Z internetu Flashcards
Čo rád robíš vo svojom volnom čase?
What do you like to do in your free time?
Pripadá mi to veľmi mätúce!
This seems very confusing!
Mohol by si to prosím zopakovať?
Could you please repeat that?
Čo to znamená?
What does it mean?
Naozaj si toho cením.
I really appreciate it.
Ospravedlňujem sa za neporiadok, dnes som nikoho nečakala.
I’m sorry for the mess. I wasn’t expecting anyone today.
Ako sa ti to pozdáva?
How does that sound?
To znie skvele.
That sounds great
Za moment som u teba
I’ll be with you in a moment
Ach naozaj, vlastne som si myslela
Actually, I thought
Dokončil si reporty?
Did you finish the reports?
Vlastne mám trochu sklz
Actually, I am running a bit behind
Idem na kávu, pridáš sa?
I’m going for coffee, want to join me?
Dáš si niečo?
Do you want anything?
Farebná jeseň
Colorful autumn