[03] Vocabulário em frases 03 Flashcards
그것이 비싸서 만지지 마세요!
That is very expensive, so please don’t touch it!
[만지다 —– to touch / to finger]
저는 저의 머리를 부드럽게 만졌어요
I touched my hair softly
[만지다 —– to touch / to finger]
그녀의 작은 손이 부드럽게 내 얼굴을 만졌다.
Her tiny hands gently touched my face.
[만지다 —– to touch / to finger]
Don’t touch!
[만지다 —– to touch / to finger]
(그는) 주머니에 있는 동전 몇 개를 만져 보았다.
He fingered the few coins in his pocket.
[만지다 —– to touch / to finger]
그는 손으로 이마를 만졌다.
He touched his hand to his forehead.
[만지다 —– to touch / to finger]
고양이의 털은 만지면 아주 부드럽다.
A cat’s fur is soft to the touch.
[만지다 —– to touch / to finger]
너는 볼 수만 있을 뿐 만질 수는 없다.
You can look, but mustn’t touch.
[만지다 —– to touch / to finger]
너는 줄곧 그것을 만지고 있었니, 그렇지?
You have been touching it, haven’t you?
[만지다 —– to touch / to finger]
나는 조심스럽게 손을 뻗어 그 뱀을 만졌다.
I reached out gingerly to touch the snake
[만지다 —– to touch / to finger]
낮잠 자다
to take a nap
[자다 —– to sleep]
늦잠 자다
to sleep in
[자다 —– to sleep]
너무 피곤해서 자고 싶어요
I want to sleep because I am so tired
[자다 —– to sleep]
저는 세 시간 동안 잤어요
I slept for three hours
[자다 —– to sleep]
저는 지금 자고 싶어요
I want to sleep now
[자다 —– to sleep]
애기는 침대에서 자고 있어요
The baby is sleeping in the bed
[자다 —– to sleep]
우리는 집에 와서 바로 잤어요
We came home and went to sleep immediately
[자다 —– to sleep]
저는 어젯밤에 잘 잤어요
I slept well last night
[자다 —– to sleep]
저는 오늘 오후에 낮잠을 잤어요
I took a nap in the afternoon today
[자다 —– to sleep]
저는 어제 영화를 봤어요
I saw a movie yesterday
[보다 ——- to see, to look at, to watch]
저는 마지막 것을 안 봤어요
I didn’t see the last thing (I didn’t see that last one)
[보다 ——- to see, to look at, to watch]
저는 그 영화를 다섯 번 봤어요
I saw that movie five times
[보다 ——- to see, to look at, to watch]
저는 어제 두 시간 동안 TV를 봤어요
I watched TV for two hours yesterday
[보다 ——- to see, to look at, to watch]
저는 방금 뭔가(를) 봤어요
I just saw something a minute ago
[보다 ——- to see, to look at, to watch]
원숭이가 벽을 보고 있어요
The monkey is looking at the wall
[보다 ——- to see, to look at, to watch]
저는 저의 친구를 병원에서 봤어요
I saw my friend at the hospital
[보다 ——- to see, to look at, to watch]
형하고 아버지는 영화를 봤어요
My brother and dad saw a movie
[보다 ——- to see, to look at, to watch]
교실이 너무 어두워서 학생들은 칠판을 볼 수 없어요
The students can’t see the board because the classroom is too dark
[보다 ——- to see, to look at, to watch]
어, 봐, 그 제트기가 이륙했어.
Hey , look , that jet airliner is hopping off.
[보다 ——- to see, to look at, to watch]
나는 그를 보고 곧 알아차렸다.
I recognized him the moment that I saw him.
[보다 ——- to see, to look at, to watch]
우리는 공정한 처리를 보고 싶다.
We want to see fairplay.
[보다 ——- to see, to look at, to watch]
우리는 눈으로 보고, 귀로 듣는다.
We see with our eyes, and hear with our ears.
[보다 ——- to see, to look at, to watch]
그의 나이로 볼 때, 그는 어려보인다.
He looks young considering his age.
[보다 ——- to see, to look at, to watch]
어두워서 그는 그 집을 볼 수가 없었다.
He couldn’t see the house in the gloom.
[보다 ——- to see, to look at, to watch]
나는 네가 이 일을 하는 것을 보고 싶다.
I’d like to see you do it.
[보다 ——- to see, to look at, to watch]
이 배는 가라앉아서 다시는 볼 수 없었다.
The ship sank below the waves and was seen no more.
[보다 ——- to see, to look at, to watch]
세균이 너무 작아서 육안으로 볼 수 없다.
Germs are too small to be seen with a naked eye.
[보다 ——- to see, to look at, to watch]
이런 균열은 현미경으로 볼 수 있는 것이다.
These cracks can be seen under a microscope.
[보다 ——- to see, to look at, to watch]
짙은 안개 때문에 나는 아무것도 볼 수 없다.
I can’t see anything for the fog.
[보다 ——- to see, to look at, to watch]
나는 너의 모친을 볼 수 있기를 줄곧 바랬다.
I have been looking forward to seeing your mother.
[보다 ——- to see, to look at, to watch]
나는 이 영화를 볼 기회가 있길 줄곧 바랬다.
I’ve been hoping I’d have a chance to see the film.
[보다 ——- to see, to look at, to watch]
나는 무슨 일이 일어나는지를 기다려 보겠다.
