04 - Observation Flashcards
What are 5 different types of Observation?
1.Non systemic Observation (incidents)
2.Participant Observation (active participation in field research)
3.Direct Observation (personal presence without social integration)
4.Indirect Observation (covert observation, researcher absent)
5.Non-participant Observation (detachment from the research context)
What Technology is used in Observation?
1.Instruments (questionnaires, videos…)
3.Roles (interviewer/interviewee…)
What Designs are used in Observation?
1.Theory-dependence of observations
2.Single case (description of an individual human life)
3.Survey Research (representation of population)
4.Inductive vs Illustrational: (??)
What is a Self-report?
Report of a subjective experience trough self observation (attempt at understanding the inward dynamics of mental life)
What’s the problem of introspection?
Limited empirical evidence
How could introspection be more reliable?
Systematic experimental self-observation, think aloud protocols, psychoanalysis, micro-phenomenology
How does observation differ from perception, and what is its link to measurement? (Stumpf, 1939)
Observation involves focused attention and analysis, unlike perception, which is passive. Measurement occurs when observations are quantified using standard, unchanging units (e.g., metres, seconds) which ensures objectivity and consistency (Stumpf, 1939)
What is the essence and risk of self-observation according to Lipps (1903)?
Self-observation involves focusing on inner experiences, like feelings, step by step. However, this attention can disrupt their natural course, creating an artificial state and hindering true self-understanding. (Lipps, 1903)
What are descriptive statistics?
Describe by means of frequency and magnitude
What are the different scales of measurement?
Nominal (description)
Ordinal (ranked order)
Interval (same as ordinal but equal distance inbetween values)
Ratio (same as interval but with absolute 0)
What is the Idiographic approach?
Describes unique historical events
What is the Nomothetic approach?
Formulates laws about regular processes
Whats the Independent variable (IV)?
The condition of an event
What’s the Dependent variable (DV)?
The event itself
What does Manifest variable mean?
Directly observable
What does Latent variable mean?
Non Directly observable