizona trained to perform and interpret the medical exam items listed in the Medical Examination section
Physical Fitness Evaluations
Traditional fitness evaluation that measures muscular strength and endurance, flexibility, body composition, and aerobic capacity
Who has to take annual med exam?
All Department members who are subject to the use of self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) shall be required to submit to an annual medical examination. This shall include Battalion Chiefs, Civilian Training Officers and Fire Investigators
What is the rule if a member fails the physical exam and they request exam by their own physician.
The entire cost of the exam will be the responsibility of the member. • Overtime will not be paid to members going to their own private physician, however, two hours of “medical appointment” time/TDY will be provided so members may go on-duty. • Members must notify the Wellness Office prior to the schedule being posted for medical exams. • The exam must be identical. • The exam must be completed within 30 days from the last day of the Department’s scheduled exams. • All results must be signed by a licensed health care physician and forwarded to the Department’s contract health care provider. • The contract physician may contact the member’s private licensed health care physician for clarification of results
What should daily PT activities include.
Daily physical fitness activities should include exercises that are designed to maintain or improve a member’s flexibility, muscular strength, muscular endurance, and anaerobic and aerobic capacity
industrial injury
A personal injury arising out of and in the course of employment with the City
What are approved pt exercises
Running, jogging or walking (flat surface) • Non-contact soccer • Stationary aerobic training using Department provided equipment • Racquetball (eye protection required) • Ultimate Frisbee • Weight lifting • Work Hardening
occupational illness
A disease caused by a specific hazardous condition or material when there is a direct relationship between the conditions under which the work is performed and the occupational disease
definition of near miss
description of a near miss or close call would include the following: Incidents in which members may have been injured, had they followed fire department standard operating procedures. Any incident involving fire department apparatus/vehicles that cause the driver to use swift collision avoidance behaviors. Any training activity, where due to the failure of equipment or the failure to follow standard operating procedures, could have resulted in member injuries. Encounters with hazardous materials that could have resulted in higher quantities of released material due to fire department operations. Operations in roadways (or near roadways) where members encounter private or public vehicles being driven inside of fire department work zones. Operations that mistakenly place fire department members in, or near, unexpected high risk or violent environments. Technical rescue or recovery operations where members performed functions that could have resulted in injury. Incident scenes where other local, state or federal agencies had operations that placed fire department members at risk of being injured. Urban or wild land fire operations where sudden or hostile fire conditions occurred and members could have been severely injured. Environmental conditions that created a situation where members may have been injured while operating at an incident scene
In the event of an accident, is PD always called?
Police Department notification may be waived in those instances on City property where there is no injury and only minor damage
where accidents occur with no violation of policy was found. what are penalties
First Collision: MOU and training as determined by the immediate supervisor and the Safety Battalion.
• Second Collision Written CAP and driver training delivered by the MFMD Training Department.
• Third Collision Written Reprimand, driver training delivered by the MFMD Training Department, mandatory eye and ear exam.
• Forth Collision Removal of driving status, uncompensated suspension, or demotion as determined by Fire Administration
In accidents where a backer was used who is held liable.
In cases where a collision involved backing and a backup person was in place, both the driver and the back-up person may be held accountable for the collision if it is determined that the collision was preventable
Actions for collisions with violation of policy or law are.
First Collision: Written Counseling Note or actions as set out by COM Management Policy and driver training delivered by the MFMD Training Department. •
Second Collision: Written Reprimand or actions as set out by COM Management Policy, and/or uncompensated suspension, and/or demotion.
• Third Collision: Uncompensated suspension, demotion or termination as determined by Fire Administration
When traveling in patient transport vehicles, all passengers and patients will travel in designated passenger locations and be securely belted. Firefighters riding in the patient care areas of the vehicle shall also be seated and belted in an approved passenger seat. The exception to this rule shall apply when.
a firefighter, while in the performance of patient care procedures, determines that he or she must be mobile to complete a procedure or provide necessary patient care. It is strongly recommended that members follow Mesa Fire Department, Obvious Death Protocol (SOP 406.03) and AEMS, Field Termination of Resuscitation Guidelines, procedure (9501) when appropriate. Following these procedures will minimize the need for performing CPR, while traveling in a Code 3 ambulance, on patients that meet these criteria. Members must remember that riding in an ambulance without a seat belt is a High Risk activity. Apply the Fire Department’s Risk Management Analysis (i.e. “Risk a life to save a life”) when deciding to render care without a seatbelt
What is the seat belt rule?