I’ll wait and see what happens.
[보다 ——- to see, to look at, to watch]
있습니다, 이것은 불어본입니다, 한번 보십시오.
Yes, we have.Here it is.Please have a look.
[보다 ——- to see, to look at, to watch]
그가 새기계를 조작하는 것을 누군가가 늘 본다.
He is often seen to work a new machine.
[보다 ——- to see, to look at, to watch]
나는 일할 때 의욕이 없는 사람을 보면 싫어한다. .
I hate to see those who work dispiritedly
[보다 ——- to see, to look at, to watch]
우리는 그 말을 탄 사람들이 질주해서 가는 것을 보고 있었다.
We watched the riders pushing on at a rapid pace.
[보다 ——- to see, to look at, to watch]
버스를 기다리다
to wait for the bus
[기다리다 —— to wait / to wait around / to hang on (informal) / to await (formal)]
기다리고 있다
to be waiting
[기다리다 —— to wait / to wait around / to hang on (informal) / to await (formal)]
저는 친구를 기다리고 있어요
I am waiting for my friend.
[기다리다 —— to wait / to wait around / to hang on (informal) / to await (formal)]
저는 30분 동안 기다렸어요
I waited for 30 minutes
[기다리다 —— to wait / to wait around / to hang on (informal) / to await (formal)]
3시까지 기다릴 거예요
I will wait until 3:00
[기다리다 —— to wait / to wait around / to hang on (informal) / to await (formal)]
저는 줄에 서서 순서를 기다렸어요
I stood in line and waited for my turn
[기다리다 —— to wait / to wait around / to hang on (informal) / to await (formal)]
저는 아직 기다리고 있어요
I am still waiting
[기다리다 —— to wait / to wait around / to hang on (informal) / to await (formal)]
엄마는 기다리고 있을 것 같아요
Mom is probably waiting (It seems like mom is waiting)
[기다리다 —— to wait / to wait around / to hang on (informal) / to await (formal)]
모든 사람들은 교수님이 말씀하기 시작하는 것을 기다렸다
Everybody was waiting for the professor to start talking
[기다리다 —— to wait / to wait around / to hang on (informal) / to await (formal)]
우리는 20분간 버스를 기다렸다.
We waited 20 minutes for a bus.
[기다리다 —— to wait / to wait around / to hang on (informal) / to await (formal)]
나는 긴박하게 너의 답신을 기다린다.
I am anxiously awaiting your reply.
[기다리다 —— to wait / to wait around / to hang on (informal) / to await (formal)]
우리는 나루터에서 세 시간을 기다렸다.
We waited three hours at the ferry.
[기다리다 —— to wait / to wait around / to hang on (informal) / to await (formal)]
우리는 아주 오랫동안 버스를 기다렸다.
We had a long wait for a bus.
[기다리다 —— to wait / to wait around / to hang on (informal) / to await (formal)]
월요일 5시에 정거장에서 기다려 주세요.
Please wait for me at five at the station on Monday.
[기다리다 —— to wait / to wait around / to hang on (informal) / to await (formal)]
나는 이미 여기서 많은 시간을 기다렸다.
I’ve been waiting here for hours.
[기다리다 —— to wait / to wait around / to hang on (informal) / to await (formal)]
나는 적당한 때를 기다릴 것을 건의한다.
I advise waiting till the proper time.
[기다리다 —— to wait / to wait around / to hang on (informal) / to await (formal)]
나는 단지 2분을 기다려 불리어져 나갔다.
I waited for only two minutes before I was called in.
[기다리다 —— to wait / to wait around / to hang on (informal) / to await (formal)]
우리는 귀사의 주문을 기다리고 있습니다.
We await with pleasure your further valued orders.
[기다리다 —— to wait / to wait around / to hang on (informal) / to await (formal)]
우리는 마음이 뒤숭숭해서 기다리고 있다.
We waited in suspense.
[기다리다 —— to wait / to wait around / to hang on (informal) / to await (formal)]
우리는 그들이 수도를 연결하기를 기다리고 있다.
We are waiting for them to lay the water on.
[기다리다 —— to wait / to wait around / to hang on (informal) / to await (formal)]
우리는 초조하게 시험 성적 듣기를 기다리고 있다.
We’re waiting anxiously to hear the examination results.
[기다리다 —— to wait / to wait around / to hang on (informal) / to await (formal)]
우리는 수상이 우리에게 제시할 것을 기다리고 있다.
We’re waiting for the Prime Minister to give us a lead.
[기다리다 —— to wait / to wait around / to hang on (informal) / to await (formal)]
우리의 주인은 성연을 준비해서 우리를 기다리고 있다.
Our host had a fine spread waiting for us.
[기다리다 —— to wait / to wait around / to hang on (informal) / to await (formal)]
이 배는 폭풍우가 약해질 때까지 항구 안에서 기다렸다.
The ship waited in the harbour until the storm abated.
[기다리다 —— to wait / to wait around / to hang on (informal) / to await (formal)]
우리는 그들이 우리를 기다릴 것이라는 것을 잘 알고 있다.
We understood them to mean that they would wait for us.
[기다리다 —— to wait / to wait around / to hang on (informal) / to await (formal)]
우리는 당신이 여기에서 우리를 기다리고 있을 것이라는 것을 생각하지 못했다.
