[03] Vocabulário em frases 02 Flashcards
저 사람은 저의 동생이에요
That person is my younger sibling
[동생 —— younger sibling]
While technically this word means “younger sibling” Korean will refer to a close friend (who is younger than them) using this word. This often leads to dialogues like this:
Korean person: “Hey! This is my 동생!”
Me: “Really?”
Korean person: “No, not really.”
To distinguish that somebody is actually related to you by blood, they use the word “친동생”
biological younger sibling
[동생 —— younger sibling]
While technically this word means “younger sibling” Korean will refer to a close friend (who is younger than them) using this word. This often leads to dialogues like this:
Korean person: “Hey! This is my 동생!”
Me: “Really?”
Korean person: “No, not really.”
To distinguish that somebody is actually related to you by blood, they use the word “친동생”
동생은 왜 울었어요?
Why did your brother/sister cry?
[동생 —— younger sibling]
While technically this word means “younger sibling” Korean will refer to a close friend (who is younger than them) using this word. This often leads to dialogues like this:
Korean person: “Hey! This is my 동생!”
Me: “Really?”
Korean person: “No, not really.”
To distinguish that somebody is actually related to you by blood, they use the word “친동생”
저는 남동생보다 키가 더 커요
I am taller than my (younger) brother
[남동생 —– younger brother]
나는 남동생보다 밥을 더 먹었어
I ate more than my (younger) brother
[남동생 —– younger brother]
너의 남동생은 몇 살이야?
How old is your (younger) brother?
[남동생 —– younger brother]
저의 게으른 남동생은 하루 종일 아무것도 안 해요
My lazy brother doesn’t do anything all day
[남동생 —– younger brother]
저는 2주 전에 남동생을 만났어요
I met my brother 2 weeks ago
[남동생 —– younger brother]
남동생은 울었어요?
Did your brother cry?
[남동생 —– younger brother]
저의 여동생은 지난 주에 책 두 권을 읽었어요
My sister read two books last week
[여동생 ——- younger sister]
너의 여동생은 예뻐요
Your younger sister is pretty
[여동생 ——- younger sister]
그 사람은 저의 형입니다
That person is my brother
[형 —— older brother]
This word is only used if the younger person is also a man
형을 왜 때렸어요?
Why did you hit your brother?
[형 —— older brother]
This word is only used if the younger person is also a man
저의 형은 똑똑한 남자입니다
My brother is a smart man
[형 —— older brother]
This word is only used if the younger person is also a man
저는 공을 오빠한테 던졌어요
I threw the ball to my brother
[오빠 —– older brother]
This word is only used if the younger person is a female
오빠는 바닥에 앉아서 점심을 먹었어요
My brother ate lunch sitting on the floor
[오빠 —– older brother]
This word is only used if the younger person is a female
오빠는 밤 늦게 밥을 먹는 것을 좋아해요
My brother likes eating food late at night
[오빠 —– older brother]
This word is only used if the younger person is a female
저의 누나는 대학생이에요
My older sister is a University student
[누나 = older sister]
This word is only used if the younger person is a male
저는 저의 누나를 불렀어요
I called my sister
[누나 = older sister]
This word is only used if the younger person is a male
이 사람은 저의 누나예요
This (person) is my sister
[누나 = older sister]
This word is only used if the younger person is a male
저는 저의 누나한테 돈만 줄 거예요
To my older sister, I’ll just give money
[누나 = older sister]
This word is only used if the younger person is a male
저의 누나는 충동적인 여자예요
My older sister is an impulsive girl
[누나 = older sister]
This word is only used if the younger person is a male
저는 언니랑 밥을 먹었어요
I ate with my sister
[언니 ——- older sister]
This word is only used if the younger person is a female
저의 삼촌은 선생님이에요
My uncle is a teacher
[삼촌 —— uncle]
우리 엄마는 이모와 닮았어요
My mom looks like our aunt
[이모 ——- aunt (on mother’s side)]
우리 아버지는 고모와 살고 있어요
Our father lives with our aunt
[고모 ——- aunt (on father’s side)]
아저씨! 앉으세요!
Sir, please sit down
[아저씨 —— older man not related to you]
아저씨! 맥주 두 잔 주세요!
Sir! Two glasses of beer, please!
[아저씨 —— older man not related to you]
아주머니! 소주 두 병 주세요!
Miss! Two bottles of soju please!