The use of seat belts is required in any and all vehicles when a member is “on-duty”. Seat belts are required at all times by all members and passengers when traveling in City vehicles
Who is responsible for industrial injuries and transitional work.
It is the responsibility of the Mesa Fire Department’s Emergency Services Captain to provide oversight and general management for fire department industrial injuries and the transitional work program
Who manages infectious exposures
It is the responsibility of the Mesa Fire Department Wellness Captain to manage infectious exposures and known or suspected toxic chemical or biochemical exposures. The Department Safety Officer, in cooperation with the Wellness and Emergency Services Captain, will investigate non-criminal incidents, conduct post incident reviews, develop education and training programs and suggest procedural changes to prevent similar incidents
Procedures for Member Injuries and Infectious, Toxic Chemical, or Biochemical Exposures
Member notifies supervisor.
- Supervisor notifies Battalion Chief and BSO or their respective Deputy Chief/Supervisor.
- Any serious injury or exposure shall be reported to Alarm who will then initiate a “Duty Chief” Page.
- Follow instructions provided in the Industrial Injury/Infectious Exposure Guidelines & Procedures located in the Industrial Injuries and Exposures Section of the Personnel, Health & Safety Home Page
What are proper forms for exposure or industrial injury
Industrial Injuries: Industrial Accident Report • Infectious Exposures: Industrial Accident Report, MFD Infectious Exposure Form, and Report of Significant Work Exposure to Body Fluids. • Toxic Chemical or Biochemical Exposures: Industrial Accident Report and Toxic Chemical or Biochemical Exposure Form
An infectious exposure is defined as
specific eye, mouth, other mucous membrane, non-intact skin, or injected or infused contact with blood, body fluids, or other potentially infectious material; inhalation of airborne pathogens; or ingestion of foodborne pathogens or toxins. (as defined in NFPA 1581
What is the policy on carrying of firearms while on duty?
It specifically prohibits the carrying or possessing of a firearm and/or ammunition within the City of Mesa Fire Department property, facilities, or equipment at anytime
If an employee is suspected of carrying a firearm.
City Officials may open and search lockers, desks, containers, and Department vehicles, if there is a reasonable suspicion a firearm and/or ammunition may be in the search areas
What are the exceptions to firearm rule.
Firearms and/or ammunition that lawfully remains in a personal vehicle not being used for city business. • The firearm must not be visible from outside of the vehicle
Who is authorized to Cary a firearm
Firearms are authorized to be carried by Fire Investigators in the performance of their police related duties while enforcing the currently adopted fire code, crimes of arson, and arson related offenses (see SOP 502.13
Are long distance phone calls allowed on duty?
Do not make a long distance call when a written or e-mail communication will suffice. Should a member make a personal long distance call that is billed to the City, it will be the responsibility of the member to complete a “ Phone Call Reimbursement Form” and submit it along with payment to the City Cashier’s Office within five working days
Who delivers the mail?
Resource Management will be responsible for mail service Monday through Friday, except holidays
Examples of events NOT attended as Pub Ed events
Private birthday parties Business grand openings For profit events Water spraying events, due to City water conservation Career fairs Events outside the City of Mesa
Examples of events currently attended as Pub Ed events
Neighborhood block parties/events Fire Safety Talks Community Health/Safety Fairs Station tours for groups of six or more Parades for the community Preschool visits, different from FALSE preschool program Breakfasts, BBQs, dinners, etc. Mandatory City Council requested events
What is the policy on station thermostat?
The setting of the thermostat should be such that the room temperature on average is not below 74°F when using the air conditioner
rule for grocery shopping
When possible and convenient, one member in a small department vehicle (service unit, attack/brush truck, or staff car) should do the grocery shopping
Who is responsible for maintaining the accreditation process?
The Support Services Assistant Chief is responsible for maintaining the accreditation process. Compliance of the CFAI standards is reported each year via the Annual Compliance Report
who is responsible for maintaining a master list of preplans?