We didn’t expect you to be waiting for us here.
[기다리다 —— to wait / to wait around / to hang on (informal) / to await (formal)]
나는 거리 모퉁이로 걸어가서 학교 버스를 기다린다.
I walk to a street corner and wait for the school bus.
[기다리다 —— to wait / to wait around / to hang on (informal) / to await (formal)]
나는 그녀가 어떻게 반응할까를 보려고 기다렸다.
I waited to see how she responded.
[기다리다 —— to wait / to wait around / to hang on (informal) / to await (formal)]
우리는 결과가 나오기까지 1주일을 기다려야만 했다.
We had to wait a week before we got the results.
[기다리다 —— to wait / to wait around / to hang on (informal) / to await (formal)]
이것이 아주 흥미롭게 들린다면, 책을 읽을 때까지 좀 기다려 보세요.
If you think this all sounds very exciting, just wait until you read the book.
[기다리다 —— to wait / to wait around / to hang on (informal) / to await (formal)]
잠깐만! 이라고 하며 (그가) 말참견을 했다. “이건 그녀에게 항변할 공정한 기회를 주는 게 아니잖아!”
“Wait a minute!” he broke in. “This is not giving her a fair hearing!”
[기다리다 —— to wait / to wait around / to hang on (informal) / to await (formal)]
공격자가 일격을 가할 기회를 노리며 기다리고 있었는지도 모른다.
The attacker may have been waiting around for an opportunity to strike.
[기다리다 —— to wait / to wait around / to hang on (informal) / to await (formal)]
나는 의사와 말하기 위해 기다렸다.
I waited around to speak to the doctor.
[기다리다 —— to wait / to wait around / to hang on (informal) / to await (formal)]
잠시 동안 기다려 줄래?
Can you hang on for a minute?
[기다리다 —— to wait / to wait around / to hang on (informal) / to await (formal)]
월마트에서 놀랄만한 일이 그들을 기다렸다.
A surprise awaited them in Wal-Mart.
[기다리다 —— to wait / to wait around / to hang on (informal) / to await (formal)]
회장님이 도착하기를 기다리는 동안 우리는 거의 말을 하지 않았다.
Very little was said as we awaited the arrival of the chairman.
[기다리다 —— to wait / to wait around / to hang on (informal) / to await (formal)]
밖에 나가기 전에 집을 청소해야 돼요!
Before I go out, I need to clean the house
[청소하다 —— to clean]
저는 집을 청소기로 청소했어요
I cleaned the house with a vacuum cleaner
[청소하다 —— to clean]
Let’s clean the house.
[청소하다 —— to clean]
너의 방을 깨끗하게 잘 청소해라.
Give your room a good clean.
[청소하다 —— to clean]
음악을 들으면서 청소하고 있어요.
I’m cleaning up while listening to music.
[청소하다 —— to clean]
이번에는 네가 침실을 청소할 차례이다.
It’s your turn to clean the bedroom up.
[청소하다 —— to clean]
그는 청소할 때마다 음악을 크게 틀곤 했다.
He used to turn on his music loud every time he cleaned.
[청소하다 —— to clean]
사람들은 철도 교통의 장애가 되는 눈더미를 청소하고 있다.
People are cleaning up the snow- drifts that block up the railroads.
[청소하다 —— to clean]
(그녀는) 집안 구석구석을 청소하기로 마음먹었다.
She decided to start picking up the house from the top down.
[청소하다 —— to clean]
빗자루를 들고 그 유리를 치워 주겠니?
Get a broom and sweep up that glass, will you?
[청소하다 —— to clean]
(그들은) 아침 식사 후 내가 청소를 하는 동안 놀았다.
After breakfast they played while I cleared up.
[청소하다 —— to clean]
하루 동안의 격렬한 대치 끝에 남겨진 잔해를 시 경찰이 계속 치우고 있는 중이다.
Police in the city have been cleaning up the debris left by a day of violent confrontation.
[청소하다 —— to clean]
메리는 그들을 위해 요리와 청소를 했다.
Mary cooked and cleaned for them.
[청소하다 —— to clean]
그는 올 거라고 약속했어요
He promised that he would come
[약속하다 ——- to promise]
The pronunciation of this word is closer to “약소카다”
우린 약속했어.
We promised.
[약속하다 ——- to promise]
The pronunciation of this word is closer to “약소카다”
나는 그들을 도와주기로 약속했다.
I have promised to help them.
[약속하다 ——- to promise]
The pronunciation of this word is closer to “약소카다”
현금을 내일 주겠다고 약속했어요.
I promised to give you (the) cash tomorrow.
[약속하다 ——- to promise]
The pronunciation of this word is closer to “약소카다”
나는 지금부터는 잘 행동하기로 약속했다.
I promise to behave better henceforth.
[약속하다 ——- to promise]
The pronunciation of this word is closer to “약소카다”
그는 내게 조속히 회답하겠다고 약속했다.
He promised me a quick answer.
[약속하다 ——- to promise]
The pronunciation of this word is closer to “약소카다”
나는 너의 바람을 고려해 볼 것을 약속한다.
I promise to respect your wishes.
[약속하다 ——- to promise]
The pronunciation of this word is closer to “약소카다”
그는 내 방을 청소하겠다고 나에게 약속했다.
He promised me he’d clean my room.
