Ziekteleer (Zsuzzanne) Flashcards
= disorder of bone marrow
Ø Overproduction of red blood cells
Ø Increases blood volume & blood viscosity
Ø Headaches, blurred vision, high blood pressure
Ø Condition caused by deficiency of one or more clotting factors
Ø Mostly: lack certain protein (clotting factor VIII)
Ø Can’t form blood clots - could lead to death
Ø Now: controlled by administering another clotting factor
hemolytic disease of the new-born (HDN)
Rh-negative woman can become pregnant with Rh-positive baby (Rh-antigen comes from father)
- mother starts producing anti-Rh antibodies that cross placenta & attacks fetus
HDN = reduced number of red blood cells & toxic levels of hemoglobin breakdown products àcan lead to mental retardation or death
Prevention? mother gets injection with anti-Rh antibodies at 28 weeks & (if baby = positive) again after birth
- injected antibodies destroy new-born’s red blood cells that may have entered the woman’s circulation
= contagious infection of lymphocytes in blood & lymph tissue
- caused by the Epstein-Barr virus (= relative to herpes virus)
- spread throughout physical contact (nickname: = “kissing disease”)
- Lymphocytes enlarge->begin to resemble monocytes
-> blood test reveals increased numbers of monocytes and lymphocytes
Blood poisoning = septicemia = bacterial infection of blood
reduction in the oxygen carrrying capacity of blood
Iron-deficiency anemia
Every hemoglobin: contains 4 molecules of iron
Iron-deficiency: body cannot synthesize hemoglobin
Result: fewer hemoglobin molecules per RBC - decreased ability to transport o2 Most common form of anemia
Caused by too little iron in diet / inability of digestive tract to absorb iron Treatment: taking pills
Hemorrhagic anemia
Due to blood loss caused by injuries, bleeding ulcers, menstrual flow or parasites Treatments: finding & treating underlying cause of blood loss
pernicious anemia
Cause: deficiency of vitamin B12 absorption by digestive tract
Vitamin B12 = important for production of RBC
Treatment: injections of vitamin B12
hemolytic anemia
Cause: rupture or early destruction of RBCs
Sickle-cell disease: RBCs take on sickle shape when oxygen concentration is too low - become damaged due to abnormal shape when travelling through blood vessels Parasite that causes malaria = another cause
anemia due to renal failure
When kidneys fail: don’t produce enough erythropoietin to maintain RBC production
Treatment: exogenous erythropoietin (EPO)
= blood cancer
1. acute leukemia: develops rapidly
2. chronic leukemia: develops slowly
Cause: mutation of a WBC (change in genetic structure)- uncontrolled cell division - caused by viral infections, exposure to radiation or harmful chemicals or genetic factors.
Multiple myeloma
= cancer
Plasma cells = type of lymphocytes responsible for making a specific antibody
- multiple myeloma: abnormal plasma cells in bone marrow undergo uncontrolled division
= reduction in number of platelets in blood
Cause: viral infection, anemia, leukemia, other blood disorders, exposure to X-rays or radiation, drugs …
Symptoms: easy bruising or bleeding, nosebleeds, bleeding in mouth, blood in urine, heavy menstrual periods
Treatment: treating underlying cause, surgical removal of spleen
- Ballooning of artery wall
- Damaged endothelium: lets blood seep through - flows between two layers, splitting them apart
- Can cause smooth muscle & endothelial layers to bulge inward - narrows lumen - reduces blood flow
- When ruptured: massive internal bleeding & often death
- Take years to develop
- Can be detected with stethoscope or CT-scan
- Can be repaired surgically
varicose veins
permanently swollen veins that look twisted and bumpy from pooled blood
= temporary sensation of pain and tightness in chest (due to insufficient circulation to the heart)
Angina = in itself not a problem, but = indication of a bigger problem - sign of insufficient circulation to the heart
myocardial infarction
Heart attack = sudden death of an area of heart tissue due to oxygen starvation àoccurs when blood flow to area of heart = impaired too long
Heart failure
Normally: body remains constant arterial pressure because of the tight control mechanisms
If heart muscle = damaged: heart may become weaker & less efficient at pumping blood = Heart failure
If Heart pumps less blood:
- Blood back up in veins
- BP in veins and capillaries rises
- More fluid than usual filers out of the capillaries & into interstitial space - fluid congestion (ophoping)
-> congestive heart failure
= sudden blockage of blood vessels by material floating in bloodstream
Obstacle (embolus) = blood clots, cholesterol deposits, tissue fragments, cancer cells, bacteria, air bubbles
Stroke (cerebrovascular accident) = damage to part of the brain caused by an interruption to its blood supply
= brain’s equivalent to heart attack
infection of tonsils