[아주머니 —— older woman not related to you]
동대문시장에서 아주머니가 많아요
There are a lot of older women in Dongdaemun market
[아주머니 —— older woman not related to you]
Santa Clause (Santa Grandpa)
[할아버지 ——– grandfather]
The pronunciation of this word is closer to “하라버지”
You can use this word to refer to anybody who looks the age of a grandfather, not just your own grandfather.
우리 할아버지는 한국전쟁에서 싸웠어요
Our grandfather fought in the Korean war
[할아버지 ——– grandfather]
The pronunciation of this word is closer to “하라버지”
You can use this word to refer to anybody who looks the age of a grandfather, not just your own grandfather.
할아버지와 할아버지 친구는 옛날 이야기를 나눴어요
Grandpa and his friend shared old stories (with each other)
[할아버지 ——– grandfather]
The pronunciation of this word is closer to “하라버지”
You can use this word to refer to anybody who looks the age of a grandfather, not just your own grandfather.
아들은 할아버지께 선물을 줬어요
The son gave a present to his grandfather
[할아버지 ——– grandfather]
The pronunciation of this word is closer to “하라버지”
You can use this word to refer to anybody who looks the age of a grandfather, not just your own grandfather.
그 할아버지는 주름이 하나도 없어요
That grandfather doesn’t even have one wrinkle
[할아버지 ——– grandfather]
The pronunciation of this word is closer to “하라버지”
You can use this word to refer to anybody who looks the age of a grandfather, not just your own grandfather.
할아버지께 선물을 드리고 싶어요
I want to give my grandfather a present
[할아버지 ——– grandfather]
The pronunciation of this word is closer to “하라버지”
You can use this word to refer to anybody who looks the age of a grandfather, not just your own grandfather.
할아버지가 여기에 계신지 몰랐어요
I didn’t know you were here, grandpa
[할아버지 ——– grandfather]
The pronunciation of this word is closer to “하라버지”
You can use this word to refer to anybody who looks the age of a grandfather, not just your own grandfather.
할아버지는 우리 아들에게 돈을 주었어요
Grandpa gave money to our son
[할아버지 ——– grandfather]
The pronunciation of this word is closer to “하라버지”
You can use this word to refer to anybody who looks the age of a grandfather, not just your own grandfather.
우리 할아버지가 죽어서 저는 너무 슬퍼요
I am very sad because my grandfather died
[할아버지 ——– grandfather]
The pronunciation of this word is closer to “하라버지”
You can use this word to refer to anybody who looks the age of a grandfather, not just your own grandfather.
저의 할머니는 요리를 너무 잘해요
My grandmother cooks very well
[할머니 —— grandmother]
You can use this word to refer to anybody who looks the age of a grandmother, not just your own grandmother.
저의 할머니가 여기에 자주 안 오셔요
My grandmother doesn’t come here often
[할머니 —— grandmother]
You can use this word to refer to anybody who looks the age of a grandmother, not just your own grandmother.
저는 할머니를 위해 식사를 준비했어요
I prepared a meal for grandmother
[할머니 —— grandmother]
You can use this word to refer to anybody who looks the age of a grandmother, not just your own grandmother.
할머니는 어제 아파서 입원했어요
Grandma checked into the hospital yesterday because she was sick
[할머니 —— grandmother]
You can use this word to refer to anybody who looks the age of a grandmother, not just your own grandmother.
저는 어제 친구를 만났어요
I met a friend yesterday
[친구 —— friend]
저는 저의 친구를 자주 만나요
I meet my friend often
[친구 —— friend]
저는 친구랑 같이 있어요
I’m with my friend
[친구 —— friend]
저는 저의 친구에게 돈을 줬어요
I gave my friend money
[친구 —— friend]
저는 친구와 집에 갔어요
I went home with my friend
[친구 —— friend]
저는 그것을 친구한테서 들었어요
I heard that from my friend
[친구 —— friend]
저의 친구는 저 쪽으로 갔어요
My friend went that way
[친구 —— friend]
저는 친구와 비슷해요
I am similar to my friend
[친구 —— friend]
저의 친구는 (여기) 근처에 살아요
My friend lives close (to here)
[친구 —— friend]
사진을 찍다
to take a picture
[사진 —— picture]
여행했을 때 사진을 많이 찍었어요
When I travelled, I took a lot of pictures
[사진 —— picture]
이 사진 어때?
How about this picture?
