1. The Lithuanian University of Health sciences and studies at the faculty of medicine Flashcards
cooperation synonym
optional (subjects) synonym
elective (optional) courses
semester synonym
stuff synonym
what is merger
the connection of two divisions, when they join together
what is ECTS
European Credit Transfer System (your held credits are valid in all Europe)
what is versatile
universal, suitable for anything, different functions
what is assistant teachers
position for teachers start
what is interdisciplinary
involving two or more scientific disciplines
what is clinical departments
departments, where students from 3rd year or earlier study clinical medicine practically
translate docentas
associate professor
translate katedros vedėjas
head of the department
translate mokymo planas
curriculum, syllabus
translate prodekanas
translate socialiniai ir humanitariniai mokslai
social sciences and humanities
translate diplomuotas specialistas/universiteto absolventas
a graduate
translate internatūra
translate rezidentūra
translate doktorantūra
doctoral studies
deanery synonym
dean’s office
cathedrals synonym
autonomic synonym
compulsive synonym
stuff synonym
personnel, staff
what is syllabus
a summary or outline, especially of a course of study
what is curriculum
the subjects comprising a course of study in a school or college/university
what is higher education institution
an institution of higher learning which includes universities, polytechnics, and agricultural colleges, which specialise in different fields such as engineering, agriculture, medicine, pedagogy, the arts, and economics among others
what is university graduate
a person who has received a degree or diploma on completing a course of study, as in a university, college or school
what is internship
practical training that takes place before graduation
what is residency (in medicine)
a stage of postgraduate medical training
what is social sciences and humanities
the study of human behaviour and interaction in social, cultural, environmetal, economic, and political contexts
what is Rector (at a university)
the sole governing body and head of the University, which together with the COuncil and the Senate takes care of ensuring the autonomy and community self-government of the University and the quality of the University’s activities
what is Dean (at a university)
the head of a faculty
what is integrated courses
the courses which combine two degrees, one is under-graduate level, and another is post-graduate/master’s level
what is bachelor’s degree
a degree that is given to a student by a college or university, usually after four years of study
what is master’s degree
an academic qualification granted at the postgraduate level to individuals who have successfully undergone study demonstrating a high level of expertise in a specific field of study or area of proffesional practice
what is part-time studies
teaching, lectures, etc. for people who are not full-time students at a college/university
what is elective course
a course that you (freely) choose from a list of courses to take as part of your programme of study
translate unit
vienetas, padalinys
translate subject matter
translate research
(moksliniai) tyrimai
translate to ensure
translate versatile
translate autonomous
autonominis, savarankiškas
translate council
translate execution function
vykdomoji funkcija
translate animal husbandary
translate cycle
ciklas (pusmetis)
translate integrated study
vientisosios studijos
translate interdisciplinary
translate extramural studies
neakivaizdinės studijos
translate fundamental medicine
pagrindinė medicina
translate postgraduate
translate to compliment with
translate scope
taikymo sritis, apimtis
translate compulsory
translate curriculum, syllabus
mokymo programa
translate internship
internatūra, stažuotė
translate admission