Tech services
who is responsible for pre plan on low hazard occupancies
who is responsible for medium hazard pre plans
fire crews
who is responsible for doing preplans on high hazard occupancies?
fire prevention
who is responsible for pre plans on apartments and trailer parks
fire crews
what is to be included in the inspections by fire crews and connectors
Address, building numbers and apartment numbers or trailer space numbers • Hydrant locations • Pool, clubhouse, laundry room, office and building maintenance locations • Electrical Panels for buildings and gas shutoff valves • FDC’s/Riser /Shutoff/Riser Rm • Alarm panel locations • Pool chlorine storage location and signage • Fence and gate locations • Knox Box/Knox Switch/Knox Padlock/Pre-Emption/Key Pad locationsNew Construction (Fire Crews only) • Building construction at existing locations (Fire Crews only
What topics do labor/management meet for
Labor and Management may participate together in the following formal activities for the purpose of planning, policy discussion, procedures development, and the resolution of problems/issues that arise within the organization.This forum may also be utilized for the discussion and research of wages, benefits and working conditions prior to presentation at the Meet and Discuss Employee Issues Forum
MFD’s accreditation was achieved in which two major areas
Self-Assessment and Standards of Response Coverage
Self-Assessment requires evaluation of how many performance measurements that are separated into how many categories
Self-Assessment requires evaluation of 255 performance measurements that are separated into 10 categories
What are Maximum Risk (High probability/high consequence)
High probability-These structures are most likely to be at fire risk.
High consequence-There is potential for multiple life/property loss and high economic impact
Maximum Risk (High probability/high consequence) High probability Occupancy Categories. What type of buildings
Non-sprinkled occupancies 3 or more stories in height, including apartments, hotels medical buildings and office complexes (R-1)
Hospitals (I-1.1)
All high-rise and mid-rise complexes sprinkled or not (R-1 or B) Warehouses with heavy fire load (M or S-1)
Explosive manufacturing (H-1 and 2)
Semi-conductor industries (H-6)
Occupancies with extreme health hazards, toxic and highly toxic materials (H-7)
Non-sprinkled nursing homes (I-1.1), assemblies with >50 (A-3) and jails (I-3)
Vacant buildings that are not preplanned (A’s, I-3, 4, H-1,2,6, M occupancies with high piled stock, R-1)
Downtown Commercial Occupancies
Define Low probability/high consequence occupancies
Low probability-These structures are least likely to be at fire risk, generally, due to built-in fire protection.
High Consequence-There is potential for multiple life and property loss
High/special Risk(low probability/high consequence) Occupancy Categories:
“H” occupancies, where flammable solids present a high physical hazard (H-3), large repair garages or shops (H-4) and large aircraft hangers (H-5)
Sprinkled shopping malls (M) movie theatres and restaurants >50 (A-3)
Large assembly, with an occupant load over 1,000 and a stage (A-1)
Large assemblies 300 people (A-2 and 2.1)
Stadiums and amusement parks (A-4)
Sprinkled nursing homes/nurseries with full time care of children under 6 (I-1.1)
Sprinkled mental institutions and jails (I-3)
Large factories or industrial occupancies of a moderate hazard (F-1)
Schools, including public, private, charter, and parochial (E-1 and 2
Define high probability low consequence occupancies
High Probability-These structures are most likely to be a fire risk
Low Consequence-The potential for life loss is high, with multiple life loss lower
Examples of high probability low consequence occupancies
Single family dwellings (R-3), group homes with 6 people (E-3)
Single or two-story hotels or apartments (R-1), medical and office complexes (B)
Restaurants with less than 50 people (B)
City, state, or federal facilities (B)
Sprinkled malls (M) and assembly buildings with 50-300 people (A-3)
Low hazard factory/industrial complexes (F-2), small repair garages (H-4) and garages (S-3) and hangers (S-5) that include exchange of parts with no open flame or welding
Fuel dispensing stations without automotive repair (S-3)
Outpatient (I-1.2) care facilities >5 people for ambulatory and children over six (I-2)
Storage facilities of a moderate hazard (S-1
Define Low probability. Low consequence-
Low probability-The potential for fire risk is low.
Low consequence-The potential for life loss is low
Examples of Low probability. Low consequence-
Small commercial structures remote from other buildings with one or two people
Detached residential garages (U-1)
Private garages and carports (U-1), open parking garages (S-4) Tanks and towers (S-2)
Storage facilities with non-combustible storage (S-2
The Maximum and High/Special Risk Occupancies are identified on the MCT map with what
The Maximum and High/Special Risk Occupancies are identified on the MCT map with a blue icon
How much comp time can an employee accumulate
Employees may accumulate a maximum of 100 hours compensatory time The maximum amount of overtime that may be converted to compensatory time is sixty-six point six (66.6) hours. (66.6 hours overtime = 100 hours compensatory time.) Compensatory time is taken using pay code 15
What does STAR stand for in star program
Special Thanks and Recognition (STAR) Program
Medical information is protected by HIPPA rules and regulations. mesa fire medical Reports will only be released to
Patients with a notarized signature of the patient. • Attorney’s with a medical authorization release signed by the patient • Power of attorney papers • For parents of minors: must have a copy of birth/death certificate as well as a notarized signature. • Spouses or next of kin without power of attorney; copy of birth/death certificate as well as a notarized signature • Police agencies – waiver signed by the patient • Subpoena’s
- 06 page5
- Corrective/disciplinary action does not have to be (a)_______.
