Z - date 2 Flashcards
moj posledny ulovok vyzeral asi takto
my last catch looked something like this
na ulici ma zastavil mily chlapec
i was stopped in the street by a nice guy
mal take sladke recicky
he did the usual sweet talk
vymenili sme si telefonne cisla
we exchanged phone numbers
este ten vecer mi napisal
he texted me the same evening
dohodli sme, ze dalsi den pojdeme na kavu
we agreed to have coffee the next day
bola to vsak totalna trefa mimo
but it was just a hit and a miss
okrem jeho neustalych sexualnych narazok
not only did he make constant sexual hints
hlada skor niekoho, s kym by podebatoval
he was more looking for someone to talk
ako to slusne povedat
(vsuvka vo vete)
how to put it mildly
majldli - mierne,umiernene