Yr6 PACES Flashcards
What are important points of any cardio px you have to say?
On general insp: well + not tachypnoeic
O/e of hands: nad, pulse, BP
O/e of H+N: no pallor, carotid artery character, JVP
On insp of chest: no scars
On palpation: apex beat not displaced + no heave or thrills
On auscultation: HS 1+2 audible w no added sounds
Lung bases, peripheral oedema, obs chart
Check all the way up to the ear lobes, biphasic, impalpable
Systolic Murmurs
Aortic Stenosis
Mitral Regurg
Tricuspid Regurg
Aortic Stenosis
Loudest in the aortic area
Radiates to the neck
A/w narrow pulse pressure, slow rising carotid pulse, thrill in the aortic area
Mitral Regurg
Quiet S1, pansystolic murmur loudest in the apex best heard on inspiration, S3
Radiates to the axilla
A/w displaced apex beat and apical thrill
What does mitral valve prolapse sound like?
MR but w a mid-systolic click
Tricuspid Regurg
Loudest in the tricuspid area
Best heard on INSpiration
A/w elevated JVP, left parasternal heave, palpable liver
Diastolic Murmurs
Aortic Regurg
Mitral Stenosis
Tricuspid Stenosis
Aortic Regurg
Early diastolic murmur loudest at the left lower sternal edge when sitting forward
Best heard held in EXpiration
A/w eponymous signs, collapsing pulse, dynamic apex
Mitral Stenosis
Loud S1 and audible S2 followed by an opening snap and MDM
A/w AF, malar flush, tapping non-displaced apex beat, left parasternal heave
What causes a loud S2?
HTN + Pulm HTN (will also have a left parasternal heave)
What is a left parasternal heave a sign of?
Right ventricular hypertrophy
What are S3 and S4 due to?
S3: rapid ventricular filling
S4: atrial contraction against stiff ventricles
What are the stages of clubbing?
1: inc fluctuancy of bed
2: loss of angle b/w nail and bed
3: inc curvature of nail
4: expansion of terminal phalanx
Wheeze Ddx
Asthma COPD Pulm Oedema Anaphylaxis Malignancy
Fine Crepitations Ddx
Fibrosis + HF
Coarse Crepitations Ddx
Bronchiectasis + Pneumonia NB: may change w cough and should ask to sample sputum
Proximal Myopathy Ddx
Polymyositis, Dermatomyositis, Cushing’s Disease Plus working through surg seize: MG/LEMS, HIV, hereditary, sarcoidosis, paraneoplastic, drugs eg statins
Peripheral Neuropathy Ddx
Diabetes, Alcohol, B12 Deficiency Plus working through surg seize: GBS/CIDP, HIV, hereditary, sarcoidosis, paraneoplastic, drugs eg metronidazole
What are the headlines for treating acute asthma/copd?
Oxygen, Bronchodilators, Steroids
What are the headlines for treating PE?
Oxygen, Anticoagulation, Analgesia
What reflexes do you want to offer as part of the CN exam?