- The following are types of recommendations for discipline:
Answer 103.06 page 5
A- Progressive
- (In progressive order):
1. Exonerated, no action
2. Performance counseling note
3. Verbal reprimand
4. Written reprimand
5. Disciplinary probation
6. Suspension
7. Demotion
8. Termination
103.06 page 4
(Disciplinary action) Serious Allegation basics:
- A coordinated formal investigation shall occur w/ labor & management ensuring (a)______.
- All info gathered shall not be used against the member in a (b)_______.
- Interviews will be tape-recorded. Members may request (c)_____ of the interview.
Answers 103.06 page 4
A- Due process
B- A criminal investigation
C- A transcript of the interview, members may not tape record interview themselves.
103.06 page 4
(Discipline) Minor allegation Basics:
- The member’s (a)____will investigate & recommend corrective action.
- For any action other than (b)___, the member has the right to have a labor-rep present.
- Interviews should be done in a positive manner for (c)____, not to make (d)____.
- It is essential all finding be (e)__.
- The member’s (f)___, should be considered to help make disciplinary recommendations.
Answers 103.06 page 4
A. Immediate supervisor B. Counseling C. Fact finding D. Not to make accusations E. Documented F. Work record & interview findings. The supervisor will administer recommendation after approval.
103.06 page 4
(Discipline) –investigative phase:
- Personnel/safety BC assigns an investigator. For minor allegations this will usually be their (a)______.
- A formal investigation (more serious) may be done by (b) five people.
Answers 103.06 page 4
A. Member’s immediate supervisor B. The following 5 people: a. Personnel/safety BC b. Labor rep/ coordinated effort w/management c. City personnel d. Board of inquiry e. Law enforcement
103.06 page 1
The central contact for all disciplinary matters is (a)___. This Person ensures (b)____ & (c)_____ in handling of disciplinary matters. (Also determines work status of member)
Answer 103.06 page 1
A. Personnel & safety BC
B. Due process
C. Consistency
103.06 page 1
(Discipline) The initial phase for any allegation is the (a)____. During this phase, initial (b)___ are made, preliminary (c)____ occurs, the member’s (d)_____ is determined & an (e)_____ is assigned.
Answers 103.06 page 1
A. Discover phase B. Notifications C. Fact-finding D. Work-status E. Investigator
103.06 page 1
(Discipline) In most cases (a)___ should be the first coarse of action. A (b)____ can be used to document this if needed.
Answers 103.06 page 1
A. Counseling
B. Performance counseling note.
103.06 page 1
(Discipline) If action is contemplated for off-duty conduct, the matter must be referred to the appropriate (a)__ & (b)__ through the chain of command. No disciplinary action will occur for conduct that cannot be connected with (c) 4 things.
Answers 103.06 page 1
A. Assistant chief
B. Fire chief
C. Must be connected to:
a. Job performance
b. Embarrassment to city/dept
c. Violates rules of conduct in city rules/procedures manual
d. Violates rules of conduct in city charter
103.06 page 1
It is the policy of the MFD to follow up on all allegations of (a)___ & possible (b)____ for the best interests of the Dept and its members. The goal of the MFD is to ensure a fair, legal & (c)____process for the protection of all supervisors and members.
Answers 103.06 page 1
A. City of Mesa Policy violations
B. Possible criminal violations
C. Consistent
103.04 page 1
In compliance with current (a)___ & (b)____ standards, beards or facial hair that interferes with the face piece seal shall be prohibited for all members (c)_______.
Answers 103.04 page 1
C. Required to wear SCBA
103.02 page 3
Approved training related to firefighting will be compensated, regardless if it is mandatory or not, using the following criteria:
- Amount of TDY is deducted from classroom hours
- Flight time counts unless during normal work hours
- 1 hour of comp time allotted for early arrival to airport unless during normal work hours
- Travel to/from airport will not be compensated
- If TDY time is more than classroom + early arrival + Flight time, employee may be required to make up the difference.
