03 VPI/VPD Flashcards
How does a cleft palate impact speech?
Where is the air going? if the velopharyngeal port isn’t working the air will come out of your nose
You have to impound air in order to:
- To do plosives
- Get frication
- And make the air turbulent
- Blocking air with your tongue
What is VPI? what two things can it be due to?
Velopharyngeal Inadequacy (it does not have to be cleft, it’s an umbrella term)
Two things:
1. Velopharyngeal Insufficiency
2. Velopharyngeal Incompetency
Velopharyngeal insufficiency is what?
Structural etiology
Due to anatomical mismatch
-the soft palate isn’t long enough to contact the posterior pharyngeal wall–even though the muscles work
Velopharyngeal Incompetancy is what?
-neurogenic etiology
-the muscles of the velum are not capable of lifting the velum to close the velopharyngeal port
ex. stroke, disease process, apraxia
(This is the opposite of insufficiency because the muscular swing does NOT work)
T/F Velopharyngeal Mislearningcan take place of VPI?
True, the velum is completely capable of closure, the child has simply learned to make the phoneme wrong
- so they have manner right but place is wrong
- ex. /s/ /sh/ learn to put it through the nose and do /f/
Velopharyngeal dysfunction
covers the same etiology as VPI just a different name
In VPD when does hypernasality occur?
on vowels
-it is a descriptor of vowel quality
In VPD when does Nasal Air Emission occur?
on consonants
-there’s air coming through the nose when there shouldn’t be
To test NAE what pressure consonants should you use?
p/b, t/d, k/g, s/z etc. but NOT liquids or glides because those naturally have airflow
-have the child say puppy, paper, this horse eats grass, I like chocolate cake
Why do children develop compensatory articulation errors?
it is a deliberate cognitive attempt to produce some of the distinctive features correctly
-they have manner and voice
What is an example of compensatory artic errors?
if it’s a plosive they’ll try to stop but they’ll do it at the level of the glottis
or they’ll do a nasal snort
What is an obligatory error?
the child cannot help it, they can’t close the velopharyngeal port therefore, there’s nasal emission AND hypernasality
You should always assess the cause because
they always have the potential to have normal anatomy and the cleft will not be obvious.
ex. submucous cleft
How can you assess VPI/VPD?
- Radiographic study/x-ray
- Endoscopic eval of VP
- Video fluoroscopy
- your ear!
you can give a _____ by doing an endoscopic eval
-you can look at contact and how strong the contact is
What can you find for an endoscopic eval?
- normal speech and resonance with normal VP function
- Consistent VPD
- Task-specific VPD
- Irregular VPD
- Abnormal resonance with VPD
Explain consistent VPD
If it’s consistent there’s nothing therapy can do!
- a surgical fix is required because the structures are not capable of closure
- however you may want to do a couple weeks of therapy if you think you can increase muscle activity
Explain task-specific VPD
Inconsistent VPD
- it closes for some sounds, not for others
- may be a timing issue
- VPD therapy is more likely to work
- your cut off time is 6 weeks, if you have no progress it’s time for surgery
Explain irregular VPD
there’s no predictable pattern
- you can never tell when there will be closure and when their won’t
- you can have abnormal resonance
Explain abnormal resonance without VPD
- you see closure but your person still sounds hypernasal
- you can never tell when the velopharyngeal closure will happen and when it won’t
- abnormal resonance, hypernasality
What can cause abnormal resonance without VPD if there is closure?
there is closure but something extra is vibrating
- there are other resonating structures
- some nueromuscular disorder ex. spastic dysarthria after a stroke
- ex. the velum is slow and weak, it may vibrate which vibrates the air in the nasal cavity but still makes the sound hypernasal
Degree of patency is also known as what?
Describe it relative to breathing
- how open the velopharyngeal port is (small, medium or large)
- is it left or right
- symmetrical or asymmetrical
What are the patterns of closure?
Circular with passavants ridge
T/f the velopharyngeal port is a sphincter