Jaw Corneal Gag
Pneumothorax O/E
Trachea - deviated away Expansion - reduced Fremitus - decreased Percussion - resonant Auscultation - absent Added - occasional click
Pleural Effusion O/E
Trachea - deviated away Expansion - reduced Fremitus - decreased Percussion - stoney dull Auscultation - absent Added - occasional rub
Pneumonia O/E
Trachea - central Expansion - reduced Fremitus - increased Percussion - dull Auscultation - bronchial Added - crackles
Collapse/Lobectomy/Pneumonectomy O/E
Trachea - towards Expansion - reduced Fremitus - decreased Percussion - dull Auscultation - absent Added - none
Rheumatoid ILD vs Bronchiectasis
O/e: if there’s a sputum pot nearby + quality of crackles Ix: PFTs inc spirometry, lung volumes, gas transfer (restrictive vs obstructive) + HRCT (honeycombing and ground glass vs dilatation and mucus plugging)
Bronchiectasis Px
Clubbed Bilateral coarse insp crackles which alter but do not fully clear w coughing Findings consistent w bronchiectasis Ddx: pneumonia + ILD
Asthma Px
Salbutamol Inhaler Resonant and symmetrical percussion w equal air entry and no added sounds Findings consistent w controlled asthma Ddx: physiological normal chest + COPD Ascertain if any prev ITU admissions or night sx
Sup O2 at 2L/min via nasal cannula w RR of 20 Features of rheumatoid hands w/o clubbing, characteristic find end insp crackles, peripheral oedema Findings consistent w pulmonary fibrosis perhaps 2° to RA w pulm HTN leading to RHF requiring LTOT
Prolonged exp phase and pursed lip breathing Signs of hyperinflation specifically red cricosternal distance, loss of cardiac dullness and displaced liver edge No features of pulm htn or cushings Findings consistent w COPD
Ddx for Collapsing Pulse (3)
AR Normal psychological state eg pyrexic or pregnant High output state eg anaemia or thyrotoxicosis
What are the signs of hyperinflation? (3)
Red cricosternal distance, loss of cardiac dullness, displaced liver edge
What are the signs of portal HTN? (4)
SAVE Splenomegaly Ascites Varices Enlarged Abdo Veins
What are the signs of CLD? (4)
PDGS Palmar Erythema Dupuytren’s Contracture Gynaecomastia Spider Naevi
Workup for Acute Abdomen
NBM Fluids Analgesia Antiemetics Antibiotics Bleeding Risk Allergies Airway Difficulty Refer to Surgeons Monitor Vitals
What should you say if you don’t know the abx?
Consult local guidelines and microbiology for a suitable course of action
Where is the best place to look for jaundice?
Sclera + under the tongue
How do you elicit Quincke’s sign?
Ask the pt to push their finger into the table and observe for the border b/w red and pale move to pulse
Mx of OA
Confirm dx w hx, exam, ix Take an MDT approach w PT, OT, podiatrist Consrv: manage RFs ie optimise weight, diet, low impact exercise, ensure other medical conditions are well controlled + applying warm/ice packs Med: analgesia up WHO pain ladder + intra-articular steroid injections Surg: referral to ortho for osteotomy, arthrodesis and more likely arthroplasty
Mx of Open Fracture
ATLS NV Status Photograph Soaked Gauze Abx + Tetanus Restrict Xrays Theatre Rehab
Mx of NOF#
Upon admission MMSE, seen by orthogeris, operate within 36hrs Intracapsular: 1,2,Screw + 3,4,Austin-Moore Extracapsular: inter DHS + sub nail Mobilise early w physio and minimise risk of future falls and osteoporosis
Mx of Bronchiectasis
Ix: Obstrc Spirometry, Sputum Cultures, HRCT, Immunoglobulins, Sweat Test, Aspergillus Markers Tx: MDT, Smoking Cessation, Pulm Rehabilitation Plus: physio, abx, correct underlying cause
Mx of ILD
Ix: Drug Hx, Complement, Autoantibodies, Precipitins, CXR, HRCT, PFTs, BAL, Echo Tx: MDT, Smoking Cessation, Pulm Rehabilitation Plus: ambulatory O2, LTOT, antifibrotics for IPF, immunosuppressives for CTD/sarcoid related, transplant workup
Mx of HF
Acute: 1. Sit Up & Call Help 2. Diamorphine 1.25mg 3. Furosemide 40mg 4. GTN Spray x2 SL Chronic: 1. CAGES, Dec RFs, Vaccines 2. ACEi/ARB/Hydralazine + BB 3. Add MRA 4. Specialist
