(07) - Glomerular Filtration Flashcards

reason it increases is beacuse when you increase pressure in the glomerulus - whatever protein that leaks through membrane - main reason it increases it because flow is increased

will be exceted by kindey by secretion (a transport process in tubules)
benazepril is an ace inhibitor - inhbits production of Angiotensin II (AGII is a vasoconstrictor)





on the right is pathologic - get bigger holes - molecules can go through - size of the
so net filtration actually goes down - cause there are are actually less holes - they are just bigger now - so you need increased pressure to compensate for this

what is basically happening is you are getting a disruption of the oncotic pressure and the effect of fluid translocation across the capillaries - this results in expansion of intersitium (edema) - disrupts function - GI, kindeys, lungs, brain - everything where edema is starts to fail - if we give to much fluid they do worse cause you are then expanding the interstitial fluid

1-4. What four things do you need to have to have nephrotic syndrome?
- proteinuria
- hypoalbuminemia
- edema
- hyperlipidemia (once compensatory mechanism is that liver starts to increase lipid in blood - response to decrease in oncotic pressure in vasculature)