[약속하다 ——- to promise]
The pronunciation of this word is closer to “약소카다”
그는 우리들에게 한번 강의 할 것을 약속했다.
He has promised to give us a lecture.
[약속하다 ——- to promise]
The pronunciation of this word is closer to “약소카다”
그는 이번 주내에 돈을 돌려주겠다고 약속했다.
He promised to pay back this week.
[약속하다 ——- to promise]
The pronunciation of this word is closer to “약소카다”
그는 몇 분 후에 다시 전화를 하겠다고 약속했다.
He promised to ring back in a few minutes.
[약속하다 ——- to promise]
The pronunciation of this word is closer to “약소카다”
주말에 부모님과 같이 밥 먹으려고 약속했어요.
I promised to have dinner with my parents on the weekend.
[약속하다 ——- to promise]
The pronunciation of this word is closer to “약소카다”
나는 이 비밀을 다른 사람에게 전하지 않겠다고 약속했다.
I promised not to repeat the secret.
[약속하다 ——- to promise]
The pronunciation of this word is closer to “약소카다”
존은 결코 그 탈주범을 경찰에게 넘기지 않겠다고 약속했다.
John promised that he would never give the escaped prisoner up to the police.
[약속하다 ——- to promise]
The pronunciation of this word is closer to “약소카다”
그녀는 자정전에 무도회를 떠나지 않겠다고 대모와 약속했다.
She promised her godmother she would not fail to leave the ball before midnight.
[약속하다 ——- to promise]
The pronunciation of this word is closer to “약소카다”
경찰은 모든 범인을 잡을 때까지 결코 손을 놓지 않겠다고 약속했다.
The police promised not to rest until all the criminals were caught.
[약속하다 ——- to promise]
The pronunciation of this word is closer to “약소카다”
그는 이미 그의 대부분의 책을 그의 친구들에게 보내주기로 약속했다.
He has promised most of his books away to his friends.
[약속하다 ——- to promise]
The pronunciation of this word is closer to “약소카다”
나는 너의 자전거를 조금도 손상시키지 않고 너에게 돌려줄 것을 약속한다.
I promise to return your bicycle in good condition.
[약속하다 ——- to promise]
The pronunciation of this word is closer to “약소카다”
나는 다음 주에 그에게 돈을 지불하기로 약속하고, 이렇게 대충 얼버무려서 그를 가게 했다.
I put him off with a promise to pay him next week.
[약속하다 ——- to promise]
The pronunciation of this word is closer to “약소카다”
수업을 듣다
to take a class (literally, to “listen to” a class)
[듣다 —— to hear]
그 말을 못 들었어요
I didn’t hear that thing that you just said
[듣다 —— to hear]
저는 쥐를 들었어요
I heard a mouse
[듣다 —— to hear]
저는 2달 동안 한국어 수업을 들었어요
I took a Korean class for 2 months
[듣다 —— to hear]
저는 선생님의 목소리를 못 들었어요
I couldn’t hear the teacher’s voice
[듣다 —— to hear]
그 말을 들었더니 기분이 상했어요
My feelings were hurt after hearing that
[듣다 —— to hear]
나는 그 소식을 듣고 슬펐다.
It distresses me to hear that news
[듣다 —— to hear]
나는 그 일을 듣고 힘들었다.
I am sorry to hear it.
[듣다 —— to hear]
나는 이 일을 듣고 안심했다.
I was relieved to hear it.
[듣다 —— to hear]
우리는 눈으로 보고, 귀로 듣는다.
We see with our eyes, and hear with our ears.
[듣다 —— to hear]
우리는 저녁 내내 방송을 듣고 있다.
We were listening to the wireless broadcasting all evening.
[듣다 —— to hear]
그 소식을 듣고 나는 매우 상심했다.
I am much distressed to hear the news.
[듣다 —— to hear]
이 소리는 아주 멀어도 들을 수 있다.
The sound could be heard at a great distance.
[듣다 —— to hear]
나는 이 소식을 듣고 곧 쓰기 시작했다.
I came immediately I heard the news.
[듣다 —— to hear]
우리들은 언제나 10시에 뉴스를 듣는다.
We always tune in at 10 o’clock to hear the news.
[듣다 —— to hear]
이러한 거리에서 그가 들을 수 있습니까?
Will he be able to hear at such a distance?
[듣다 —— to hear]
나는 그가 실패했다는 것을 듣고 놀랐다.
I am very surprised to hear of his failure.
[듣다 —— to hear]
너희들이 화해했다는 것을 듣고, 나는 매우 기뻤다.
I rejoice to hear that you have been reconciled.
[듣다 —— to hear]
이 농담을 듣고 그들은 모두 와와 하고 크게 웃었다.
They broke out laughing on hearing the joke.
[듣다 —— to hear]
우리는 무슨 일이 발생했는지를 좀 듣고 싶어하는데 급급하다.
We’re dying to hear what happened.
[듣다 —— to hear]
선생님의 말을 잘 들어보세요!
listen carefully to what the teacher says!
[들어보다 —– to listen]
The pronunciation of this word is closer to “드러보다”
빨리 그만하세요!
stop quickly!
