1 - Medical emergencies Flashcards
What is the ABCDE approach?
A - airways
B - breathing
C - circulation
D - disability
E - exposure
How should you work through the ABCDE approach?
- begin at A and work through (the problems become less life-threatening down the list)
- treat an issue before moving on
- call for help as soon as you recognise you need it
When should you start CPR?
If the patient is unconscious, unresponsive and not breathing properly
What are the signs of airway obstruction?
- unusual chest/abdomen movements (see-saw)
- central cyanosis (late sign)
What are the causes of airway obstruction?
- inflammation
- loss of consciousness
How can you quickly assess airway patency?
If the patient can speak their airway is unobstructed
How do you treat airway obstruction?
- this is a medical emergency, call for help
- airway manoeuvres (head tilt, chin tilt, jaw thrust)
- airway suction
- insert oropharyngeal/nasopharyngeal airway
- high concentration oxygen (15L/min at 100%)
What are the signs of breathing problems?
- general signs of respiratory distress
- using accessory muscles
- sweating
- central cyanosis
- abdominal breathing
How can you assess breathing problems?
- count the respiratory rate
- assess the depth of breath
- listen to breath sounds
What is considered a normal respiratory rate?
12-15 breaths per minute
>25 is considered high
What are some causes of breathing problems?
- acute asthma attack
- pulmonary oedema
- pneumothorax
- acute exacerbation of COPD
How can you treat breathing problems?
- give oxygen (high concentration - UNLESS patient is known to have COPD, as high levels of oxygen will depress their respiration rate)
- deliver salbutamol for an acute asthma attack
What are the signs of circulation problems?
- colour of the skin
- temperature of the skin
- capillary refill time should be <2s
- veins not visible (ie collapsed)
- pulse rate (tachycardic or bradycardic)
How do you assess capillary refill time?
- apply pressure to fingertip held as heart level for 5s
- fingertip should blanch
- when pressure released fingertip should return to normal colour in <2s
What is considered normal heart rate?
60-90 bpm
- should be taken as a radial pulse
- tachycardia could be indicative of exertion / stress
- bradycardia is more concerning, ie organ failure
How can you assess a patient’s blood pressure?
If you can feel a radial pulse, BP = 100 systolic
What are some causes of circulation problems?
- changes in rhythm can be caused by AF or heart block
- changes in rate can be caused by arrhythmia/ACS/HF
What are the signs of disability?
- assess the pupils, equal and reactive to light
What does ACVPU stand for?
- alert
- confusion
- vocal stimuli response
- pressure / painful response
- unresponsive
What are some causes of “disability”?
- head injury
- hypoglycaemia
- hypo - anything
How do you treat “disability”?
Seek immediate medical help
How does exposure affect dentistry?
- do not fully expose the patient
- do consider all possibilities
- reassess the patient, following ABCDE
What concentration of oxygen do you give someone who is unwell?
Describe anaphylaxis.
A - stridor, swelling
B - increased rate, wheeze
C - increased rate, hypotension
E - rash, swelling
How do you manage anaphylaxis?
IM injection of adrenaline 1:1000, 0.5mg
Describe angina.
A - talking
B - increased
C - increased
D - alert
E - pale, clammy, central chest pain
How do you manage angina?
- GTN spray (400 micrograms)
- aspirin 300mg crushed or chewed if suspected MI
Describe asthma.
A - difficult to complete sentences
B - increased rate, wheeze
C - increased rate
D - alert
E - tripod position (accessory muscles)
How do you manage asthma?
Salbutamol 100mg ± spacer if required
Describe hypoglycaemia.
A - initially talking
B - initially increased rate
C - initially increased rate
D - initially alert
E - irritable, confused, pale
How do you manage hypoglycaemia?
- glucose (any source)
- IM injection of glucagon 1mg
Describe seizures.
A - compromised
B - ?
C - ?
D - unresponsive
E - seizure activity, incontinence
How do you manage a seizure?
- ensure safe environment
- if repeated or prolonged consider midazolam (10mg via buccal mucosa)
Describe syncope.
A - compromised
B - reduced rate
C - reduced rate and pressure
D - unresponsive
E - pale, clammy
How do you manage syncope?
Elevate legs