[사진 —— picture]
이것은 나쁜 사진입니다
This is a bad picture
[사진 —— picture]
저의 사진은 침대 위에 걸려 있어요
My picture is hanging above my bed
[사진 —— picture]
저는 사진을 하나도 안 찍었어요
I didn’t even take one picture
[사진 —— picture]
저는 사진을 벽에 걸었어요
I hung a picture on a wall
[사진 —— picture]
안경을 쓰다
to wear glasses
[안경 —— glasses]
저는 새로운 안경을 샀어요
I bought new glasses
[안경 —— glasses]
비밀을 밝히다
to let a secret go/tell somebody else about a secret
[비밀 —– secret]
비밀을 지키다
to protect a secret/not tell somebody else about a secret
[비밀 —– secret]
그것이 비밀이라서 말하지 마세요
Don’t say anything because it is a secret!
[비밀 —– secret]
그것은 큰 비밀이었어요
That was a big secret
[비밀 —– secret]
그의 과거는 큰 비밀이에요
His past is a big secret
[비밀 —– secret]
어제 비가 많이 왔어요
Yesterday it rained a lot
[비 ——- rain]
비가 아직 와요
It is still raining
[비 ——- rain]
비가 왔어요?
Is it raining?
[비 ——- rain]
내일 비가 올지 모르겠어요
I don’t know if it will rain tomorrow
[비 ——- rain]
저는 가게에서 사과를 샀어요
I bought apples at the store
[가게 —– store/ shop]
저는 이 가게에서 잠깐 구경하고 싶어요
I want to look around for a bit in this store
[가게 —– store/ shop]
이 가게는 싼 음식을 팔아요
This store sells cheap/inexpensive food
[가게 —– store/ shop]
그 가게에 18세 미만은 못 들어가요
Those under 18 years of age can’t enter that store
[가게 —– store/ shop]
그 박물관은 특별해요
That museum is special
[박물관 — museum]
The pronunciation of this word is closer to “방물관”
저는 박물관에 다음 번에 갈 거예요
I will go to the museum next time
[박물관 — museum]
The pronunciation of this word is closer to “방물관”
병원은 박물관 뒤에 있어요
The hospital is behind the museum
[박물관 — museum]
The pronunciation of this word is closer to “방물관”
선생님은 학생들과 박물관에 갔다
The teacher went to the museum with the students
[박물관 — museum]
The pronunciation of this word is closer to “방물관”
이 집은 가스 레인지가 없어요
This house doesn’t have a stove
[가스 레인지 —— stove (gas range)]
우리는 급식으로 오리고기를 먹었어요
We had duck for the school lunch
[오리 —— duck (animal)]
그 강아지의 꼬리는 아주 귀여워요
That puppy’s tail is very cute
[꼬리 —— tail]
공을 던지다
to throw a ball
[공 —— ball]
공을 잡다
to catch a ball
[공 —— ball]
soccer ball
[공 —— ball]
야구선수는 공을 세게 던졌어요
The baseball player threw the ball hard
[공 —— ball]
선생님이 3시에 올 것을 기대했어요
I expected the teacher to come at 3:00
[기대하다 (1) —— to expect]
(그는) 우리의 환대를 기대하지 않고 있었다
He wasn’t expecting our hospitality.
[기대하다 (1) —— to expect]
저녁에는 내 자신만을 위한 시간을 좀 갖기를 기대한다
I do expect to have some time to myself in the evenings
[기대하다 (1) —— to expect]
금방 나으리라고는 기대하지 마세요
Don’t expect an instant cure.
[기대하다 (1) —— to expect]
당신과 함께 일할 모든 사람들을 다 좋아하게 될 것이라고 기대해선 안 됩니다.
You cannot expect to like all the people you will work with.
[기대하다 (1) —— to expect]
이 정책의 효과는 정부가 기대했던 것 이상이었다.
The effects of this policy were more than the government had bargained for.
[기대하다 (2) —– bargained for, bargained on]
(그들이) 알지 못한 것은 민주당원들로부터 얼마나 지지를 기대할 수 있을 것인지에 대한 것이었다.
What they did not know was how much support they could count on from Democrats.
[기대하다 (3) —– count on, count upon]
상황이 이상적이지는 않지만, 당신이 기대할 수 있는 최선의 상황이다.
Things aren’t ideal, but that’s the best you can hope for.
[기대하다 (4) —– hope for, hope to]
그는 매출 증가를 기대하고 있다고 말했다.
He says that he’s looking forward to increased sales.
[기대하다 (5) —– looking forward]
(그는) 새 관리자와 함께 일하기를 기대하고 있었다.
