10. Integumentary and Lymphatic Pathologies Flashcards
A small, firm, elevated lesion
•Circumscribed, solid elevation of skin with no visible fluid.
•Can be either brown, purple, pink or red in colour.
•Can see “maculopapular rash” like in measles.
Small, elevated, erythematous lesion containing pus
•Purulent material usually consists of necrotic inflammatory cells.
•These can be white or red.
Small, flat, circumscribed lesion of a different colour to normal skin
•A change in surface colour, without elevation or depression (non-palpable).
- Morphologically similar to a papule, but is bigger & deeper e.g. Rheumatoid Arthritis.
- May be filled withinflamed tissue or fluid.
- Collection of dried bodyfluid (blood plasma & exudate) & dead skin cells (ascab).
- Exudate: any fluid that filters from the blood.
Thick, dry, rough plaques of thickened skin
•Visible thickeningof epidermis, with accentuated skin markings/pronounced lines.
•“Bark like” appearance.
•The hallmark of chronic eczema/dermatitis or excessive scratching.
Shallow, moist cavity in the epidermis
•Wearing away with loss of superficial epidermis (from chemicals, friction or pressure).
•‘Ulcer’ in diabetes.
Raised, irregular mass of collagen due to scar tissue formation
•Abnormal scar tissue that grows beyond the skin boundary.
•Strong genetic links. Vaccination site, scratching, burns.
Comedone (Acne)
Blackheads, whiteheads or red bumps due to excess sebum, keratin and debris forming a plug in the sebaceous duct of a hair follicle.
•Hormones such as testosterone can cause more and thicker oil secretions that block pores.
•Open comedo: Blackhead (acne vulgaris) -if oil is open to air it will oxidise> turns dark
•Closed comedo: Whitehead
If skin has grown over oily material it remains white.
- The terms “eczema” and “dermatitis” are interchangeable.
* A very common chronic, pruritic, inflammatory skin condition.
- Flaky, dry, oedematous.
* Erythematous, pruritic (itchy), crusty, weepy lesions mostly on flexor surfaces of joints.
Eczema/Dermatitis: Complications
• Secondary bacterial infections.
Contact Dermatitis
- An acute inflammation of the skin caused by direct contact with an agent.
- Divided into Irritant (80%) and Allergen (20%) contact dermatitis:
Irritant contact dermatitis (ICD)
- Non-specific inflammatory reaction to a substance contacting skin.
- Abrasive chemicals can corrode the epidermis causing cutaneous ulceration.
- Hands are vulnerable due to frequent occupational exposure to soap (that can abrade the lipids in skin).
- A type called phototoxic dermatitis in which topical (e.g. perfumes) or ingested irritants are activated by exposure to UV rays.
Allergen Contact Dermatitis (ACD)
- A Type IV delayed hypersensitivity reaction.
- Sensitisation occurs on first exposure.
- Pruritic, erythematous rash develops at the site on subsequent exposures.
- Can occur with various chemicals, rubber, plants, metals.
- Multiple allergens cause ACD and cross-sensitisation among agents is common.
- A variant called photoallergic contact dermatitis in which a substance becomes allergenic only after it undergoes structural change triggered by UV light. e.g. sunscreens.
Contact Dermatitis: Signs and Symptoms
- Location of symptoms can give a clue to the irritant/allergen.
- Pruritic rash, often burning, stinging, eroded, blistered skin.
- Irritant contact dermatitis = ulceration, burning, prickling, soreness and quicker onset of symptoms.
- Allergen contact dermatitis= pruritis is significant, but slower onset of symptoms.
Contact Dermatitis: Treatment
Remove allergen. Steroids & anti-histamines
Atopic Dermatitis/Eczema
- An immune-mediated inflammation of the skin due to the interaction between genetic & environmental factors.
- Pruritus is the primary symptom.
- Usually occurs in infancy/childhood.
- Primarily affects children in urban areas or developed countries, and prevalence has increased over the last 30 years
Atopic Dermatitis/Eczema: Allergens
- Foods (milk, eggs, soy, wheat, peanuts, fish).
* Airborne (dust mites, moulds, pollen).
Atopic Dermatitis/Eczema: Causes
- Family history of atopic disorders in 2/3 of cases: asthma or allergic rhinitis.
- Genetic weaknesses in epidermal barrier function.
- Some patients have a mutation in the filaggrin gene: a structural protein in the stratum corneum.
- Loss of filaggrin may result in impaired skin’s barrier function leading to entry of foreign environmentalsubstances that may trigger immune responses.
- The skin may be deficient in ‘ceramides’ (fatty acids) increasing transepidermalwater loss.
- IgE involved in 70 to 80% of cases “true allergy”.
- Predominance of pathogenic staphylococcus aureus in the skin flora of 90% of patients.
Atopic Dermatitis/Eczema: Signs and Symptoms
- Red scaly lesions on flexor surfacesand cheeks. Very itchy.
- Broken skin on scratching ->lichenification.
- Infection on skin (very inflamed and with pus).
Atopic Dermatitis/Eczema: Treatment
Corticosteroids, soap substitutes.
Urticaria (Hives)
- An itchy (pruritic), red (erythematous), blotchy and raised rash resulting from swelling of the superficial skin.
- Can develop in the pharyngeal mucosa causing swelling in the throat and obstruction of the airways.
- Occurs due to therelease of histamine from mast cells (causing vasodilation and capillary leakage).
- Causes: medications, food allergies, stings, stress.
Urticaria (Hives): Treatment