recurrent, chronic lung disorder characterized by:
Ø Spasmodic contraction of bronchial muscle
Ø Bronchial swelling
Ø Increased production of mucus
Attack: causes partial closure of bronchi: difficulty breathing
chronic disorder in which alveoli become permanently damaged
Begins with destruction of connective tissue in smaller airways
- airways become less elastic, don’t open properly & tend to collapse during expiration
- high pressures in lungs
- alveoli get damaged
acute or chronic inflammation of bronchi
Symptoms: wheezing, breathlessness & persistent cough that yields yellowish or greenish phlegm, fever
Acute: can be treated by humidifying lungs, drinking fluids & taking antibiotic (if bacterial infection)
Ø Further testing to rule out other health conditions
Ø Bronchodilators: widen bronchi
Ø Oxygen may prescription to raise blood oxygen levels
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
name for emphysema & chronic bronchitis
Cystic fibrosis
inherited condition: 1 gene causes mucus-producing cells in lungs t produce thick, sticky mucus
2 most common respiratory diseases: colds & flu
- Upper respiratory infection = URI
- Caused by viruses of rhinovirus /coronavirus families - highly contagious but not very virulent
- Symptoms = coughing, runny nose, nasal congestion & sneezing
- Caused by viruses of influenza family
- Not virulent, though heavier symptoms than colds
- Symptoms = sore throat, fever, cough, aches & chills, muscle pains & headaches
inflammatory condition of lungs
= infectious diseases (passed by coughing or sneezing) caused by
Mycobacterium tuberculosis = Bacteria enters lungs & multiply to form an infected ‘focus’
Lung cancer
Cancer = uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells
Important causes:
Ø Smoking (90% of people with lung cancer)
Ø Radon gas: formed in rock as a breakdown product of uranium & seeps into air
Ø Chemicals in workplace, best known = asbestos
deadly cancer of lining of lungs, heart & abdomen caused by exposure to asbestos
was widely used for decades before it was recognized as a cancer-causing agent
collapse of one or more lobes of lungs
Ø Penetrating wound of chest that allows air into pleural cavity around lungs
Ø Spontaneously as result of disease or injury to a lung
lack of gas exchange withing lungs as result of alveolar collapse or build-up fluid within alveoli
Congestive heart failure
cardiovascular disease in which heart becomes less efficient -> eventually causes severe impairment of lung function as well
Anorexia nervosa
= When person diets excessively or stops eating, even to point of starvation and death untreated: highest mortality rate of any mental illness
Bulimia nervosa
Someone eats & deliberately vomits or takes other steps to minimize calories ingested
Binge eating episodes= large amount of food + feeling lack of control over eating
Binge eating disorder
Like bulimia, but without the purge
No control over how much they eat on certain occasions
Can cause obesity
Lactose intolerance
= difficulty digesting milk
Infants = born with enzyme lactase in small intestine for digesting lactose
Adults: gradually lose the enzyme & ability to digest lactose=> lactose intolerance
Peptic ulcers
Painful erosions of mucosal lining of stomach or duodenum
- Infections by helicobacter pylori bacteria
- Excessive use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
Celiac disease
= gluten intolerance
Gluten = protein found in wheat, rye & barley
- immune system damages or destroys villi that line small intestine
- malabsorption of nutrients of all kinds
Inherited disorder
Diverticula = sac produced when mucosal lining of large intestine protrudes through other layers of intestinal wall
Can become infected or inflamed- diverticulitis
Cause: low-fibre diet:
1. Produces small feces
2. Narrows colon
3. Makes contractions of colon more powerful
4. Increases pressure on colon walls: forcing areas outward & forming diverticula
colon polyps
Polyp = noncancerous growth that projects from mucous membrane Can develop in many areas: including colon
Removed in colonoscopy (could develop into cancer)
hepatitis A
Transmitted by contaminated food or water Causes brief illness
Vaccine is available
Hepatitis B
Travels in blood/body fluids: passed via contaminated needles, blood transfusions, sexual contact Can lead to liver failure
Symptoms: jaundice, nausea, fatigue, abdominal pain & arthritis
Vaccine = available
Hepatitis C
Travels in blood: passed via contaminated needles & blood transfusions Many people have no symptoms, still damages liver
Can lead to chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis or liver cancer
Gallbladder concentrates bile by removing 90% of the water
Excessive cholesterol in bile: may precipitate out of solution with calcium & bile salts -> forms gallstones
Can obstruct bile flow & cause intense pain