He was looking forward to working with the new manager.
[기대하다 (5) —– looking forward]
모든 사람들은 그 주의 회계 문제를 안정시키기 위해 경제가 다시 살아 나기를 기대하고 있다.
Everyone is banking on an economic rebound to help ease the state’s fiscal problems.
[을 기대하다 —— Bank on]
빨리 건너자!
Quick! Let’s cross!
[건너다 ——- to cross (a road/etc)]
저는 거리를 안전하게 건넜어요
I crossed the street safely.
[건너다 ——- to cross (a road/etc)]
그녀가 길을 건너면서 쳐다보지 않았던 것은 부분적으로 그녀의 잘못이었다
She was partly to blame for failing to look as she crossed the road.
[건너다 ——- to cross (a road/etc)]
이건은 주류 선반 쪽으로 가로 건너가서 스카치를 한 잔 따랐다.
Egan crossed to the drinks cabinet and poured a Scotch.
[건너다 ——- to cross (a road/etc)]
수업시간 동안 종이를 던지지 마세요
During class, don’t throw paper please
[던지다 (1) —— to throw]
야구선수는 공을 세게 던졌어요
The baseball player threw the ball hard
[던지다 (1) —— to throw]
에밀리는 돌아서서 그녀에게 의미심장한 미소를 던졌다.
Emily turned and threw her a suggestive grin.
[던지다 (1) —— to throw]
순백의 눈부신 햇살에 바닥에 선명한 그림자들이 드리워진다.
The sunlight is white and blinding, throwing hard-edged shadows on the ground.
[던지다 (1) —— to throw]
(그는) 거추장스러운 잠바를 힘겹게 벗어 뒷좌석에 던졌다.
He struggled out of his bulky jacket and threw it on to the back seat.
[던지다 (1) —— to throw]
(그는) 테니스공을 벽에 던지며 여러 시간을 보냈다.
He spent hours throwing a tennis ball against a wall.
[던지다 (1) —— to throw]
군중은 돌을 던지기 시작했다.
The crowd began throwing stones.
[던지다 (1) —— to throw]
우리는 누가 나가서 베이글빵을 사올지 결정하기 위해 동전을 던졌다.
We tossed a coin to decide who would go out and buy the bagels.
[던지다 (2) —— to toss]
그냥 그것을 쓰레기 통에 가볍게 던져라.
Just toss it in the trash.
[던지다 (2) —— to toss]
메리 앤이 그에게 미안한 듯한 눈길을 던졌다.
Mary Ann shot him a rueful look.
[던지다 (3) —— to shot (a look)]
내가 마침내 그 질문을 던졌을 때, 그는”왜?”라고 하면서 그냥 어깨를 으쓱거렸다.
When I finally posed the question, “Why?” he merely shrugged.
[던지다 (4) —— to pose]
사이먼이 호수로 빈 병을 던졌다.
Simon pitched the empty bottle into the lake.
[던지다 (5) —— to pitch]
(그녀는) 자기 일에 온몸을 던졌다.
She flung herself into her career.
[던지다 (6) —— to fling]
저는 그 사람을 싫어해요
I don’t like that person
[싫어하다 (1) ——- to not like]
The pronunciation of this word is closer to “시러하다”
저는 과일을 싫어해요
I dislike fruit
[싫어하다 (1) ——- to not like]
The pronunciation of this word is closer to “시러하다”
처음에 그 여자를 싫어했어요
I didn’t like that girl at first
[싫어하다 (1) ——- to not like]
The pronunciation of this word is closer to “시러하다”
그들은 저를 처음부터 싫어했어요
They didn’t like me from the start
[싫어하다 (1) ——- to not like]
The pronunciation of this word is closer to “시러하다”
저는 사람들이 지하철을 급히 타는 것을 싫어해요
I don’t like people getting on the subway in a rush
[싫어하다 (1) ——- to not like]
The pronunciation of this word is closer to “시러하다”
제가 그 여자를 싫어해도 그녀를 위해 선물을 사야 되었어요
Regardless of how much I dislike that girl, I still had to buy her a present
[싫어하다 (1) ——- to not like]
The pronunciation of this word is closer to “시러하다”
테드는 개인적으로 좋아하는 사람들의 모임이라 하더라도 파티를 혐오했다.
Ted hated parties, even gatherings of people he liked individually.
[싫어하다 (2) ——- to hate]
The pronunciation of this word is closer to “시러하다”
(그는) 훈련 중에 방해받는 것을 싫어한다.
