08 Flashcards
What is the Methodist position?
Methodology precedes the problem of subject-matter
What is the Particularist position?
The problem of subject-matter precedes methodology
What is Methodology-subject-matter-interdependency?
The nature of the subject matter influences the selection of an appropriate methodology
The methodology, in turn, shapes how the subject matter is studied, understood, and represented.
What are possible subject-matter themes?
The brain (biological processes)
The human being (holistic understanding)
The soul (mental vs organic concept)
Mind (sum-total of human experience)
Experience and behavior (avoids mind-body problem
Cognition (networks of function)
What is the brain hypothesis?
The brain is the source of behavior
What is the cardiocentric hypothesis?
The heart is the source of behavior
What is Localisationism?
A behavior is controlled by a specific area of the brain
What is the Neuron hypothesis?
The neuron is the smallest unit of the brain and its functions
The nervous system consists of two classes of cells : ______ & ______ ? + give their functions
Neurons: function-bearing
Glial cells: hold the neurons together
How does Anthropology relate to Psychology?
Anthropology is the foundational discipline of psychology
Psychology contains tacit anthropological presuppositions about experimental subjects
What is Ontology?
Philosophical study of being
How do Ontology and Psychology relate to each other?
Foundational discipline of Psychology
Psychology investigates its subject-matter without certainty about its ontological status (whether it exists or not)
Meta-discursive positions?
Psychology without the subject-matter (Herrman)
Psychology needs a specific subject-matter (Kirchhoff)
Psychology without a subject-matter (Herrmann) implies that:
Doesn’t deal with metaphysics but with problems that shift according to historical development.
Psychology does not have a necessary unity and continuity
It is not possible to solve the problem of subject-matter. Any solution would be provisional and not have any utility
Psychology needs a subject-matter (Kirchhoff) implies that:
Science becomes impossible without a subject-matter
Interdisciplinary exchange requires disciplinary identity
Experience and behavior are insufficiently determined but provide the contours for the field of research
The historical development represents different perspectives on the same issue.
How is psychology’s subject-matter related to constructivism, and what are its limits?
Psychology is constructed through thinking, not merely found
It requires separating soul and world, guided by thinking’s laws
Despite changes, its core subject remains consistent
Speculating whether this mirrors reality risks crossing into metaphysics, which psychology avoids