10. Skin & MSK Flashcards
What is the most common aetiology of vocal cord nodules and polyps?
Abuse of voice
How does vocal abuse cause oedema and later fibrosis in the stroma?
Trauma which damages the tissue can cause blood vessels to leak or trigger an inflammatory response which leads to increased vascular permeability.
(nodule/polyp formation)
What is the significance of a polyp becoming fibrotic?
Fibrosis is permanent (unlike oedema + fibrin deposition which are potentially reversible).
This can only be fixed by surgical removal.
What are the 2 most common predisposing factors for laryngeal dysplasia and what effect do they have on the epithelium?
Alcohol + Tobacco
- They activate oncogenes
- Inactivate tumour suppressor genes, thus inhibiting apoptosis
- This increases the chances of uncontrolled cell division and the accumulation of further mutations.
What is the significance of grade in laryngeal epithelial dysplasia?
The chances of progression to invasive cancer.
Low grade = 5 - 10%
High grade = 30 - 50%
What capabilities have invasive cells developed compared to those of non-invasive dysplastic cells?
- Break down bone marrow, stroma and other structures.
- Break apart and migrate.
- Evade immune response.
- Survive and adhere to vessels in distant sites.
- Produce own blood supply.
This makes up 90% of head and neck cancers.
Laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma
A condition associated with recurrent attacks of rhinitis, in which eosinophils are prominent
Nasal polyps
Allergic response to Inhaled fungal allergens (usually aspergillus), associated with peripheral eosinophilia and elevated antifungal IgG.
Allergic fungal sinusitis
How can polyps lead to chronic headaches?
Obstruct the sinuses, therefore mucus can’t drain out. = headache
Do sinonasal polyps have malignant potential?
No, excellent prognosis.
What is the most common malignant cancer of the oral cavity?
Squamous cell carcinoma of oral cavity
Which chronic self-limiting inflammatory condition is common in the oral cavity?
Oral lichen planus
In what group of patients is the prognosis better in oropharyngeal cancer?
Those WITH HPV infection.
Prognosis is worse in drinkers + smokers.
What is the most common salivary gland neoplasm?
Pleomorphic adenoma
Malignant neoplasm of the salivary gland.
Adenoid cystic carcinoma
In what anatomical location are pleomorphic adenomas most common?
Parotid glands (60%)
rare in minor salivary glands, tumours found here are normally malignant.
What sort of malignancy can arise in a pleomorphic adenoma?
Carcinoma ex pleomorphic adenoma
prognosis depends on have far the tumour has spread beyond the capsule.
Good prognosis = less than 1.5mm
Poor prognosis = more than 1.5mm
What is notable about the clinical progression of adenoid cystic carcinoma?
Incurable, all patients will die.
Joint disorder associated with hyperuricaemia?
also called tophi
Which skin condition commonly results in a “butterfly rash” on the face?
Lupus Erythematosus
Condition with itchy plaques known as ‘Wickham’s striae’?
Lichen Planus
A pre-malignant disease common in sun exposed sites?
Acitinic keratosis
see these scaly patches on the heads of old bald people
Malignant tumour of bones?
most commonly found around the knee
A condition with a ‘heliotropic’ rash?
Inflammatory skin condition with well-defined plaques on the extensor surfaces?
What is the most common malignant tumour of the skin?
Basal cell carcinoma
rodent ulcer seen in later stages
What is the treatment of choice for uncomplicated shingles?
A type of fungal infection on the scalp?
Tinea capitis
In which tumour is Breslow’s thickness commonly used as a prognostic parameter?
Commonest type of joint disease?
secondary osteoarthritis is due to a know cause e.g. constant use of joints, knees in basketball players
Deterioration of cartilage at the joints results in the formation of what?
- Bone spurs
- Subchondral cysts - fluid filled cyts in the marrow underneath cartilage
(= pain and limitation of movement)