He hates to be interrupted during training.
[싫어하다 (2) ——- to hate]
The pronunciation of this word is closer to “시러하다”
(그는) 아무도 없는 빈 집에 들어가는 것을 싫어했다.
He hated coming home to the empty house.
[싫어하다 (2) ——- to hate]
The pronunciation of this word is closer to “시러하다”
나는 낮 동안에는 소음에 개의치 않는다.
I don’t mind the noise during the day.
[싫어하다 (3) ——- to mind]
The pronunciation of this word is closer to “시러하다”
약속 없이 이렇게 방문하는 것이 폐가 되지 않았으면 합니다.
I hope you don’t mind me stopping in like this, without an appointment.
[싫어하다 (3) ——- to mind]
The pronunciation of this word is closer to “시러하다”
나는 담배에 불을 붙였고 아무도 신경쓰지 않는듯 했다.
I lit a cigarette and nobody seemed to mind.
[싫어하다 (3) ——- to mind]
The pronunciation of this word is closer to “시러하다”
세상을 떠나다
to die (literally, “to leave the world”)
[떠나다 ——– to leave somewhere]
This word is usually only used if you are leaving something forever or for a very long time. If you want to say that you left your house (and are returning), you should use the words “출발하다” (to depart) or “나가다” (to go out).
한국은 언제 떠났어요?
When did you leave Korea?
[떠나다 ——– to leave somewhere]
This word is usually only used if you are leaving something forever or for a very long time. If you want to say that you left your house (and are returning), you should use the words “출발하다” (to depart) or “나가다” (to go out).
아버지가 벌써 떠났다는 것을 몰랐어요
I didn’t know (the fact) that dad already left
[떠나다 ——– to leave somewhere]
This word is usually only used if you are leaving something forever or for a very long time. If you want to say that you left your house (and are returning), you should use the words “출발하다” (to depart) or “나가다” (to go out).
가난한 농부들이 가뭄에 말라붙은 농토를 버리고 일자리를 찾아 여기로 오고 있다.
Poor farmers are leaving their parched farm fields and coming here looking for jobs.
[떠나다 ——– to leave somewhere]
This word is usually only used if you are leaving something forever or for a very long time. If you want to say that you left your house (and are returning), you should use the words “출발하다” (to depart) or “나가다” (to go out).
(그들은) 아마도 나라를 떠나고 싶어 했을 것이다.
They probably wanted to leave the country.
[떠나다 ——– to leave somewhere]
This word is usually only used if you are leaving something forever or for a very long time. If you want to say that you left your house (and are returning), you should use the words “출발하다” (to depart) or “나가다” (to go out).
나는 우리가 여기를 벗어나서 이것에 대해 생각할 필요가 있다고 생각한다.
I think we need to leave and think about this.
[떠나다 ——– to leave somewhere]
This word is usually only used if you are leaving something forever or for a very long time. If you want to say that you left your house (and are returning), you should use the words “출발하다” (to depart) or “나가다” (to go out).
이번 주말에 같이 휴가를 떠나는 게 어때?
Why don’t you and I leave this weekend?
[떠나다 ——– to leave somewhere]
This word is usually only used if you are leaving something forever or for a very long time. If you want to say that you left your house (and are returning), you should use the words “출발하다” (to depart) or “나가다” (to go out).
그의 출국은 허가되지 않을 것이다.
He would not be allowed to leave the country.
[떠나다 ——– to leave somewhere]
This word is usually only used if you are leaving something forever or for a very long time. If you want to say that you left your house (and are returning), you should use the words “출발하다” (to depart) or “나가다” (to go out).
내가 탈 비행기는 한 시간 안에 출발한다.
My flight leaves in less than an hour.
[떠나다 ——– to leave somewhere]
This word is usually only used if you are leaving something forever or for a very long time. If you want to say that you left your house (and are returning), you should use the words “출발하다” (to depart) or “나가다” (to go out).
(그는) 절대 널 떠나지 않을 거야. 걱정할 필요 없어.
He’ll never leave you. You needn’t worry.
[떠나다 ——– to leave somewhere]
This word is usually only used if you are leaving something forever or for a very long time. If you want to say that you left your house (and are returning), you should use the words “출발하다” (to depart) or “나가다” (to go out).
(그들은) 탈출해서 훔친 차를 타고 도망쳤다.
They broke free and leave in a stolen car.