[그만하다 —– to stop]
다음 달에 한국어를 배우는 것을 그만할 거예요
I will stop learning Korean next month
[그만하다 —– to stop]
저는 매일 운동해요
I exercise everyday
[운동하다 —— to exercise]
저는 오늘 두 번 운동할 것입니다
I will exercise twice (two times) today
[운동하다 —— to exercise]
어제 운동을 해서 오늘 저의 팔이 아파요
my arms are sore because I exercised yesterday
[운동하다 —— to exercise]
저는 운동을 열심히 하고 숨을 빨리 쉬었어요
After I exercised I was breathing really fast
[운동하다 —— to exercise]
저는 요즘에 운동을 많이 해요
I am exercising a lot these days
[운동하다 —— to exercise]
운동은 스트레스를 풀어요
exercise relieves stress
[운동하다 —— to exercise]
운동할 때 알맞은 자세로 해야 돼요
When you exercise, you need to do so with the correct posture
[운동하다 —— to exercise]
난 운동했어.
I exercised.
[운동하다 —— to exercise]
그 남자는 운동해요.
That man exercises.
[운동하다 —— to exercise]
헬스클럽에서 운동해 보셨어요?
Have you exercised at a fitness club?
[운동하다 —— to exercise]
그 남자는 체육관에서 운동해요.
That man exercises in the gym.
[운동하다 —— to exercise]
진석이는 매일 아침마다 운동할 거예요.
Jinseok will exercise every morning.
[운동하다 —— to exercise]
아니야, 내일은 꼭 같이 운동하자. 오늘까지만 쉴래.
No, let’s exercise tomorrow for sure. I will take a rest until today.
[운동하다 —— to exercise]
오늘은 너무 더워서 집에서 쉴래. 이런 날 운동하면 쓰러질 거야.
It’s so hot today that I will take a rest at home. I might fall down if I exercise on this weather
[운동하다 —— to exercise]
저는 한 이틀만 많이 먹어도 2, 3킬로그램(kg)이 찌던데요. 운동하면 3킬로그램(kg) 정도는 금방 뺄 수 있어요.
I remember I gained two or three kilograms after eating a lot for only about two days. You will be able to lose three kilograms quickly if you do exercise.
[운동하다 —— to exercise]
저는 그 사람을 보고 깜짝 놀랐어요!
I looked at that man and I was really surprised!
[놀라다 ——- to be surprised, to marvel, to be taken aback, to wonder at]
롤란드는 우리의 격한 감정에 당황했다.
Roland was taken aback by our strength of feeling.
[놀라다 ——- to be surprised, to marvel, to be taken aback, to wonder at]
동료 위원들은 끝이 없어 보이는 그녀의 에너지에 경탄했다.
Her fellow members marveled at her seemingly infinite energy.
[놀라다 ——- to be surprised, to marvel, to be taken aback, to wonder at]
사라와 나는 그 이야기를 읽고 놀랐다.
Sara and I read the story and marveled.
[놀라다 ——- to be surprised, to marvel, to be taken aback, to wonder at]
나는 이 여자가 얼마나 멀리 왔는가에 대해서 놀랄수 밖에 없었다.
I could only wonder at how far this woman had come.
[놀라다 ——- to be surprised, to marvel, to be taken aback, to wonder at]
나는 네가 그것을 느끼지 못하는게 놀랍다.
I wonder you don’t feel it too.
[놀라다 ——- to be surprised, to marvel, to be taken aback, to wonder at]
그 차는 너무 빨라요
That car is too fast
[빠르다 —— to be fast, to be quick]
빠르다 follows the 르 irregular.
택시는 버스보다 더 빨라요
The taxi is quicker than the bus
[빠르다 —— to be fast, to be quick]
빠르다 follows the 르 irregular.
톰도 빨라.
Tom is fast, too.
[빠르다 —— to be fast, to be quick]
빠르다 follows the 르 irregular.
비행기가 기차보다 더 빨라요.
Planes are faster than trains.
[빠르다 —— to be fast, to be quick]
빠르다 follows the 르 irregular.
너는 걸음이 너무 빨라, 좀 천천히!
You’re going too fast; slow down!
[빠르다 —— to be fast, to be quick]
빠르다 follows the 르 irregular.
그녀는 타이핑 속도가 아주 빠르다.
She is a very fast typist.
[빠르다 —— to be fast, to be quick]
빠르다 follows the 르 irregular.
서울역에서 공항철도를 탑시다. 더 빨라요.
Let’s take the airport train at Seoul Station. It is faster.
[빠르다 —— to be fast, to be quick]
빠르다 follows the 르 irregular.
빛의 전도는 소리의 전도 보다 아주 빠르다.
Light travels much faster than sound.
[빠르다 —— to be fast, to be quick]
빠르다 follows the 르 irregular.
너는 걸음이 빠르고, 그는 걸음이 더 빠르다.
You walk fast, he walks faster.
[빠르다 —— to be fast, to be quick]
빠르다 follows the 르 irregular.
비행기를 타는 것이 배를 타는 것보다 빠르다.
It’s faster to go by plane than by boat.
[빠르다 —— to be fast, to be quick]
빠르다 follows the 르 irregular.
너는 법률을 고려하지 않고 차를 모는 것이 너무 빨랐다.
In defiance of the law you drove your car much too fast.
[빠르다 —— to be fast, to be quick]
빠르다 follows the 르 irregular.
그는 말이 빨라, 나는 정말 그의 의미를 이해할 수 없었다.
He spoke so fast that I could hardly catch his meaning.
