0011 Post-World War II U.S. Foreign Policy (SMR 2.11) Flashcards
What was Truman’s foreign policy like post- WWII?
Truman’s Administration of Containment: the foreign policy that Truman and subsequent presidents during Cold War utilized against communism
What two countries became opposing superpowers after WWII?
Soviet Union and the US become both economic and military superpowers as other European nations are recovering from destruction
After WWII why was there a power struggle between US & Soviet Union
The power struggle was between capitalism & communism
There were tensions between Stalin & Truman b/c of Soviet Union’s not allowing for free elections even after Yalta Conference. Truman was very anti-communism ]
What did the Truman Doctrine (aka Containment) of 1947 state?
US would not instigate a war with Soviet Union, but would come to defense of countries in danger of Soviet takeover
What was the Marshall Plan of 1947?
Offered $12 billion to Europe for reconstruction of cities and economies
In return, countries were expected to become US allies and maintain a semblance of Democracy
Who did not accept America’s help in the Marshall Plan?
No country in Soviet sphere took up US offer
What foreign policies occurred under the Truman Administration following WWII?
The Truman Doctrine and the Marshall Plan in 1947
What were two of the initial reasons for the start of the Cold War?
- Capitalism, Democratic, Free Market US was vastly different from Communist Soviet Union. Ideologies are completely opposite and has a hard time co-existing
- Division of Post-War Germany
How did the division of Post-War Germany lead to the start of the Cold War?
Germany was divided into four sectors (France, Britain, US, Soviet Union), and Berlin (the capital) was divided into four sectors and was within Soviet Union territory, the western groups feel it’s in the best interest of their capitalist countries to have Germany become its own unified state again which upsets the Soviet Union and causes tension
Why did the allied countries feel that German should become its own unified state?
- Britain and France didn’t have the economic or political stability to maintain a military presence in the area
- The US didn’t want to either as it was too far away and too much of a burden on US military and economy
Why did the Soviet Union feel betrayed when the other three powers agreed to gradually allow Germany to take over occupied territories?
Soviet Union feels this is a betrayal of the Yalta Conference. The Soviet Union felt ganged up on by other countries that weren’t communist.
How did the Soviet Union respond to to learning that the UK, US and France were planning to merge their German sectors into one Capitalist country?
Soviet Union blockades Berlin and tries to occupy all of Berlin
What happens as a result of the Berlin Blockade by the Soviet Union?
The Berlin airlift is created in response: US & UK fly food and fuel into West Berlin continuously for one year
What were three of the effects of the Berlin Airlift?
- West Germany joins NATO
- Gives strength to Berliners in Western part of Berlin and gives them a strong western govt to fight for capitalism
- Helped convince Congress to support NATO, because the Soviets showed themselves as an actual military threat
What military alliance was created in 1949?
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
Why did NATO come about?
came about because Truman wanted to alleviate the burden of the US protecting European nations from Communism under Truman Doctrine
What was NATO?
Mutual defense alliance with Western Europe, if any one of its member countries was attacked by a communist nation, all of the other nations would come to its defense
What was Congress’ initial response to NATO?
Congress has a hard time accepting US involvement initially, remembering Washington’s warning to avoid foreign entanglements
On one hand, they don’t want USA to have to have a standing army against communism, which would be expensive
On the other hand, they don’t want communism to take over, especially with weakened European countries after WWII
What would eventually lead the US to ratify NATO?
Congress ratifies NATO because they believe it’s important to “buff up” other European nations against communism after Berlin blockade and airlift
What is the status of Korea before the Korean Conflict/ War?
B/c of atomic bomb dropping, US is the occupying force in Japan. Korea was occupied by Japan during WWII. North Korea is occupied by Soviet Union and South Korea is under American influence/occupation
What was the reason for the start of the Korean Conflict / War?
25 June 1950: Communist North Korea crosses the 38th parallel into US-backed South Korea
Believing Soviet Union to have engineered the invasion, US responds swiftly and sends over American troops, guns, and advisor
Who was the biggest US advisor in the Korean War?
General Macarthur: he had a large presence in Asia, believes in strong military presence and likes to attack rather than figure things out diplomatically
During the Korean War (1950-1953), Truman attempted to _____ Korea.
What happened as a result of the UN troops under Douglas Macarthur attacking North Korea?
Provoked China who is under Communist ruler Mao Zedong, causes them to join war on side of North Korea on Nov 27, 1950 and pushes UN troops southward
What led to the increase in tensions between US and the Soviet Union in the Korean War?