[떠나다 ——– to leave somewhere]
This word is usually only used if you are leaving something forever or for a very long time. If you want to say that you left your house (and are returning), you should use the words “출발하다” (to depart) or “나가다” (to go out).
공상 과학 소설가들은 인류가 언젠가는 지구를 떠나 다른 행성에 식민지를 건설할 수 있으리라고 오랫동안 꿈꿔 왔다.
Science fiction writers have long dreamed that humans might one day leave the earth to colonize other planets.
[떠나다 ——– to leave somewhere]
This word is usually only used if you are leaving something forever or for a very long time. If you want to say that you left your house (and are returning), you should use the words “출발하다” (to depart) or “나가다” (to go out).
나의 남자친구는 나에게 농담을 많이 해
My boyfriend tells me a lot of jokes
[농담하다 —— To joke, to kid / Joke]
농담이 아니야, 프랭크. 저쪽에 소 한 마리가 있는데 그냥 서 있지.
I’m not kidding, Frank. There’s a cow out there, just standing around.
[농담하다 —— To joke, to kid / Joke]
그냥 농담이야.
I’m just kidding.
[농담하다 —— To joke, to kid / Joke]
정색하지 마, 찰리. 난 그냥 농담한 것뿐이었어.
Don’t get defensive, Charlie. I was only joking.
[농담하다 —— To joke, to kid / Joke]
(그녀는) 자신의 외모에 대해 농담을 하곤 했다.
She would joke about her appearance.
[농담하다 —— To joke, to kid / Joke]
루앤은 트리트와 웃으며 농담을 하고 있었다.
Luanne was laughing and joking with Tritt
[농담하다 —— To joke, to kid / Joke]
저는 한국어를 4년 동안 공부했어요
I studied Korean for 4 years
[공부하다 ——- to study]
저는 저녁에 공부했어요
I studied in the evening
[공부하다 ——- to study]
여름에 저는 공부하겠어요
I will study in the summer
[공부하다 ——- to study]
저는 30분 동안 공부했어요
I studied for 30 minutes
[공부하다 ——- to study]
저는 내일부터 한국어를 공부할 거예요
I’m going to study Korean from tomorrow
[공부하다 ——- to study]
저는 아침부터 밤까지 공부만 했어요
From morning to night I only studied
[공부하다 ——- to study]
최대한의 잠재력을 활용하여 공부할 수 있도록 해 줄 편안하고 즐거운 분위기
A relaxed and happy atmosphere that will allow you to study to your full potential
[공부하다 ——- to study]
(그는) 역사와 경제학을 공부했다.
He studied History and Economics.
[공부하다 ——- to study]
(그녀는) 야간 학교에서 수학을 공부할 계획을 했다.
She planned to do math at night school.
[공부하다 ——- to study]
나는 스페인어를 더 공부하고 싶어 했었다.
I had hoped to brush up my Spanish.
[더 공부하다 —- Brush up, brush up on]
(그녀는) 경제학 시험에 대비해 벼락치기 공부를 하고 있었다.
She was cramming for her Economics exam.
[벼락치기 공부하다 —— Cram for]
수업은 매우 지루해요
Class is so boring
[지루하다 ——- to be boring]
배움을 즐겁게 만드세요! 만약 하고 있는 것이 지루하다면 그것을 할 수 있는 다른 방법을 찾으세요!
Make learning fun! If you are bored by what you are doing, find another way to do it!
[지루하다 ——- to be boring]
그의 역사 수업이 가장 지루하다.
His history class is the boringest.
[지루하다 ——- to be boring]
그만해 난 좀 지루해.
OK, I’m just bored.
[지루하다 ——- to be boring]
내 삶은 너무 지루해.
My life is very boring.
[지루하다 ——- to be boring]
그 영화는 좀 지루했어.
The movie was little boring
[지루하다 ——- to be boring]
그건 아주 오래되고 지루해.
It is so old and bored.
[지루하다 ——- to be boring]
보통 모델들은 말라요
Models are usually thin
[마르다 (1) ——– for a person to be too thin]
마르다 follows the 르 Irregular
형! 너무 말랐어!
Brother! You look so thin!
[마르다 (1) ——– for a person to be too thin]
마르다 follows the 르 Irregular
가능하면 머리카락이 저절로 마르도록 두어라.
Let your hair dry naturally whenever possible.
[마르다 (2) ——– Dry]
마르다 follows the 르 Irregular
기억하기로는 처음으로 시냇물이 말라붙어 있었다.
