Z - domov 4 Flashcards
moj novy domov, so zaciatkom od dnes
… od dneška
my new home, starting as of today
posunula páčku do polohy “zapnute”
she moved the handle to the “on” position
miestnost sa zaliala svetlom
the room was filled with light
fildt (fill - vyplnit)
vydychla si (s ulavou)
she sighed with relief
sájd (sigh povzdychnut)
rəˈlēf - (rilíf) ulava
kuchyna je taka mala, ze sa sem nezmesti mozno ani jedalensky stol
kitchen is so small that even a dining table might not fit in
even - dokonca
bola milo prekvapena farbou na stenach
she was pleasanty surprised by the color of the wall paint
upravene zahradky pod oknom
maintained gardens under the window
mei’teijnd (upravit)
zalesnene kopce v dialke (sa dvihali)
some forrested hills in the distance
jana v tom mala jasno
jana had a clear idea
pohodlna stolicka bude oproti nocnemu stoliku
comfy chair will be opposite the bed side table