zoology lecture exam #2 Flashcards
Define asexual reproduction. Describe and be able to identify four forms of asexual reproduction.
genetically identical copies from a single source.
budding, binary fission, fragmentation, parthenogenisis
What is parthenogenesis? Give some examples. Why would this process be beneficial?
embryo develops from an unfertilized egg or when egg and sperm fail to fertilize
Define sexual reproduction. What are two forms of sexual reproduction?
fusion of gametes made in gonads
bisexual, hermaphroditism
What are some advantages and disadvantages to asexual reproduction
Asexual reproduction has the advantage of being faster and requiring only one parent, allowing for rapid population growth, while its main disadvantage is the lack of genetic diversity, making the species less adaptable to changing environments; sexual reproduction
Define diploid and haploid. How many sets of chromosomes do gametes have? *This is actually from Introduction material
A diploid cell contains two complete sets of chromosomes, one set from each parent, while a haploid cell contains only one set of chromosomes; gametes (sex cells like sperm and egg) are haploid, meaning they have only one set of chromosomes each
Explain spermatogenesis. Where does spermatogenesis take place? What are the results of the process?
sperm cells are produced in the male reproductive system. this occurs in the seminiferous tubules of the testes.
Does temperature impact spermatogenesis? How? What adaptations exist to deal with this impact?
it does affect spermatogenisis and makes it produce less. the scrotum protects it from heat.
Explain oogenesis. Where does oogenesis take place? What are the results of meiosis?
oogenia will undergo mitosis to produce primary oocytes. it occurs through two divisions of meiosis.
NOTE: produces 3 polar bodies and 1 complete ovum.
What is the cloaca?
common chamber for all intestinal, reproductive, and excretory products
Define oviparous.
Oviparous: egg laying- outside of the body(egg laying vertebrates)
What is the difference between internal and external fertilization?
internal fertilization: sperm fertilized the egg inside of the body.
external fertilization: sperm fertilized egg outside of body .
With internal fertilization, where does fertilization typically take place?
inside the female’s reproductive tract, oviduct.
where the sperm meets the egg and fuses into a zygote.
What are differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells
prokaryotic cells lack a nucleus and other membrane-bound organelles, while eukaryotic cells have a well-defined nucleus and various organelles within their cytoplasm
What is the difference between the plasma membrane and a cell wall? What kinds of cells have each?
Plasma Membrane is a type of phospholipid layer available in all types of cells. It protects the protoplasm and checks the passage of molecules inside the cell. Whereas the cell wall is found in the plant cell, fungi, bacteria only.
What organelles generate energy for animal cells
What organisms are considered the cellular level of organization? With what organisms do we start to see the tissue level
of organization?
cellular level of organization: bacteria and protozoa
we start to see tissue level of organization in Phylum Cnidaria(like jellyfish).
What is the function of epithelial tissue?
-outside of the body, protective covering
- inside of the body, lines the cavities, organs, and passageways.
What is the function of connective tissue?
Connective tissue- cells dispersed in a matrix. supports, protects, and gives structure to organs and tissues.
Smooth muscle
smooth muscle- base of hair follicles, walls of blood vessels, within tracts, non-striated, single nucleus.
What is the function of nervous tissue? What kinds of cells make up nervous tissue?
receive stimuli, conduct of impulses
two types of cells
neurons(nerves)- cells that transmit the impulse
Neuroglia(glial cells)- supporting neutrons.
What is symbiosis? What are different examples of symbiosis? How are they different from each other?
symbiosis is a close and prolonged relationship between 2 organisms of different species.
1) mutualism +/+
2) commensalism +/0
3) paratism +/-
What is the difference between an endoparasite and an ectoparasite? Provide examples of each
ectoparasites live on the outer body surface of the host
endoparasites live inside the cells, tissues, or the alimentary canal of the host.