[빠르다 —— to be fast, to be quick]
빠르다 follows the 르 irregular.
그는 걸음이 느리다.
He walks slowly.
[느리다 ——- to be slow]
이 시계는 2분 느리다.
The clock is two minutes slow.
[느리다 ——- to be slow]
인터넷이 너무 느려요.
The internet is too slow.
[느리다 ——- to be slow]
[느리다 ——- to be slow]그녀는 배우는 것이 아주 느리다.
She’s a rather slow learner.
[느리다 ——- to be slow]
바퀴가 돌아가는 것이 아주 느리다.
The wheel turned slowly.
[느리다 ——- to be slow]
시내 번화가의 교통 흐름은 아주 느리다.
The traffic in the town centre moves very slowly.
[느리다 ——- to be slow]
보통 운동선수의 심장박동은 비교적 느리다.
Athletes have, as a rule, a slower heart rate.
[느리다 ——- to be slow]
시정 당국은 민중의 의견에 대한 처리가 아주 느리다.
The authorities at the town hall are slow to deal with complaints.
[느리다 ——- to be slow]
그의 기술은 확실히 우수한 것이지만, 그는 일하는 것이 매우 느리다.
His skill is undeniable but he works too slowly.
[느리다 ——- to be slow]
배가 암석에 가까워졌을 때 나는 속도를 늦춰 느리고 조심스럽게 저었다.
As the boat drew near the rock, I eased up and went slow and cautious.
[느리다 ——- to be slow]
이 인터넷은 왜 이렇게 느려요?
Why is this internet so slow?
[느리다 ——- to be slow]
한국 사람들은 보통 아주 착해요
Korean people are usually very nice
[착하다 —— to be nice]
저의 첫 번째 친구는 착했어요
My first friend was nice
[착하다 —— to be nice]
참 친절하구나.
That’s very kind.
[친절하다 —- to be kind]
소방관은 친절했어요.
The fireman was kind.
[친절하다 —- to be kind]
그녀는 실제로 친절하다.
She’s essentially kind.
[친절하다 —- to be kind]
그녀는 친절하고 또 부드럽다.
She is both kind and gentle.
[친절하다 —- to be kind]
이 학교의 학생들은 친절하다.
The students of this school are kind.
[친절하다 —- to be kind]
그는 나와 나의 가족에게 모두 친절하다.
He was kind to me and mine.
[친절하다 —- to be kind]
그는 보기에는 독해 보이나, 그는 친절하다.
He seems rather fierce, but has a kind heart.
[친절하다 —- to be kind]
아이에게 말하는 것은 친절하고 친근하게 해야 하다.
Speak kindly to children.
[친절하다 —- to be kind]
그는 보기에는 얼굴이 굳어 있으나, 사실은 매우 친절하다.
He looks unpleasant, but actually he is very kind.
[친절하다 —- to be kind]
이 여자는 그녀에게 질책의 맡겨진 아이들에게 아주 친절했다.
The woman was very kind to those children who were farmed out to her.
[친절하다 —- to be kind]
우리가 곧 가야 돼요
We have to go soon
[곧 —— soon]
저는 곧 선생님이 될 것입니다
I will be a teacher soon
[곧 —— soon]
시험공부를 곧 할 필요가 있어요
I need to study soon
[곧 —— soon]
우리는 곧 중국에 갈 거예요
We are going to China soon
[곧 —— soon]
우리가 3주 후에 미국에 갈 예정이라서 곧 준비를 해야 돼요
We need to plan soon because we are scheduled to go to the US in three weeks
[곧 —— soon]
그 여자는 항상 그렇게 걸어요
That girl always walks like that
[항상 ——- always]
저는 항상 아침에 운동해요
I always exercise in the morning
[항상 ——- always]
우리 아버지는 차를 항상 안전하게 운전해요
Our dad always drives his car safely
[항상 ——- always]
저는 항상 저녁에 음식을 먹어요
I always eat food in the evening
[항상 ——- always]
제가 수업을 하면 항상 영어로 해요
When I teach, I always do so in English
[항상 ——- always]
저는 항상 일요일에 늦잠 자요
I always sleep in on Sundays
[항상 ——- always]
저의 아버지는 모자를 항상 써요
My father always wears a hat
[항상 ——- always]
우리는 다음 주에 캐나다에 갈 거예요
We are going to Canada next week
[주 —– week]
저는 지난 주에 영화를 봤어요
I saw a movie last week
[주 —– week]
저는 지난 주에 캐나다에 갔어요
I went to Canada last week.
[주 —– week]
지난 주에 저는 계획이 많았어요
I had a lot of plans last week
[주 —– week]
저는 이번 주에 계획이 없어요
I have no plans this week
[주 —– week]
저의 여동생은 지난 주에 책 2권을 읽었어요
My sister read two books last week
[주 —– week]
저는 2주 동안 열심히 일했어요
I worked hard for 2 weeks
[주 —– week]
저는 4주 동안 여자친구를 안 만났어요
I didn’t meet my girlfriend for four weeks
[주 —– week]
여기 아래에 사인해 주세요
Please sign below, here
[아래 —– bottom, below]
그 사람의 눈썹은 짙어요
That person’s eyebrows are thick
[눈썹 —— eyebrow]
저도 그런 눈썹이 있었으면 좋겠어요
I wish I had that type of eyebrows, too
[눈썹 —— eyebrow]
저는 영어교사예요
I am an English teacher
[교사 = teacher]
Notes: 교사 refers more to the position of a teacher. You would usually refer to a teacher by calling him/her “선생님.” However, if you wanted to tell somebody what your position was, you could use 교사 (선생님 would also work here as well)
대학교 때 자유롭게 공부하고 싶으면 지도교사가 전공을 나중에 선택하라고 말했어요
If you want to study freely in university, my guidance counselor told me to choose my major later
[교사 = teacher]
Notes: 교사 refers more to the position of a teacher. You would usually refer to a teacher by calling him/her “선생님.” However, if you wanted to tell somebody what your position was, you could use 교사 (선생님 would also work here as well)
그는 학생이지 교사가 아니다.