Streams had run dry for the first time in memory.
[마르다 (3) ——– Run dry]
마르다 follows the 르 Irregular
땅이 바싹 마르게 내버려 둔다면 그 나무가 죽을 수도 있다.
If the soil is allowed to dry out the tree could die.
[바싹 마르다 ——- Dry out]
우리 집은 너무 멀어요
Our home is very far
[멀다 ——– to be far away]
멀다 follows the ㄹ Irregular.
저는 먼 병원에 갔어요
I went to a far away hospital (a hospital that is far away)
[멀다 ——– to be far away]
멀다 follows the ㄹ Irregular.
그 강은 완전히 말랐어요
That river has completely dried up
[마르다 (2) ——– Dry]
마르다 follows the 르 Irregular
저와 저의 아버지는 너무 비슷해요
My father and I are very similar
[비슷하다 —— to be similar]
The pronunciation of this word is closer to “비스타다”
저는 친구와 비슷해요
I am similar to my friend
[비슷하다 —— to be similar]
The pronunciation of this word is closer to “비스타다”
가기 싫다
to not want to go
[싫다 can be used to say “one does not like” by attaching ~이/가 to an object.]
The pronunciation of this word is closer to “실타”
먹기 싫다
to not want to eat
[싫다 can be used to say “one does not like” by attaching ~이/가 to an object.]
The pronunciation of this word is closer to “실타”
저는 그 사람이 싫어요
I don’t like that person
[싫다 can be used to say “one does not like” by attaching ~이/가 to an object.]
The pronunciation of this word is closer to “실타”
학교가 싫어요
I don’t like school
[싫다 can be used to say “one does not like” by attaching ~이/가 to an object.]
The pronunciation of this word is closer to “실타”
맥주가 싫어요
I don’t like beer
[싫다 can be used to say “one does not like” by attaching ~이/가 to an object.]
The pronunciation of this word is closer to “실타”
저는 저의 오래된 핸드폰을 팔았어요
I sold my old phone
[오래되다 ——- for an object to be old]
그 식당이 오래되었다
That restaurant is old
[오래되다 ——- for an object to be old]
우리는 오래된 집에 갔다
We went to the old house
[오래되다 ——- for an object to be old]
한국문화는 오래됐고 흥미로워요
Korean culture is long/old and interesting
[오래되다 ——- for an object to be old]
오늘 새로운 복사기가 올 거라서 이 오래된 것을 버려야 돼요
The new photocopier will come today, so we have to throw out this old one
[오래되다 ——- for an object to be old]
배고파 죽겠다
I’m so hungry I could die
[배고프다 —— to be hungry]
Notes: This is sometimes as “배가 고프다”
나는 별로 배고프지 않아
I’m not really hungry
[배고프다 —— to be hungry]
Notes: This is sometimes as “배가 고프다”
저는 먹고 싶지만 배고프지 않아요
Even though I want to eat, I am not hungry
[배고프다 —— to be hungry]
Notes: This is sometimes as “배가 고프다”
밥을 안 먹으면 배고플 거야
If you don’t eat, you will be hungry
[배고프다 —— to be hungry]
Notes: This is sometimes as “배가 고프다”
저는 오늘에 시험을 봐 야 돼요
I need to write an exam today
[오늘 ——– today]
저는 오늘 두 번 운동할 것입니다
I will exercise twice (two times) today
[오늘 ——– today]
저는 오늘 아침식사를 못 먹었어요
I didn’t eat breakfast today
[오늘 ——– today]
오늘 날씨가 너무 더워요
Today the weather is too hot
[오늘 ——– today]
어제 운동을 해서 오늘 저의 팔이 아파요
My arms are sore today because I exercised yesterday
[오늘 ——– today]
저는 오늘 네 개의 수업을 가르쳤어요
I taught four classes today
[오늘 ——– today]
이 수업은 오늘 저의 열 번째 수업입니다
This is my tenth class today
[오늘 ——– today]
저는 오늘 오후에 낮잠을 잤어요
I took a nap in the afternoon today
[오늘 ——– today]
저는 어제 학교에 못 갔어요
I couldn’t go to school yesterday
[어제 —— yesterday]
저는 어제부터 아팠어요
I have been sick since (from) yesterday
[어제 —— yesterday]
그 건물은 어제와 달라요
That building is different from yesterday
[어제 —— yesterday]
나는 어제 친구 다섯 명을 만났어
I met five friends yesterday
[어제 —— yesterday]
저는 어제 선생님을 처음 만났어요
I met my teacher for the first time yesterday
[어제 —— yesterday]
저는 어제 한 시간 동안 야구를 했어요
I played baseball for an hour yesterday
[어제 —— yesterday]
저는 어제 여자친구랑 이야기했어요
I talked with my girlfriend yesterday
[어제 —— yesterday]
저는 어제 학교에 세 번 갔어요
I went to school three times yesterday
[어제 —— yesterday]
내일 봐
(informal) see you tomorrow
[내일 ——- tomorrow]
내일 뵙겠습니다
(formal) see you tomorrow
[내일 ——- tomorrow]
저는 내일 공원에 갈 거예요
I am going to the park tomorrow
[내일 ——- tomorrow]
내일 뭐 하고 싶어요?