Mx of Pneumonia
Calculate CURB-65: confusion, urea >7, RR >30, SBP <90, Age >65 If 0-1: home - PO amoxicillin 500mg/8h If >=2: hosp - PO amoxicillin 500mg/8h AND clarithromycin 500mg/12h If >=3: ICU - IV augmentin 1.2g/8h AND clarithromycin 500mg/12h F/U @ 6wks
Ix: Hx (ETOH/Caffeine), Obs (Pulse/HTN), Bloods (TFTs/BNP/D-dimer), ECG, Echo (IHD/RHD) Unstable Tx: DCCV +/- Amiodarone Stable Tx: Rate (BB/CCB +/- Digoxin), Rhythm (DCCV or Flecainide/Amiodarone), Anticoag (CHA2DS2-VASc vs HAS-BLED)
Atypical px in elderly + women Anteroseptal - LAD: V1-4 Lateral - LCX: V5-6, I, aVL Inferior - RCA: II, III, aVF Tx: MONAT + PCI/Thrombolysis Comps: FAM ie Failure, Arrhythmias, Murmurs
What are the signs of decompensation? (4)
JBAE Jaundice Bruising Asterixis Encephalopathy
What causes massive splenomegaly? (4)
MF CML Malaria Leishmaniasis
Ddx for RIF Pain
GI: appendicitis, mesenteric adenitis, terminal ileitis GY: ectopic, tubo-ovarian, endometriosis GU: stone, UTI, cystitis
Hepatomegaly Causes
Hepatic: hepatitis, cirrhosis, budd-chiari, NAFLD, hereditary haemochromatosis Cardiac: cor pulmonale, right valvular disease, right heart failure Other: infection, malignancy, myeloproliferative
Splenomegaly Causes
Vascular: haemolysis, leukaemia, lymphoma, CML, MF, portal HTN Infective: malaria, leishmaniasis, hydatid disease, EBV, CMV, HIV, TB, IE, chlamydia psittaci Inflam: sarcoid, amyloid, pancreatitis, RA, SLE, sjogrens
What are the causes of HF?
LHF: HTN, IHD, L Side Valves RHF: LHF, Cor Pulmonale, R Side Valves
How do you px normal auscultation of the lungs?
There was equal air entry and symmetrical vesicular breathing in all zones bilaterally
What are you looking for in the hands?
Gen: clubbing, tar staining, colour/temp Cardio: evidence of IE + CRT Resp: evidence of steroid use + RA GI: evidence of CLD + koilonychia/leukonychia
Why do you look at the armpits in the abdo exam?
Acanthosis Nigricans - benign, T2DM, stomach malignancy Hair Loss - shaven, IDA, malnutrition
Stridor Ddx
Quinsy Epiglottitis Foreign Body Anaphylaxis Malignancy
How should you describe any ABG?
Met/Resp Acid/Alk AND T1RF/T2RF
How should you categorise your ix?
How would you counsel someone w chest pain to go to the hospital?
The pain is sometimes a sign of the body telling us the heart isn’t getting enough blood
I wouldn’t want you to go away and for something more serious to happen
Explore dislike of hospital and suggest you can call ahead to reduce the wait time when they get there
Cardio SRV
Chest Pain Dyspnea Orthopnea PND Syncope Palpitations Leg Swelling
Dysphagia Odynophagia Nausea + Vomiting Haematemesis Abdo Pain Bowel Habit Blood + Mucus Mouth Ulcers Itchy Eyes Rashes Jaundice
Pain ROM Swelling Stiffness Crepitus Locking Giving Way Instability Trauma Fever Diabetes Smoking
Chest Pain: SOCRATES + ECG
Site Onset Character Radiation Timing Exacerbation Severity
Nature Onset Timing Exacerbation Progression
Neuro SRV
Headaches Seizures Blackouts Vision Speech Strength Sensation Face/Arms/Legs
Resp SRV
Chest Pain Dyspnea Cough Sputum Haemoptysis Wheeze Triggers Leg Pain
ICE FLAWS Prev Ep Recent Illness Close Contacts
Cardiac RFs
HTN Cholesterol Diabetes Stroke Smoker
Resp RFs
Pets Allergies Smoking Travel Occupation
Storage - freq, urgency, nocturia, dysuria
Voiding - hesitancy, intermittency, poor stream, straining/incomplete emptying/terminal dribbling
Plus: haematuria, polyuria, polydipsia, vaginal bleeding/discharge, MOSS
What are the cardiac causes of clubbing?
CIA: congenital cyanotic heart disease, infective endocarditis, atrial myxoma
What are the respiratory causes of clubbing?
Newly Sprouted Fingers:
Neoplasia - bronchogenic carcinoma + mesothelioma
Suppurative - abscess, bronchiectasis, cystic fibrosis, don’t say copd, empyema
Fibrotic - cryptogenic fibrosing alveolitis + connective tissue disease
What are the GI causes of clubbing?
