02 Psychology: Leadership Flashcards
What types of leader positions are there in sport?
-team sports psychologist
Characteristics of an effective leader?
-good communication skills
-high motivation
-having a clear goal or a vision of what needs to be achieved
-empathy (an ability to put yourself in the position of others to understand how they feel)
-being good at the sport themselves or having a comprehensive knowledge of the sport
What is an emergent leader?
Come from within the group because they are skilful or because the rest of the team selected them
What are prescribed leaders?
Appointed leaders are appointed to a team from an external source
Advantages of an emergent leader…..
Disadvantages of an emergent leader…
Advantages of a prescribed leaders….
Disadvantages of a prescribed leader…..
What are the 3 leadership styles?
- Autocratic
- Democratic
- Laissez-faire
Characteristics of an autocratic style?
-task orientated
-dictatorial in style
-make most of the decisions
-commanding and directing approaches
Characteristics of a democratic style?
-person orientated
-value views of other group members
-tend to share decisions
-show lots of interest in individuals of group
Characteristics of laissez-faire style?
-make very few decisions
-give very little feedback
-individual group members usually do as they wish