What do you want to do tomorrow?
[내일 ——- tomorrow]
선생님은 내일 학생들을 만날 거예요
The teacher will meet the students tomorrow
[내일 ——- tomorrow]
저는 내일 사람 두 명 더 만날 거예요
I will meet two more people tomorrow
[내일 ——- tomorrow]
내일 학교에 갈 것입니까?
Are you going to school tomorrow?
[내일 ——- tomorrow]
너는 내일 누구(를) 만날 거야?
Who will you meet tomorrow?
[내일 ——- tomorrow]
저는 내일부터 건강한 음식만 먹을 거예요
From tomorrow, I am going to eat only healthy food
[내일 ——- tomorrow]
학교가 모레 닫혀 있을 거예요
The school will be closed two days from now
[모레 —— the day after tomorrow]
Notes: Often said as “내일모레”
저는 작년에 한국에 갔어요
I went to Korea last year
[년 —– year]
우리는 1년 안에 결혼할 거예요
We will get married within one year
[년 —– year]
제가 한국에서 산 지 1년 됐어요
I have been living in Korea for a year
[년 —– year]
그 선생님은 영어를 가르친 지 20 년 됐어요
That teacher has been teaching English for 20 years
[년 —– year]
저는 내년에 한국에 갈 거예요
I will go to Korea next year
[년 —– year]
저는 3일 동안 학교에 안 갔어요
I didn’t go to school for 3 days
[일 —— day]
저는 두 시간 동안 공부했어요
I studied for two hours
[시간 ——- time / hour]
저는 세 시간 동안 잤어요
I slept for three hours
[시간 ——- time / hour]
저는 어제 두 시간 동안 TV를 봤어요
I watched TV for two hours yesterday
[시간 ——- time / hour]
우리는 다음 시간에 더 배울 거예요
We will learn more next time
[시간 ——- time / hour]
시간이 있으시면 술을 마시러 술집에 갑시다
If you have time, let’s go to a bar to drink alcohol!
[시간 ——- time / hour]
저는 그것을 지난 시간에 배웠어요
I learned that (thing) last time
[시간 ——- time / hour]
수업시간 동안 종이를 던지지 마세요
During class (time), don’t throw paper please
[시간 ——- time / hour]
나는 월요일에 업무에 복귀했다
I went back to work on Monday.
[월요일 —– Monday]
그룹은 첫 모임을 지난 월요일에 가졌다.
The first meeting of the group took place last Monday.
[월요일 —– Monday]
(그는) 화요일에, 당신이 오기 직전에, 전화를 했다.
He phoned on Tuesday, just before you came.
[화요일 ——- Tuesday]
회담은 다음주 화요일에 시작될 것 같다.
Talks are likely to start next Tuesday.
[화요일 ——- Tuesday]
시간이 되면, 수요일에 우리 집에서 저녁을 함께 합시다.
Come and have supper with us on Wednesday, if you’re free.
[수요일 —— Wednesday]
혹시 지난 수요일에 그녀가 떠나는 걸 보았니?
Did you happen to see her leave last Wednesday?
[수요일 —— Wednesday]
바레트는 목요일에 한 잔 하자며 나를 불렀다.
On Thursday Barrett invited me for a drink.
[목요일 —— Thursday]
우리는 매주 목요일 오전에 일주일치의 장을 본다.
We go and do the weekly shopping every Thursday morning.
[목요일 —— Thursday]
쿡 씨는 금요일에 중동에 갈 작정이다.
Mr. Cook is intending to go to the Middle East on Friday.
[금요일 —— Friday]
11월 6일 금요일
Friday November 6.
[금요일 —— Friday]