Lab Practicum #3 Flashcards
Class Chondrichthyes
What is the function of the spiracles?
Allows water to flow into the gill chamber
How do you know if a shark is a male or a female?
On the ventral side, there are no claspers on the cloaca if it is a female.
Class Octheichthyes
What is the function of the air bladder?
Controls the fish buoyancy.
How many chambers does a fish heart have?
2 chambers
Class Amphibia
What phylum do all of these organisms belong to?
Phylum Chordata
what subphyla do all of these organisms belong to?
Subphyla vertebrata
what are the three orders in class Amphibia?
Order Gymnophiona, Order Urodela, Order Anura
Example of order gymnophiona
Example of order Anura
Frogs and Toads
Example of order urodela
What traits are specific to order Anura
Absence of tail in adulthood
What traits are specific to order Urodela
Has tail
What traits are specific to order Gymnophiona
without legs
how is a frogs tongue unique?
It isn’t attached the way back.
Class Reptilia
What are the orders of Class Reptilia?
Order Spenodonia(tuatara)
Order Testudines(turtles)
Order Squamata(lizards/snakes)
Order Crocodilia(crocodiles)
What traits are specific to Order Spenodonia
No external ears
What traits are specific to Order Testudines
What traits are specific to Order Squamata
Scaled skin, snakes- loss of limbs
What is Class Aves
What are some characteristics that are specific to birds?
scales on legs, beak, toothless, feathers
Class Mammalia
What characteristics are specific to mammals
mammary glands, hair
What orders are part of Class Mammalia
Order Primate(humans, monkeys)
Order Rodentia(rodents)
Order Carnivora(cheetah, bears, whales)
What characteristics are specific to Order Primate
Pentadactyl feet, well developed ulna and radius
What characteristics are specific to Order Rodentia
Dentition(teeth) specialized for gnawing.
What characteristics are specific to Order Carnivora
Diverse food habitat(mostly carnivorous)
Superclass Agnatha
Jawless fish
what are the characteristics of chordates?
notochord, pharyngeal slits, dorsal nerve chord, post anal tail
What Subphylum’s are in Class Agnatha?
Subphylum Urochordata(tunicates)
Subphylum Cephalachordata(Lancelet)
Subphylum Vertebrata
What autapomorphies are there in Subphylum Urochordata?
soft sacklike body with siphons
What autapomorphies are there in Subphylum Cephalachordata?
unique filterering system(wheel organ)
What autapomorphies are there in Subphylum Vertebrata?
vertebrae, developed brain, neural crest
How do tunicates feed?
Trapping food through its siphons