06a: Adeno, Parvo, Polyoma Viruses Flashcards
Most infections with adenoviruses are (symptomatic/asymptomatic). Does asymptomatic shedding occur?
Asymptomatic; yes
Adenovirus is (enveloped/non-enveloped), (RNA/DNA) virus with (icosahedral/helical/complex) capsid symmetry.
Non-enveloped; dsDNA, icosahedral
Adenovirus replicates in (nucleus/cytoplasm) using (host/viral) DNA polymerase. It then uses (host/viral) RNA polymerase for transcription and assembles in (nucleus/cytoplasm).
Both assembly and replication in nucleus;
Viral DNA Pol, host RNA Pol
Adenovirus progeny released via (budding/lysis).
T/F: Adenoviruses are found worldwide, all year.
Partly true - worldwide, but seasonal (winter)
Half of children, before age 5, will have four different (X) virus infections, which cause 5-10% of (Y) disease.
X = adeno- Y = respiratory
Major route of spread of adenovirus is via (X). What are other routes of transmission?
X = aerosolized droplets
Fomites, fecal-oral route, direct inoculation of conjunctiva
T/F: Immune response to adenovirus will provide life-long immunity against the virus.
Life-long immunity acquired, but only against SPECIFIC serotype of the adenovirus
T/F: Dissemination and viremia of adenovirus are common among the immunocompetent.
False - among immunocompromised; infection usually local
In young children (under 3), adenovirus infection usually presents as:
Acute febrile pharyngitis (cough, stuffy nose, inflamed pharynx) - like strep
(X) is the most common cause of acute viral conjunctivitis.
X = adenovirus
In older children (over 3), adenovirus infection usually presents as:
Pharyngoconjunctival fever
Acute Respiratory Disease (ARD) outbreak occurs among military recruits. Which (bacteria/virus) is responsible? What are the symptoms?
Cough, fever, pharyngitis
Adenovirus is a significant problem among hospitalized patients, causing (X) disease.
X = gastroenteritis and diarrhea
Most common adenovirus infection treatment is (X). If severe infection, (Y) is used.
X = supportive Y = antivirals (cidofovir) and IVIG
B19 is the most important (X) virus associated with disease in humans.
X = parvo-
(X) virus is very hardy (survives pH 3-9) and heat-stable. It has (RNA/DNA) genome and (icosahedral/helical/complex) capsid symmetry.
X = parvo
ssDNA (neg-sense)
Transcription/replication of parvovirus takes place in (cytoplasm/nucleus). And assembly in (cytoplasm/nucleus). It uses (host/viral) factors and polymerases and releases progeny via (budding/lysis).
All in nucleus;
all host;
(X) virus targets erythroid-derived cells because they are (Y).
X = parvovirus; Y = actively dividing
T/F: Nearly 90% of adults over 50 are IgG positive for parvovirus B19.
Spread of parvovirus is likely via (X) and enters body primarily via (Y).
X = Close contact, fomites, droplets Y = respiratory route
T/F: Immune response to parvovirus B19 will provide life-long immunity to re-infection.
True (B19 has only 1 serotype)
Parvovirus B19 primarily infects which cell types?
- RBC Precursors
2. Vascular endothelial cells
Erythema infectiosum, aka (X) disease, is caused by (Y) infection. It’s characterized by “slapped cheek” flush.
X = fifth disease Y = parvovirus
The infectious agent responsible for “Fifth disease” may cause (X) in pregnant women.
X = fetal death (first trimester) or hydrops fetalis (second trimester)
This is parvovirus B19 (FYI) IF woman is sero-neg and gets infected during pregnancy
Infection by (X) virus in sickle cell patients can cause aplastic crises, complicating their disease.
X = parvovirus B19
T/F: Parvovirus B19 can cause life-long immune complex-mediated polyarthritis in adults.
False - not life-long
Human Polyomaviruses, (X) and (Y), usually cause which disease in immunocompetent host?
X = JC Y = BK
Human Polyomaviruses, (X) and (Y), usually cause which disease in immunocompromised host?
X = JC (PML = progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy)
Y = BK (severe UTI/renal disease)
T/F: In almost all people, polyoma viruses JC and BK are clinically latent.
Polyoma BK virus establishes latent infection in (X). And JC virus in (Y).
X = kidneys; Y = kidneys, B cells, monocyte lineage cells