10/20 notes Flashcards
father of behaviorism who believed that all behavior could be studied as a “stimulus-response” reaction (every behavior has a
- classical conditioning could be used to condition human emotions
- little albert” experiments
john b. watson
wave of psychology in which the study of the unconscious was abandoned altogether & discredited
“Psychology should only focus on observable behaviors, not the mind, the mind is unknowable”
- only environmental factors are of importance
- changed how we raised children
a child that watson presented with neutral stimuli (ex. rabbit, dog, cotton wool, a white rat, etc) and paired with a loud sound when touched; causing him to feel fear
- conditioned fear towards the stimulus alone
- learned to fear “furry things,” even the idea of santa claus
little albert
female psychologist who worked with a child named peter at columbia university; he had a fear of white rabbits and she gradually deconditioned that fear classically
mary cover jones
type of therapy where you have to be put through experiencing things that challenge your trauma/past experiences in order to overcome them
ex: heights
exposure therapy
a treatment of phobias in which the patient is exposed to progressively more anxiety-provoking stimuli and taught relaxation techniques
systematic desensitization
exposure therapy performed virtually; typically over Zoom
therapy that revolves around the use of a virtual world, such as a computer game or headset
virtual reality therapy
therapy that involves adding a chemical to alcohol to make an individual sick on purpose, making alcohol
alcohol abuse therapy
therapy that helps reduce disruptive or distressing repetitive behaviors
- skin picking
- hair pulling
- tourette’s syndrome and other tic disorders
- stuttering
- nail biting
habit reversal
a type of stimulus that causes a patient to forget a previous stimulus
ex: chemotherapy causes adversity towards the food groups/foods eaten 12 hours before treatment; pistachio ice cream tastes drastically different from other foods, causing the patient to forget the previous foods and not become taste adverse to them
scapegoat stimulus