03-00-A: Muscles of the Upper Extremity Flashcards
(SG) Upper Trapezius
O: Occiput, Nuchal Ligament, SPs of C1-C6
I: Lateral 1/3 of Clavicle, Acromion
A: Scapular elevation, Upward rotation
N: Cranial Nerve XI (Accessory Nerve)
(SG) Middle Trapezius
O: SPs of C7-T3
I: Spine of the Scapula
A: Scapular retraction, Upward rotation
N: Cranial Nerve XI (Accessory Nerve)
(SG) Lower Trapezius
O: SPs of T4-T12
I: Base of the Spine of the Scapula
A: Scapular depression, Upward rotation
N: Cranial Nerve XI (Accessory Nerve)
(SG) Levator Scapula
O: TPs of C1-C4
I: Superior Angle of Scapula down to Spine of the Scapula
A: Assists with scapular elevation, downward rotation
N: Dorsal Scapular
(SG) Rhomboids
O: Minor - SPs of C7-T1, Major - SPs of T2-T5
I: Vertebral Border of Scapula from base of the spine of scapula to inferior angle; Minor - Base of spine of scapula, Major - Bottom of the base of spine
A: Scapular retraction (w/ downward rotation component, lifts scapula slightly (elevation)
N: Dorsal Scapular
(SG) Serratus Antrerior
O: Lateral aspect of ribs 1-8
I: Anterior aspect of vertebral border of scapula
A: Scapular protraction, Upward rotation
N: Long thoracic
(SG) Pectoralis Minor
O: Anterior medial aspect of ribs 3-5
I: Coracoid process of scapula
A: Scapular depression, Anterior tilt, Downward rotation
N: Medial pectoral
Muscle Actions - Shoulder Girdle
- Elevation: Upper trapezius, levator scapula, rhomboids
- Depression: Lower trapezius, pectoralis minor
- Protraction: Serratus anterior, pectoralis minor
- Retraction: Middle trapezius, rhomboids
- Upward Rotation: Upper/Lower trapezius, serratus anterior (lower fibers)
- Downward Rotation: Rhomboids, levator scapula, pectoralis minor
- Scapular Tilt - Pectoralis minor
(SJ) Supraspinatus
O: Supraspinous fossa
I: Superior facet of greater tubercle of humerus
A: Initiates “roll” (of upward rotation)
N: Suprascapular Nerve
(SJ) Infraspinatus
O: Infraspinous fossa
I: Middle facet of greater tubercle of humerus
A: Lateral rotation, Horizontal abduction
N: Suprascapular Nerve
(SJ) Teres Minor
O: Axillary border of Scapula
I: Inferior facet of greater tubercle of humerus
A: Lateral rotation, Horizontal abduction
N: Axillary Nerve
(SJ) Subscapularis
O: Subscapular fossa
I: Lesser tubercle of humerus
A: Medial rotation
N: Subscapular Nerve
(SJ) Anterior Deltoid
O: Inferior aspect of lateral 1/3 of clavicle
I: Deltoid tuberosity
A: Shoulder abduction, flexion, Medial rotation, Horizontal adduction
N: Axillary Nerve
(SJ) Middle Deltoid
O: Acromion
I: Deltoid Tuberosity
A: Shoulder abduction
N: Axillary Nerve
(SJ) Posterior Deltoid
O: Inferior aspect of spine of scapula
I: Deltoid tuberosity
A: Shoulder abduction, extension, Lateral rotation, Horizontal abduction
N: Axillary Nerve
(SJ) Pectoralis Major (Clavicular)
O: Inferior aspect of medial 2/3 of clavicle
I: Lateral lip of bicipital groove of humerus
A: Shoulder flexion (0-60˚)
(SJ) Pectoralis Major (Sternal)
O: Sternum, costal cartilage of ribs 1-6
I: Lateral lip of bicipital groove of humerus
A: Shoulder extension from full flexion (180˚-120˚)
(SJ) Pectoralis Major (Sternal and Clavicular)
A: Shoulder adduction, Primary medial rotation, Primary horizontal adduction
N: Lateral pectoral, Medial Pectoral
(SJ) Teres Major
O: Inferior angle of scapula
I: Medial lip of bicipital groove of humerus
A: Medial rotation, Shoulder adduction, extension
