10/14 Questions Flashcards
What is the cranium?
the skull minus the mandible
What are the characteristics of sutura notha (false sutures)?
sutures lacking interlocking of adjacent bone surfaces; typically formed by endochondral ossification
What is the norma verticalis?
the skull viewed from the top
What is the appearance of the intersection of the coronal and sagittal sutures called?
What is the appearance of the intersection of the lambdoid and sagittal sutures called?
What is the diamond shaped remnant of developing membrane bone at the intersection of the frontal bone with both parietal bones?
anterior fontanelle
What is the diamond shaped remnant of developing membrane bone at the intersection of the occipital bone with both parietal bones?
posterior fontanelle
What is the glabella?
elevation of bone over the frontal sinus between the orbits
What is the name to the outline of the nasal cavity at the front of the skull?
piriform aperture
What is the name given to the alveolar jugum of the canine tooth in the maxilla?
canine eminence
What forms a bullet-like chin?
large mental protuberance
What forms an indented chin?
well developed bilateral mental tubercles and a slight mental protuberance
What is the tip of the external occipital protuberance called?
What points on the skull are used to measure the skull size?
nasion, vertex, inion, and gnathion
What points on the skull are used to measure cranial vault capacity?
nasion, vertex, and inion
The olfactory nerve exits the cranial vault via what opening?
cribiform plate of the ethmoid bone
What bony feature is prominent in the median plane of the middle cranial fossa?
sella turcica
What are the contents of the optic canal?
optic nerve and ophthalmic artery
What are the contents of the superior orbital fissure?
ophthalmic veins, oculomotor nerve, trochlear nerve, ophthalmic division of the trigeminal nerve, abducent nerve
What forms the roof of the posterior cranial fossa?
tentorium cerebelli
What part of the cerebrum occupies the posterior cranial fossa?
none; the tentorium cerebelli seperates the cerebrum into a space aboe the posterior cranial fossa
What part of the central nerve system occupies the posterior cranial fossa?
cerebellum, pons, medulla oblongata
What are the contents of the internal acoustic meatus?
CN VII (facial) CN VIII (auditory) Nerve of Wrisberg Vestibular and Conchlear roots VIII Internal auditory artery and vein
What cranial nerves are located within the jugular foramen?
Glossopharyngeal (IX)
Vagus (X)
Spinal accessory (XI)
What can the five layers of the scalp spell?
Skin Connective tissue Aponeurosis Loose connective tissue Periosteum
What are the principal sources of blood to the scalp?
internal and external carotid artery branches
Which divisions of the trigeminal nerve receive sensory information from the scalp?
all 3 divisions - ophthalmic, maxillary, mandibular nerves
Which mandibular division, trigeminal nerve branch innervates the scalp?
auriculotemporal nerve
What type of motor fibers to skeletal muscle are given off by the facial nerve?
branchial efferent (BE)
What is the third layer of the scalp associated with?
muscular component of the scalp
What muscle(s) are specifically associated with the scalp?
frontalis and occipitalis bellies of the epicranius muscle
Which muscles lack any attachment to bone?
orbicularis oris and procerus and risorius
Most of the seventh cranial nerve will exit the skull via what opening?
stylomastoid foramen
Which divisions of the trigeminal nerve receive sensory information from the face?
all 3 divisions: ophthalmic, maxillary, mandibular nerves
The optic canal is located along which wall of the orbit?
superior wall of the orbit
What are the contents of the optic canal?
optic nerve and ophthalmic artery
What is the name given to the medial wall of the orbit?
lamina papyracea
The superior orbital fissure is located along which wall of the orbit?
lateral wall of the orbit
What are the contents of the superior orbital fissure?
oculomotor nerve
trochlear and abducent nerve ophthalmic division trigeminal
ophthalmic vein
What opening(s) are located along the inferior wall of the orbit?
inferior orbital fissure
What is contained in the inferior orbital fissure?
maxillary division of trigeminal nerve
What are the layers of the eyelid?
orbicularis oculi muscle
tarsal plate
palpebral conjunctiva
What are the names given to the modified sebaceous gland in the tarsus of the eyelid?
tarsal or Meibomian gland
What is the function of the Meibomian gland?
produces a thick, hydrophobic substance that prevents tears from overflowing onto the cheeks along the margin of eyelid
What is the ciliary gland?
modified sebaceous gland at the base of the eyelash
What are the names given to the modified sebaceous glands of the palpebra?
tarsal gland or Meibomian gland and ciliary gland
What is the name given to the union of skin at the eyelid margins?
medial palpebral commissure or lateral palpebral commissure
What is the name given to the elevation at the medial canthus?
lacrimal caruncle
What is the crescent-shaped appearance of the conjunctiva at the medial canthus called?
plica semilunaris conjunctiva
What is the name given to the elevation at the medial margin of the eyelid?
superior lacrimal papilla or inferior lacrimal papilla
What is the name given to the opening at the lacrimal papilla?
lacrimal punctum
The lacrimal punctum is continuous with what structure?
lacrimal canaliculus
The lacrimal gland is an example of what classification of gland?
exocrine gland
Superior and inferior lacrimal canaliculi drain into what structure?
lacrimal sac
What is the name of the structure draining the lacrimal sac?
nasolacrimal duct
The nasolacrimal duct will open into what specific location?
inferior nasal meatus of nasal cavity
What specific pathways are identified with Visceral Efferent (VE) innervation?
sympathetic and parasympathetic motor pathways
Which cranial nerves are involved in the Visceral Efferent (VE) parasympathetic pathway to the lacrimal gland?
facial and trigeminal (maxillary and ophthalmic divisions/branches)
Parasympathetic stimulation of blood vessels in the lacrimal gland will result in what events?
vasodilation of blood vessels, increased availability of water to secretory units, thinner or more watery product in lumen
Sympathetic stimulation of the lacrimal gland will result in what events?
vasoconstriction of blood vessels
limited availability of water to secretory units
more viscous or thicker product formed in glandular lumen
What are the names of the layers of the eyeball?
fibrous tunic, uveal tract, retina
What are the parts of the fibrous tunic of the eyeball?
cornea and sclera
What are the parts of the vascular tunic of the eyeball?
iris, ciliary body, choroid and pupil
What are the parts of the uveal tract of the eyeball?
iris, ciliary body, choroid, pupil
What is the name of the innermost layer of the eyeball?
What is the function of the rod cell?
provide vision in dim light conditions
What is the function of the cone cell?
provide vision in bright light conditions and mediate color vision
What is the most numerous photoreceptor cell?
rod cell
What are the chambers of the eyeball in front of the lens?
anterior chamber and posterior chamber
What separates the anterior chamber and posterior chamber in the eyeball?
What is the location of the anterior chamber of the eyeball?
between the cornea and iris
What is the location of the posterior chamber of the eyeball?
between the iris and lens
What is contained in the anterior chamber of the eyeball?
aqueous humor
What is contained in the posterior chamber of the eyeball?
aqueous humor
What is the name given to the chamber behind the lens?
vitreous chamber
What is the location of the vitreous chamber?
behind the lens, in front of the retina
What fills the vitreous chamber?
vitreous body