(06) - Glomerular Filtration Flashcards

albumin usually about 2.5
creatinine - anything less than 1.4 is bad
so filtartion rate is fine - but albumin is low

specific gravity fine
lots of protein in urine (ranges from 0 to 4+)
urine protein:creatinine ratio: should be less than .5
creatinine good to compare to cause its concentration isn’t messed with
albumin is going into the urine
blood pressure is high

A (where large proteins prevented from going into urine)
proximal tubules do reabsorb proteins (but only smaller proteins - this amount relatively small in comparison)
clinical hallmark or glomeruluar fuck up is high amounts of protein (albumin) in urine

the meduallary tissue is mostly the loop of henle
(this is a sick glomerulus)

we’ve seen this before
between podocytes is where we see passage of fluid
pathway for filtration throught the fenestrate, through the basement membrance, between the podocyte processes
make note of the difference of albumin concentration
basically no albumin passes through

this is what passes through
nothing gets through at 0
this process called “permselectivity”

(Passage Through the Barrier)
- What ar the two main factors affecting glomerular barrier passage?
- No hindrance to passage of molecules of what size?
- Progressively declines from what to what?
- Albumin largely excluded from filtrate
- size and charge (only affect macromolecules)
- <7000 d (water, small ions, glucose, AA, small hormones…)
- 7 Kd - 70 Kd
(PAssage through barrier)
- charge seemingly affects passage
- what is the source of the negative charge?
- fixed, negatively charged glycoproteins on endothelium, GBM, and podocytes
- What happens to HMW proteins?
- to albumin?
- to LMW?

- don’t pass at all
- small amounts (quite small) occasionally pass through - picked up by proximal tubules and metabolized
- pass through barrier - all reabsorbed by proximal tubule (ideally)
(Kindey Function)
- The primary measure of kidney function is what?
- production rate of glomerular filtrate
be kind of familiar… how the species relate

(Rate of Glomerular Filtration)
1-3. What three factors influence the rate of filtration?
know this equation too…

- hydraulic permeabiliity of the barrier
- surface area of the barrier
- net filtration pressure across the barrier
(when mesangial cells relax they increase the barrier surface area)

this should be familiar

so this is an application of previous equation i think
basically a derivation of the equation

he didn’t talk about this too much

know this pretty well

understand this - this will be on the test
oncotic pressure changes because the concentration of albumin in capillaries will increase
if you’re feeling thorough watch this lecutre at about 38:00 for an exaplanantion of this 5/1 9AM

B (increased pressure in bowmans space)

B (
note that onocotic pressure changes - net filtration pressure changes due to this