(01) - Anatomic Overview Flashcards
- Where are glomeruli located?
- What vessels run along the cortex-medulla interface?
- ONLY in the renal cortex
- arcuate arteries
(red arrows are arcuate arteries)

There are 4 parts to the kidney
1-4. name them
- glomeruli
- tubules
- interstitium
- vascular

(Structure and Function)
- Production of what?
- Start by producing what?
- adding to it what you don’t want called what?
- subtracting what you do want called what?
- urine (keep what you need, eliminate the rest)
- vast quantity of body fluids (filtration)
- secretion
- reabsorption

Kidneys important for move to land - allow maintenance of fluid balance

What part performs each function?
- fine tuning of substances
- produce filtrate
- add and subtract large volumes of substances
- reabsorb (conserve) water
- distal tubules
- glomerulus
- proximal tubule
- loops of henle

(Where are the Kidneys)
- retroperiotneal
- which kidney is cranial?
(Dog kidney)
- which kidney attached?
- location of left and right?
(cat kidney)
- pendulous and moveable
- location of left and right
- right
- right
- right (T12 - L1), left (1/2 kindey caudal)
- right (L1-L4), left (L2 - L5)
(easier to palpate kidneys in cats than in dogs)
(stretching of perioteum causes kidney pain when swelling occurs)

(Dogs and Cat Versus Human)
- cats and dogs have unipolar kidneys
- humans have multilobar

vessels in medulla follow the tubules (mostly loops of Henle)
proximal and distal tubules in cortical area

gross internal structre
glomeruli give granular appearace
tubules all empty into the renal pelvis
three vessels at hilus (artery, vein, and ureter)

Collecting areas of renal pelvis has odd shape that allows collection form all nephrons - each neprhon functions individually
kidney functions as sum of all individual nephrons

(Summary - Renal Collection System)
(Renal Pelvis and pelvic recesses)
- nephrons empty into what?
- urine collects where?
- pelvis is an extension of what?
(pelvis drains into proximal ureter)
- pelvis and ureter lined by what?
- unidirectional flow facilitated by what?
- collecting ducts
- pelvis
- proximal ureter
- transitional epithelium and smooth muscle
- peristalsis
(urine that enters renal pelvis stays the same until ejection)
learn this
cortex gets a lot more blood flow
- why is blood flow so much less in medulla?

- kidney generates a high conc of solue in medulla - progressively higher as ou go deeper - don’t want a lot of blood flow here cause it would pick up these solutes
trade off for this is that the medulla may not get enough blood at times of disruption which can lead to damage
(Renal Vessel Sequence)
- renal artery –> ?
- at hilus branch into what?
- branch to arcuate arteries where?
- interlobular arteries ascend and run radially throught what to what?
- dorsal an ventral rami
- interlobar arteries
- at corticomedullary junction
- cortex to kidney surface
(if you cut an arteriole you will get an infarct)

almost all of blood going into kidney goes through glomerulus

(Renal Vessel Sequence)
- interlobular a. branches into what?
- afferent arteriole –> ? —> ?
- what kind of system is this?
- glom caps = ?
- preglomerular and postglomerular capillary sphincters
- afferent arterioles
- glomerular capillaries, efferent arteriole
- an arterial portal system
- 1st capillary bed
(the 2nd capillary bed are the peritubular capillaries - these supply the tubules - and come after glomerulus)
Renal Vessel Sequence (3)
- efferent arteriolies –> ?
- What are PT caps and vasa recta?
- Enter venous return and largely follow what back to what?
- peritubular capillaries, vasa recta
- 2nd capillary beds
- arterial map back to renal v.

different glomeruli send their second capillary bed to different areas
filtrate squeezed out at gloerulus (first capillary bed) - reabsorbed at second

(Key Points)
- blood supply to kidneys is exceptionally large (exceeds metabolic needs)
- How many capillary beds?
- Pre-capillary and post sphincters on either end of the glomerulus allow you to alter blood flow through each ot the vascular beds - thus determine how much filtrate is produced - and how much is reabsorbed
- 2
(The kidney is composed of:)
- nephrons (how many in cats? dog?)
- kidney function is the sum of what?
- nephrons have generally similar structures, but vary somewhat with locations in the kidneys
- 200,000, 500,000
- all functioning nephrons
know these

what is unique about the cortex?


he talked for a spell about what part of nephron is in each section

(The Renal Corpuscle)