He is a student and not a teacher.
[교사 = teacher]
Notes: 교사 refers more to the position of a teacher. You would usually refer to a teacher by calling him/her “선생님.” However, if you wanted to tell somebody what your position was, you could use 교사 (선생님 would also work here as well)
이 교사는 학생의 발전을 잘 이끈다.
The teacher is good at getting his pupils on.
[교사 = teacher]
Notes: 교사 refers more to the position of a teacher. You would usually refer to a teacher by calling him/her “선생님.” However, if you wanted to tell somebody what your position was, you could use 교사 (선생님 would also work here as well)
그녀는 중국교사에게 영어를 배운다.
She learned English from a Chinese teacher.
[교사 = teacher]
Notes: 교사 refers more to the position of a teacher. You would usually refer to a teacher by calling him/her “선생님.” However, if you wanted to tell somebody what your position was, you could use 교사 (선생님 would also work here as well)
그들의 막내딸은 교사에게 시집갔다.
They married off their youngest daughter to a teacher.
[교사 = teacher]
Notes: 교사 refers more to the position of a teacher. You would usually refer to a teacher by calling him/her “선생님.” However, if you wanted to tell somebody what your position was, you could use 교사 (선생님 would also work here as well)
그녀는 외국 교사를 따라 연수합니까?
Is it she who is going to pursue advanced studies under a foreign teacher?
[교사 = teacher]
Notes: 교사 refers more to the position of a teacher. You would usually refer to a teacher by calling him/her “선생님.” However, if you wanted to tell somebody what your position was, you could use 교사 (선생님 would also work here as well)
교사는 마땅히 참을성이 있어야 한다.
A teacher should have patience in his work.
[교사 = teacher]
Notes: 교사 refers more to the position of a teacher. You would usually refer to a teacher by calling him/her “선생님.” However, if you wanted to tell somebody what your position was, you could use 교사 (선생님 would also work here as well)
딕(Dick)은 그 교사를 대신해서 수업을 했다.
Dick acted for the teacher.
[교사 = teacher]
Notes: 교사 refers more to the position of a teacher. You would usually refer to a teacher by calling him/her “선생님.” However, if you wanted to tell somebody what your position was, you could use 교사 (선생님 would also work here as well)
이상을 말하면 나는 교사가 되고 싶으나, 자리가 없다.
Ideally, I would like to be a teacher, but there are no jobs.
[교사 = teacher]
Notes: 교사 refers more to the position of a teacher. You would usually refer to a teacher by calling him/her “선생님.” However, if you wanted to tell somebody what your position was, you could use 교사 (선생님 would also work here as well)
새로 온 교사는 매우 엄격하다. – 나는 이렇게 들었다.
The new teacher is very strict.--I’ve heard so.
[교사 = teacher]
Notes: 교사 refers more to the position of a teacher. You would usually refer to a teacher by calling him/her “선생님.” However, if you wanted to tell somebody what your position was, you could use 교사 (선생님 would also work here as well)
그 경험이 그녀로 하여금 교사가 되기로 결심하게 했다.
That experience determined her to become a teacher.
[교사 = teacher]
Notes: 교사 refers more to the position of a teacher. You would usually refer to a teacher by calling him/her “선생님.” However, if you wanted to tell somebody what your position was, you could use 교사 (선생님 would also work here as well)
우수한 교사는 어떻게 아이들을 다룰 것인가를 이해해야 한다.
A good teacher must know how to handle children.
[교사 = teacher]
Notes: 교사 refers more to the position of a teacher. You would usually refer to a teacher by calling him/her “선생님.” However, if you wanted to tell somebody what your position was, you could use 교사 (선생님 would also work here as well)
기타 일에 관한 질문은 교사의 수업으로 하여금 주제를 벗어나게 했다.
The teacher wassidetracked by questions on other subjects.
[교사 = teacher]
Notes: 교사 refers more to the position of a teacher. You would usually refer to a teacher by calling him/her “선생님.” However, if you wanted to tell somebody what your position was, you could use 교사 (선생님 would also work here as well)
몇 반이에요?
What class are you in?
[반 —- class (of students in school)]
그 여자는 우리 반에서 제일 못생긴 여자예요
That girl is the ugliest in our class
[반 —- class (of students in school)]
그는 우리반에서 일등을 했다.
He stands first in our class.
[반 —- class (of students in school)]
학생들은 하나하나 이반을 떠났다.
One student after another dropped out of the class.
[반 —- class (of students in school)]
너의 반에서 누구의 집이 북경에 있니?
Is there anyone in your class whose family is in Beijing?