N: Subscapular Nerve
(SJ) Coracobrachialis
O: Coracoid process of the scapula
I: Medial aspect of the mid-shaft of the humerus
A: Assist with shoulder flexion, Shoulder adduction
N: Musculocutaneous
Muscle Actions - Shoulder Joint
- Flexion: Anterior deltoid, pectoralis major (clavicle)
- Extension: Posterior deltoid, latissimus dorsi, teres major, pectoralis major (sternal)
- Hyperextension: Latissimus Dorsi, posterior deltoid
- Abduction: Anterior deltoid, middle deltoid, posterior deltoid, supraspinatus
- Adduction: Pectoralis major, teres major, latisssimus dorsi
- Horizontal abduction: Posterior deltoid, infraspinatus, teres minor
- Horizontal adduction: Pectoralis major, anterior deltoid
- External rotation: Infraspinatus, Teres minor, posterior deltoid
- Internal rotation: Pectoralis major, latissimus dorsi, teres major, anterior deltoid, subscapularis
(EJ) Brachialis
O: Anterior lower 1/2 of humerus
I: Coronoid process and ulnar tuberosity of the ulna
A: Prime elbow flexion (pronated position)
N: Musculocutaneous
(EJ) Brachioradialis
O: Lateral supracondylar ridge of the humerus
I: Styloid process of the radius
A: Prime elbow flexion (neutral position)
N: Radial nerve
(EJ) Biceps Brachii
O: Long head - Supraglenoid tubercle of scapula, Short head - Coracoid process of scapula
I: Radial tuberosity, Licertus Fibrosis
A: Primary forearm supination, Assist elbow flexion, shoulder flexion
N: Musculocutaneous
(EJ) Triceps Brachii
O: Long head - Infraglenoid tubercle of scapula, Lateral head - Posterior aspect of proximal humerus lateral to radial groove
Medial head - Posterior aspect of distal humerus medial to radial groove
I: Olecranon process of ulna
A: Primary elbow extensor, Long head - Shoulder extension, lateral rotation
N; Radial nerve
(EJ) Anconeus
O: Lateral epicondyle of humerus
I: Posterior ulna adjacent to olecranon
A: Assists with elbow extension
N: Radial nerve
(EJ) Pronator Teres
O: Medial epicondyle of the humerus and coronoid process of ulna
I: Lateral aspect of the radius
A: Forearm pronation, Assists with elbow flexion
N: Median nerve
(EJ) Pronator Quadratus
O: Anterior distal 1/3 of ulna
I: Anterior distal 1/3 of radius
A: Forearm pronation
N: Median nerve
(EJ) Supinator
O: Lateral epicondyle of humerus and adjacent ulna
I: Anterior proximal radius
A: Forearm supination, Assist with elbow extension
N: Radial nerve
Muscle Actions - Elbow Joint
- Flexion: Biceps brachii, brachialis, brachioradialis, assist from pronator teres
- Extension: Triceps brachii, assist from anconeus
- Pronation: Pronator teres, pronator quadratus
- Supination: Supinator, Biceps brachii
(WJ) Flexor Carpi Radialis (FCR)
O: Medial epicondyle of humerus (Common flexor tendon)
I: Base of the 2nd-3rd metacarpals
A: Wrist flexion, radial deviation
N: Median nerve
(WJ) Flexor Carpi Ulnaris (FCU)
O: Medial epicondyle of humerus (Common flexor tendon)
I: Base of the 5th metacarpal
A: Wrist flexion, ulnar deviation
N: Ulnar nerve
(WJ) Palmaris Longus (PL)
O: Medial epicondyle of humerus (Common flexor tendon)
I: Palmar fascia
A: Wrist flexion
N: Median nerve
(WJ) Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus (ECRL)
O: Lateral epicondyle of humerus (Common extensor tendon)
I: Base of the 2nd metacarpal
A: Wrist extension, radial deviation
N: Radial nerve
(WJ) Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis (ECRB)