The Soviet backing China who was fighting with North Korea
What happened two months after China backed North Korea in Korean War?
In January 1951, all UN and South Korean troops are pushed out of North Korea
How did the Korean War end?
In a stalemate. An armistice was agreed at Panmunjom but there were still two Koreas. Communism was contained without atomic weapons.
What was McCarthyism?
Anti-Communist paranoia somewhat fueled by Truman himself, known as the red scare of the 1950’s tainted the prosperity of the 1950’s
What started McCarthyism?
Truman orders investigation of 3 million “left leaning” federal employees to make sure long term spies were not infiltrating the govt and finds a State dept. official guilty of consorting with Communist spy in 1949.
What State Dept official was found guilty of consorting with a Communist spy in 1949? Why was this important?
Alger Hiss, Investigation found a valid case that gave root to invalid cases (the paranoia)
What was the Hollywood Ten?
A list of actors, directors, musicians: lists of those tainted by communist charges that prevented the accused from working
McCarthyism was named after ________.
Senator Joseph McCarthy
What did Senator Joseph McCarthy do?
Charged Communists were taking over the govt
Led campaign of innuendo that ruined thousands of lives, called up people to testify and forced them to give other names
How did McCarthyism impact industries and employment?
Industries created blacklists – lists of those tainted by communist charges that prevented the accused from working, the unemployment of this becomes a public issue
What led to Senator McCarthy’s downfall?
Downfall came when McCarthy accused Army of harboring Communists, accused Major Irving Peress. He questioned army members on tv and this turned off public opinion sympathy.
Which documentary highlighted McCarthy’s brutal and unfounded investigations?
Edward R. Murrow’s documentary, See It Now
What 6 events occurred under Kennedy’s Administration that heightened American-Soviet tensions during the Kennedy Administration?
- Relations with Iran
- Wars between Israel and Arab Nations (Six Day War, Yom Kippur War)
- Bay of Pigs Invasion
- Berlin Wall creation
- Cuban Missile Crisis
- Space Race
What occurs in Iran in the 50’s that leads to US involvement?
In 1950’s Iran elected an Iranian prime minister, Mosaddegh and he nationalized Iran’s oil / had communist army, upsetted Britain and America, and in response a Western supported Shah reinstated privatized businesses and put oil companies back in hands of US & Britain
What did the western-backed Shah do for Iran?
Shah reinstated privatized businesses and put oil companies back in hands of US & Britain, Shah helped modernize the country. Shah worked to reorganize the country and assimilate to Western society, but since Iran is a fundamentalist Muslim country, this doesn’t mesh well with their religion and he becomes very unpopular
Iran shows how Soviet Union and America are ________.
using other countries as puppet states
What was the reason for increased tensions in Israel during the Cold War?
Israel was supposedly backed by UK & US and Arab opposition was supposedly backed by Soviets. Both Israeli and Arab opposition were promised Palestine - this causes tension between different Arab nations.
What are the differences between Arab nations and Israel?
Israel is anti-muslim, wants to be a safe haven for jews, and many Jewish immigrants come in after WWII from places like Poland
What is the Six Day War?
A 1967 war between US backed Israel and Soviet Union backed Arab States. Israeli’s used American weapons and Soviet used Navy to strain direct support from the US Navy, Soviet Union blocked port in Israel so that the US Navy could not directly assist
What was the result of the Six Day War in 1967?
Israel gains ground in the Sinai Peninsula and areas on the borders of Syria causes great resentment between Egypt & Israel and Syria & Israel which results in Yom Kippur War of 1973
What was the Yom Kippur War of 1973?
Arabs coordinated attacks in an attempt to retake territories taken by Israel in Six Day war. US & Soviet Union resupply their allies.
Though America and the Soviet Union used other countries as puppet states for their conflict, why did the two never directly confront one another?
Both sides realize that if they confront each other, it could lead to a possible nuclear war
What is the Bay of Pigs Invasion?
A failed April 1961 invasion of Cuba from Kennedy who sent Cuban exiles to invade Cuba.
Why were there tensions between Cuba & USA?
Cuba is only 90 miles off of Florida coastline, it’s right in our backyard, long history of US involvement both positive and negative.
Now, in 1959, there is a Communist insurgence by Fidel Castro
Why was Fidel Castro a threat to US?