103.02 page 2
Training request forms shall be completed (a)___ days prior to start date. Submit to (b)___ for approval. Then form is routed to (c)___who routes it to (d)___. It is then sent to (e)___ where registration is completed.
Answers 103.02 page 2
A. 30 days prior to start B. Captain or Imed. Supervisor C. BC or Deputy Chief D. Assistant chief for work RC E. RC representative
103.01 page 4
The Fire Dept. reward program (part of “star” program) basics are:
Answers to 103.01 page 4
- Supervisor’s can give rewards up to $100
- Items valued at less than $50 are not taxable. Supervisors should consider this tax liability on the receiving member.
- Follow steps of “member recognition” and inform their imed. Supervisor. Also confirm funding available.
- Personnel/wellness tracks funding
What are the customer service zones
The CSZ’s are defined as one square mile plats
When are shift personnel eligible for comp time
Sworn shift members working special assignments for 6 months or less will not be eligible for compensatory time
Who must approve the use of MFMD name in social media
All MFMD official websites and content posted under the name of MFMD must be approved through MFMD Department of Communications.
How do u recommend someone for a star award
To recognize a member, send an email MFMD Personnel The e-mail should include the employee’s name, employee number and what the employee is being acknowledged for. Follow this link for a list of Department Representatives.
Special Performance Awards consist of what
Special Performance Awards consist of: Two-Step Merits, Unscheduled Merits, and Exceptional Performance Awards.
What time frame does a training request need to be made
The member shall complete the Training Registration form 30 days prior to actual training.
Who gives final approval for training requests
Final approval will be the responsibility of the Assistant Chief.
What uniform is to be worn when meeting the council
Regardless of the season, employees are expected to dress in Business Attire or Fire Department Class B uniform without a tie, when presenting at Council, Board or Council Committee meetings, or when meeting with the elected officials, business, or ,community groups
Class b pants
The Class A pant can be worn as a Class B pant. This is so members do not have to buy 2 pairs of pant
Work belt specs
Work Belt (optional) - Wilderness brand instructor’s belt. Work uniform only, 11/4” minimum to 1-3/4” maximum black nylon web with aircraft aluminum buckle/clip. This is a 5700-pound rated class 1 harness
When an pt uniform be used ?103.03 Clothing Revised: 06/01/2011 P.T. Uniform Page - 8 of 12
P.T. uniform shall be acceptable only during physical fitness training and after 1700 hours anywhere within the station, except for public contact. The P.T. uniform is not authorized from 0700 hours to 1700 hours, except for physical fitness training. Care should be exercised to be in the proper work uniform, any time of day, for work related duties and/or public contact. The P.T. uniform must be maintained in a clean, neat condition.
Annual (July-May) uniform voucher amounts are as follows:
$550 full-time members
$275 full-time office staff members
$137.50 part-time office staff members
Vouchers amounts are split in half and offered twice a year. What are the dates
1st half July-December 31
2ndhalf Jan-May 31
The value of a six-month boot voucher is —– and The value of a one-year voucher is
$170.00 (One pair only)
How are uniforms disposed of
Articles to be used as rags should have the logo marked out by permanent marker and be torn in half. Articles to be thrown in the trash shall have the logo marked out by permanent marker, and torn into several pieces.
Station shoe guideline
The station shoe is a non-safety toe, plastic sandal that is easy to clean. They can be changed into quickly without a delay in response. Station shoes shall not be worn in the apparatus bay, while responding to calls, or when performing work where safety shoes (impact and crush protection) are required. This policy divides a fire station into two zones. The doors leading from the station to the apparatus bays will be considered the boundary between the clean zone (inside the station) and the dirty zone (apparatus bay and outside the station). When personnel return from a call, they are highly encouraged to change out of their response footwear and into their station shoes prior to entering the station.
Guideline for hairstyle
Hair shall be well groomed, neat in appearance, and be worn in a style that is related to current community standards.
When does the commitment for special teams start
New members attending certification training make a three-year commitment to the team from the date of completion of a certification class.