O: Lateral epicondyle of humerus (Common extensor tendon)
I: Base of the 3rd metacarpal
A: Wrist extension
N: Radial nerve
(WJ) Extensor Carpi Ulnaris (ECU)
O: Lateral epicondyle of humerus (Common extensor tendon)
I: Base of the 5th metcarpal
A: Wrist extension, ulnar deviation
N: Radial nerve
Muscle Actions - Wrist Joint
- Flexion: Flexor Carpi Radialis, Flexor Carpi Ulnaris, Palmaris Longus
- Extension: Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus, Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis, Extensor Carpi Ulnaris
- Radial Deviation: Flexor Carpi Radialis, Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus
- Ulnar Deviation: Flexor Carpi Ulnaris, Extensor Carpi Ulnaris
(EM) Flexor Digitorum Superficialis (FDS)
O: Medial epicondyle of humerus, coracoid process of ulna, middle of anterior radius
I: Lateral aspects of middle phalanges 2-5
A: Flexes PIP, MCP, radiocarpal joint
N: Median nerve
(EM) Flexor Digitorum Profundus (FPS)
O: Anterior aspect of proximal ulna, interosseous membrane
I: Volar aspect of the base of distal phalanges 2-5 (runs deep to FDS)
A: Flexes DIP, PIP, MCP, radiocarpal joint
N: Median nerve (Digits 2-5), Ulnar nerve (Digits 4-5)
(EM) Flexor Pollicis Longus
O: Anterior aspect of radius, interosseous membrane
I: Volar aspect of distal phalange 1 (1st digit)
A: Flexes IP, MCP, assists with radiocarpal joint flexion
N: Median nerve
(EM) Extensor Digitorum Communis
O: Common extensor tendon
I: Extension hood (Dorsum of distal phalange) Digits 2-4
A: Extends DIP, PIP, MCP, radiocarpal joint
N: Radial nerve
(EM) Extensor Digitorum Indicis
O: Posterior aspect of distal ulna
I: Extensor hood of 2nd digit
A: Extends DIP, PIP, MCP of 2nd digit; radiocarpal joint
N: Radial nerve
(EM) Extensor Digiti Minimi
O: Common extensor tendon
I: Extension hood of 5th digit
A: Extends DIP, PIP, MCP of 5th digit; radiocarpal joint
N: Radial nerve
(EM) Abductor Pollicis Longus
O: Posterior aspect of ulna, interosseous membrane, posterior radius
I: Base of 1st metacarpal
A: Abduction of 1st digit
N: Radial nerve
(EM) Extensor Pollicis Brevis
O: Posterior aspect of radius, interosseous membrane
I: Base of proximal phalange of 1st digit
A: Extends MCP, radiocarpal joint
N: Radial nerve
(EM) Extensor Pollicis Longus
O: Posterior ulna, interosseous membrane
I: Base of distal phalange of 1st digit
A: Extends DIP, MCP of first digitl; radiocarpal joint; assists with supination
N: Radial nerve
(IM) Flexor Pollicis Brevis
A: Flexes 1st digit
N: Median nerve
(IM) Abductor Pollicis Brevis
A: Abducts 1st digit
N: Median nerve
(IM) Opponens Pollicis
A: Opposes 1st digit
N: Median nerve
(IM) Flexor Digiti Minimi
A: Flexes 5th digit
N: Ulnar nerve
(IM) Abductor Digiti Minimi
A: Abducts 5th digit
N: Ulnar nerve
(IM) Opponens Digiti Minimi
A: Opposes 5th digit
N: Ulnar nerve
(IM) Lumbricals
O: Tendons of Flexor Digitorum Profundus (2-5)
I: Extension hood of digits 205
A: Flexes MCPs, extends IPs
N: Median nerve (Digits 2-3), Ulnar nerve (Digits 4-5)
(IM) Dorsal Interossei (DAB)
O: Adjacent to metacarpals
I: Base of lateral aspects of proximal phalanx 2-4
A: Abducts digits 2-4
N: Ulnar nerve
(IM) Palmar Interossei (PAD)
O: Adjacent to respective metacarpals
I: Base of respective proximal phalanx
A: Adducts digits 2, 4, 5
N: Ulnar nerve
(IM) Adductor Pollicis
A: Adduction of 1st digit
N: Ulnar nerve
- Last muscle innervated by ulnar nerve