Castro nationalized American property, signed trade treaty with Soviet Union; US broke diplomatic relations with Cuba (retaliates by shutting off trade/embargo)
Why did the Bay of Pigs Invasion fail?
It did not have adequate American military support
Why was the Berlin Wall built in 1961?
Soviet built between East & West Berlin to prevent East Germans from leaving
In Berlin, _______ gave his famous speech, “_______”. What did this mean?
Kennedy gave famous “Ich bin ein Berliner” speech - we stand together with Berlin against the Soviets, this wall won’t keep freedom out and announces US support for Democracy
What was the Cuban Missile Crisis?
In 1962, Americans detected soviet missile sites in Cuba.
Kennedy demanded Soviets withdraw missiles and starts secret negotiations to prevent a nuclear holocaust
What kept the Cuban Missile Crisis from becoming a nuclear holocaust?
JFK and Soviet Premier Khruschev create a line of communication, they communicate to de-escalate and find a way of maintaining peace
What compromise comes after the Cuban Missile Crisis?
Missiles were deported from Cuba so US and Soviet relations could be maintained and as a response, US removes their missiles away from Soviet borders
What was seen as America’s greatest defeat in the Cold War?
The Vietnam War
Wha led to the Vietnam-French War in 1945?
After WWII, France tries to go back in and control Vietnam but they want to be independent. Ho Chi Minh was leading this independence, and he was actually inspired by US and Declaration of Independence. But when the US backs France and not Vietnam, Ho Chi Minh seeks backing from Soviets and Communist China, leads to Vietnam-French War
In _____, Vietnam gained their independence from France but it wasn’t until ________ that they would become an independent communist country.
1945 / 1975
Why did the US believe the situation in Vietnam was dangerous?
The Domino Theory
What is the Domino Theory?
If one nation falls to communism, the others will follow (something Eisenhower created under his presidency)
When did the Vietnam-French War take place?
From 1945-1954
What were the results of the Vietnam-French War?
Vietnam is split by the 17th parallel. North Vietnam is under communist control with Ho Chi Minh as their leader and a Western backed South Vietnam
Who did the US back a coup against in Vietnam in 1963? Why did they do this?
US backed coup against Ngo Dinh Diem (South leader who was moving against western methods)
How did Ho Chi Minh respond to the US backed coup against Diem in the South?
seen by Ho Chi Minh as America trying to retake Vietnam
The North Vietnamese - US war started on ______. and was a war marked by _______ from the US
August 2, 1964
Systematic bombing by the US
What president was for the “Americanization” of the Vietnam War and what president was for the “Vietnamization” of the Vietnam War?
Americanization = Lynden B Johnson
Vietnamization = Nixon
In 1965, President LBJ wants to “Americanize” Vietnam. What does that mean?
the idea that if we send US troops over to help the Southern Vietnamese then the war will be over faster
In 1966, what does LBJ do that is controversial?
400,000 American troops are sent over to Vietnam
In 1968, America is not doing well in the Vietnam War. Why is this?
The Tet Offensive
What is the Tet Offensive?
80,000 VietCong attack South Vietnamese cities including Saigon / Vietnam is using guerilla tactics that are challenging for US
What resulted from the Tet Offensive?
US troops forced to retreat temporarily; reality check on the Home Front that after two years, things are not ending quickly.
What was the My Lai Massacre?
US soldiers abused, tortured, murdered 300+ innocent civilians in an effort to find guilty civilians helping the Viet Cong
This caused outrage back in America as it was revealed that this was not an isolated occurrence
The waning US support for the Vietnam War caused the _______
Vietnam Peace Movement
Why was there an anti-war movement in the US?
- Sympathy for the Vietnamese cause
- Draft opposition: Upset that people are being drafted in a war that we haven’t even declared, not seen as for America
- 26th Amendment:
Why should 18 year olds be forced to fight when they can’t vote?
What did the 26th Amendment do?
extends suffrage for 18 year olds
In 1969, Nixon started a movement of ______ in the Vietnam War. This was opposite of Lynden B. Johnson’s ideas.
Vietnamization, empower the South to fight the North and take out American soldiers, turn the war back into a “civil war” as it should be
What were the significance of the 1971 Pentagon Papers?
show collusion and creates deeper public dislike of war and of Nixon (Watergate Scandal)
What turning point happened in Vietnam in January 1973?
A ceasefire
How did the Vietnam War end?
April 1975: Fall of Saigon and the extraction of all American troops from Vietnam. Vietnam becomes a Communist nation