The 3 C’s: cirrhosis, coeliac disease, crohn’s/UC
Liver Screen
Sx: Jaundice Itchiness Dark Urine Pale Stool
RFs: Tattoos IVDU UPSI Travel
What do you want to investigate most abdominal pathology?
FBC U+E LFT Clotting Amylase Lactate USS
Charcot’s Triad
Abdo Pain
Reynold’s Pentad
Fever Jaundice Abdo Pain Shock AMS
Courvoisier Law
The presence of a palpably enlarged gallbladder with accompanying jaundice is unlikely to be due to gallstones
Mx of Cholecystitis
Mx of Ascending Cholangitis
What should you establish if the patient is a diabetic?
The type and therefore whether they are at risk of DKA/HHS
Ddx of Palpitations
Must ask about chest pain, sob, blackouts
AF Arrhythmias Anxiety Panic Attacks Medications Substances Caffeine Hyperthyroid Hypoglycaemia Pregnancy Menopause
Headache Red Flags
Papilledema Seizures Focal Neuro Cancer/HIV Visual Disturbance Postural Change Pregnancy N+V Vasculitis Diabetes Worsening AM Sx
Headache Qs
Sinister: red flags, trauma, first and worst, unilateral, meningism
Non-Sinister: triggers, lacrimation, electric shock sensation, dhx, stress
Kidney vs Spleen
Kidney: ballotable, resonant, moves down on insp
Spleen: can’t get above, dull, moves to RIF on insp
Which inguinal hernia is more common?
Def of a Hernia
An abnormal protrusion of a viscus through a defect in it’s containing compartment
Where is the deep inguinal ring located?
The midpoint of the inguinal ligament ie ASIS to PT
Where are inguinal and femoral hernias found in relation to the pubic tubercle?
Inguinal: superior + medially
Femoral: inferior + laterally
Tx of Groin Hernia
Open (Lichtenstein repair - can be done under LA day case) vs Lap (either TEP or TAP - both require GA)
What do you look for next after identifying a midline sternotomy scar? Why?
Ddx: CABG, valve repair, congenital heart disease, pacemakers, ICD
Leg scars for vein harvest
Arm scars for arterial harvest
Pacemaker vs ICD
An ICD will have thick coils on CXR
What do relatively small scars on the top, bottom and left side of the chest indicate?
No leads within the heart
Smaller risk of infection and vasc comps
But cannot place in thin individuals nor do advanced pacing
Ddx for splinter haemorrhages and nail fold infarcts (3)
Infective endocarditis, Rheumatoid vasculitis, systemic sclerosis
What can you do if you’re struggling to feel the apex beat?
Try in held expiration and in left lateral decubitus position
How would you finish your cardiac exam?
Full hx PLUS check temp (endocarditis), dipstick urine (diabetes, HTN, glomerulonephritis), ECG (rhythm disturbance)
What should you do if a young woman presents cyanotic?
O/E: clubbing, scars underneath the breasts, signs of right heart strain
Ix: bloods (polycythaemia, IDA, liver function, uric acid levels), ECG (AF, p pulmonale, RVH), echo (right heart catheterisation)
Rx: oxygen, diuretics, consider referral to PH centre for vasodilators, avoid pregnancy
What are the signs of right heart strain? (5)
Loud and palpable P2, systolic V waves in an elevated JVP (raised venous pressure), parasternal heave (RV hypertrophy), pulm regurg, tricuspid regurg +/- pulsatile liver
What are the possible cardiac causes to consider in the cyanotic pt? (2)
Shunt + Pulmonary HTN
NB: they are linked as you could get PH secondary to an old shunt
If you hear a murmur on the left sternal edge what is it most likely going to be?
VSD > Tricuspid Regurg
What is the sign called when a murmur is louder in inspiration?
Carvallo’s Sign
What is Eisenmenger’s syndrome?
L-R shunt -> R-L shunt
What are the three most common causes of Eisenmenger’s in order?
Why do cyanotic pts get IDA?
Chronic hypoxaemia, activation of hepcidin, same mechanism as ACD
What is the gold standard to look at right heart pressures?
Right heart catheterisation
What ix do you perform in pts w chronic cyanotic cardiac disease?
CT chest for ILD causing the pulm HTN + V/Q scan for thromboembolic disease in lungs