10/5 Questions Flashcards
What part of the intervertebral disc is innervated?
the outer lamellae of the annulus fibrosus
What part of the cervical intervertebral disc is highly innervated?
the middle third of the annulus fibrosus
What are the types of receptor endings in the intervertebral disc?
nociceptors and proprioceptors
What is the relationship between size of the intervertebral disc and receptor endings?
the larger the disc, the greater the variety of receptor endings
The reccurrent meningeal/sinu-vertebral/sinus vertebral nerve has typically been shown to originate from which source?
the gray ramus communicans
What part of the intervertebral disc is innervated by the recurrent meningeal/sinu-vertebral/sinus vertebral nerve?
the outer lamellae of the annulus fibrosus at the posterior part of the intervertebral disc
What forms the anterior neural plexus of the vertebral column?
fibers from the ventral primary ramus
What forms the lateral neural plexus of the vertebral column?
fibers from the ventral primary ramus
fibers from the white ramus communicans
fibers from the paradiscal ramus communicans
fibers from the gray ramus communicans
What is the name given to the white ramus communicans which becomes embedded within the annulus fibrosus of the intervertebral disc?
the paradiscal ramus communicans
What part of the intervertebral disc is innervated by fibers from the paradiscal ramus communicans?
the outer lamellae of the annulus fibrosus at the lateral part of the intervertebral disc
How does the intervertebral disc attach to the vertebral body?
sharpey’s fibers from the outer lamellae of the annulus fibrosus are firmly embedded into the epiphyseal rims of the adjacent vertebral bodies
What is the popular theory of intra-abdominal cavity pressure and intervertebral disc response to weight bearing?
increasing the intra-abdominal cavity pressure will diminish the amount of resistance the intervertebral disc needs to generate by up to 50%
Based on histology, what is the classification of the intervertebral disc?
a cartilaginous (amphiarthrosis) symphysis
What are the divisions of the embryonic somite?
the sclerotome, myotome, and dermatome
What structure is formed following migration of sclerotomes to surround the notochord?
the perichordal blastema