Zoonotic infections Flashcards
What is a zoonotic infection?
An infection of nonhuman animals transmitted to humans
How is Francisella tularensis transmitted?
Rabbits, ticks, deer flies
Dirt or plant material (pneumonia)
Bioterrorism agent aerosol
What is the most immportant Enterohemorrhagic E. coli (EHEC) infection in humans?
Serotype O157
Sporadic outbreaks
What are the clinical manifestations of EHEC?
Mild diarrhea
Hemorrhagic colitis (HC) - destruction of mucosa
Hemolytic-uremic syndrome (HUS) - acute renal failure, anemia, thrombocytopenia, neurologic complications
Where is EHEC found?
In the normal commensal in intestinal tract of cows
How does a EHEC infection occur?
When cattle feces are ingested
Unpasteurized milk or juice, hamburger, uncooked veggies
What is the most common cause of food-associated diarrhea (except in US and UK where it’s second place)?
Salmonella enterica
What family is Salmonella part of?
Where is Salmonella normally found?
Normal GI tract bacteria for poultry and other animals
How is Salmonella transmitted?
Contaminated food like poultry and dairy
How can Salmonella be spread?
Person-to-person with possible secondary spread
What is another major cause of diarrhea?
Campylobacter (pylori most common)
What is the reservoir for campylobactor?
Cattle, sheep, pigs, rodents, poultry and other birds
How is an infection of campylobactor acquired?
Consumption of contaminated food
Person-to-person but fecal-to-oral rare
What are the characteristics of Pasteurella sp?
P. multocida, P. canis
Gram neg coccobacilli
Isolated from dog and cat bites (part of normal flora)