[반 —- class (of students in school)]
그 반의 여자아이가 남자보다 배나 많다.
The girls in the class outnumber the boys two to one.
[반 —- class (of students in school)]
반장은 그의 반을 운동장에 줄을 세웠다.
The monitor lined up his class in the playground.
[반 —- class (of students in school)]
이 반은 40명의 남녀 학생으로 이루어졌다.
The class consists of 40 boys and girls.
[반 —- class (of students in school)]
헬렌은 이 소식을 반의 학생들에게 전했다.
Helen carried the news to the class.
[반 —- class (of students in school)]
Mary는 반의 어떤 다른 여자아이보다도 크다.
Mary is taller than any other girl in the class.
[반 —- class (of students in school)]
반에 이 문제를 이해하는 학생이 한 명도 없다.
Not a single boy in the class could get the problem out.
[반 —- class (of students in school)]
우리반은 이 문제에 대해 변론을 하라고 요구한다.
Our class calls for a debate on the subject.
[반 —- class (of students in school)]
그는 우리 반에서 가장 훌륭한 이야기꾼보다 낫다.
He cuts down the finest story-teller in our class.
[반 —- class (of students in school)]
브라운 선생님은 우리들 반에서 라틴어를 가르친다.
Mr.Brown instructs our class in Latin.
[반 —- class (of students in school)]
존스교수는 지난 학기에 우리 반에서 역사를 가르쳤다.
Professor Jones taught history to our class z last term.
[반 —- class (of students in school)]
그가 이 반에 온지 몇 주일이 안 되서 이미 진보를 했다.
He has been in this class only a few weeks and he is already going ahead.
[반 —- class (of students in school)]
학생이 선생님을 도와서 반에 새 교과서를 나누어주었다.
The pupil helped the teacher give out the new textbooks to the class.
[반 —- class (of students in school)]
나는 그가 우리 반에서 가장 수영을 잘하는 사람이라고 생각한다.
I reckon him the best swimmer in my class.
[반 —- class (of students in school)]
이 반은 너무 많아, 우리는 반드시 그것을 작은 반으로 나누어야 한다.
This class is too large; we shall have to divide it.
[반 —- class (of students in school)]
내일은 내가 너희 반을 맡을 것이니까 너희들은 나의 말에 따라 해야만 한다.
I’m in charge of your class tomorrow so you must do as I tell you.
[반 —- class (of students in school)]
새로운 분반법은 각 반의 사람수가 원래의 것보다 많다는 것을 의미하고 있다.
The new grouping of classes means that there are larger numbers in each class.
[반 —- class (of students in school)]
그는 직장에서 일찍 퇴근했어요
He left work early
[직장 —– location of work]
In English, we say “work” to refer to what is being done and where it is being done. For example “I am doing work at work.” 직장 refers to the location in which you work.
직장에서 더 멀리 이사하게 되었어요
I ended up moving farther away from work
[직장 —– location of work]
In English, we say “work” to refer to what is being done and where it is being done. For example “I am doing work at work.” 직장 refers to the location in which you work.
학업을 진행하면서 직장도 다녀요
As I progress/continue my studies, I also go to work
[직장 —– location of work]
In English, we say “work” to refer to what is being done and where it is being done. For example “I am doing work at work.” 직장 refers to the location in which you work.
저는 일반적으로 그 사람을 직장에서 보지 못해요
I generally don’t see that person at work
[직장 —– location of work]
In English, we say “work” to refer to what is being done and where it is being done. For example “I am doing work at work.” 직장 refers to the location in which you work.
자신감에 찬 표정으로 새로운 직장에 들어갔어요
He went into a new workplace with a face full of confidence
[직장 —– location of work]
In English, we say “work” to refer to what is being done and where it is being done. For example “I am doing work at work.” 직장 refers to the location in which you work.
벽에 기대다
to lean against a wall
[벽 —– wall]
저는 사진을 벽에 걸었어요
I hung a picture on a wall
[벽 —– wall]
벽에 붙어 있는 광고를 봤어요?
Did you see the advertisement that is attached to the wall?
[벽 —– wall]
노동자들이 무너질 것 같은 벽을 안정시켰어요
The workers stabilized the wall that was probably going to collapse
[벽 —– wall]
사람들이 모두 볼 수 있게 안내문을 벽에 붙였다
(I) posted (attached) an information sign on the wall so that all the people (can) see it
[벽 —– wall]
이 벽을 좀 칠해 주십시오.
Please brush this section of the wall over.
[벽 —– wall]
그는 벽에 어떤 물건을 붙였니?
What is he pasting up on the wall?
[벽 —– wall]
Tom은 몸을 벽에 평평하게 붙였다.
Tom flattened himself against the wall.
[벽 —– wall]
이 그림은 못으로 벽에 걸려 있다.
The picture is attached to the wall by a nail.
[벽 —– wall]
그는 벽에 그림을 걸 못을 박았다.
He hammered a tack into the wall to hang a picture.
[벽 —– wall]
너는 선반을 벽에 설치할 수 있니?
Can you fit this shelf on to the wall?
[벽 —– wall]
벽에 걸려 있는 그림이 비뚤어졌다.
The picture on the wall is crooked.
[벽 —– wall]
암벽은 크고 낭랑한 메아리를 보냈다.
The wall of rock gave back loud echoes.
[벽 —– wall]