If a vacancy lasting less than 90 days but more than thirty occurs and there are not enough rovers to fill the spot what happens
- If appropriate leave pool personnel are not available, a temporary assignment will be made, only if the vacancy is expected to last 30 days or longer
If the applicable promotional list has been exhausted, the following guidelines will be used for additional temporary promotions:
a. The most senior member that meets the requirements will be offered the position. The individual will be selected from the shift needing the temporary position.
b. The Department reserves the right for the final approval in the selection process based on ALS/BLS, specialty attributes, or other assignments.
When should a female tell her supervisor when she’s pregnant
It is strongly recommended that a pregnant member notify her supervisor as soon as possible of her pregnancy. The pregnant member is strongly encouraged to immediately ask for the Transitional Work Program. This request can be made at any time prior to the member not being able to perform the essential functions of the assigned position
What must a pregnant female get to come back to work
The employee must have approval in writing from her physician to return to active duty with a Return to Duty Progress Report, which is available in the Fire Wellness Office.
Who can take a leave of absence and for how long
Employees with at least twelve months of continuous regular full-time or regular parttime employment with the City of Mesa are eligible to request a leave of absence of up to twelve weeks of paid and/or unpaid leave per a 12 month period for specific family and medical reasons.
What are reasons to take leave under parental leave guidelines
- For the birth of a child
- For the care of the employee’s spouse, son, daughter, or parent who has a serious health condition. .
- Leave may also be granted for a serious health condition that makes the employee unable to perform their job.
For parental leave what is considered a serious health condition
A serious health condition means an illness, injury, impairment, or physical condition that involves any period of incapacity or treatment in connection with or subsequent to in-patient care in a hospital, hospice, or residential medical facility or any period or incapacity requiring absence from work school, or other regular daily activities of more than three (3) calendar days that also involves continuing treatment by or under the supervision of a health care provider and for prenatal care
How much notice is needed to take FMLA leave
Employees must provide thirty (30) days advance notice to the Fire Chief and the Personnel Director when the need for Family and Medical Leave is foreseeable. Employees must complete a Family and Medical Leave Request Form from the Personnel Department and submit it to the Fire Department Personnel Section.
Who keeps SOPs updated
Departmental Communications will keep all SOP’s updated on the website for all to review. Each Assistant Chief (AC) or a designee is responsible to update SOP’s within their work area
What does a member do who gets injured off the job
Members injured off the job, that cannot perform their regular work duties, are encouraged to contact the Emergency Services Captain for information regarding the Transitional Work Program.
What are Long-Term Modified Work Program assignments
Long-Term Modified Work Program assignments are when sworn members are injured to the extent that a return to regular duty in a line assignment in emergency services is unlikely
The Mesa Fire Department has developed a Wellness program following the IAFF-IAFC Wellness Fitness Initiative, which NFPA number
NFPA 1582 and NFPA 1583.
Who manages near misses
The department safety officer will manage the data entry of near misses or close calls into the National Fire Fighter Near-Miss Reporting System.
If in an accident and the vehicle cannot be driven where should it be towed to
If the vehicle cannot be driven, the City vehicle shall be towed by the City contract towing company to Fire Resource Management at the East Mesa Service Center 6935 E. Decatur St.
NFPA 1521
Functions of the Health and Safety Officer,
NFPA 1581
Standard on Fire Department Infection Control Programs, and OSHA Bloodborne Pathogen Standard 1910, 1030.
What are customer service zones
The Customer Service Zones (CSZ) (demand zones) were created as part of the CFAI program. The objective of the zones is to be more proficient with coordination of annual programs. The CSZ’s are the result of the self assessment process that was formed by members from each division. The CSZ’s are defined as one square mile plats. The coordination of annual Fire Hydrant maintenance, Pre-plans, Risk Analysis/Assessment, Public Education, and Partners in Prevention (PIP’s) is done using CSZ’s as a basis for their organization. The shift Battalion Chiefs, Captains, and Administrative Aids coordinate and assign Customer Service Zones to fire companies. The fire company Captain is responsible for managing annual programs in his/her CSZ. The CSZ program will be evaluated annually and improvements will be made, as necessary.
Accreditation means:
That a fire department’s, programs are
“credible” and they promote excellence within the organization.
Who is responsible for managing annual programs in his/her CSZ.
The fire company Captain
Definition of Social Media:
any web-based form of electronic communication through which users create or participate in online or electronic communities to share information, ideas, personal messages and other content.
The City may monitor employees’ personal social media sites for:
103.14 MFMD Social Media Policy
inappropriate/unauthorized content, including photographs.
Users are prohibited from updating or responding to social media during:
department activities or working incidents.