Medicine: Cardio Flashcards
How would you present a murmur?
HS 1+2+Added
When, where, insp/exp, radiation, at least grade three
Indicates, ddx, ECG/echo
Which murmurs get louder on insp/exp?
Right sided w Insp + Left sided w Exp
List the four classic murmurs you hear
AS - ESM - lub whoosh dub
AR - EDM - lub durrr
MS - MDM - rrrlub dub
MR - PSM - lub oof dub
NB: HOCM also ESM + ASD also MDM
Which is worse a longer or louder murmur?
Longer > Louder
What are the differentials of aortic stenosis? (2)
Aortic Sclerosis
Pulmonary Stenosis
NB: if it radiates to the carotids stenosis > sclerosis
If the pt has aortic sten what should you advise?
Any chest pain, feeling faint, SOB come back to us
NB: also in order of worsening risk of mortality angina, syncope, dyspnoea
How would you present an ECG?
Pt details, date and time, calibration, rate, rhythm, axis, pqrst, overall impression
How many seconds are the small and large squares?
Small - 0.04s
Large - 0.2s
How can you calculate rate from the rhythm strip?
- Number of complexes in 10s x6
2. Divide 300 by number of big squares b/w R waves
How can the rhythm be described? (3)
Sinus, AF, Block
The quick method of testing for axis deviation
Use leads I+II and if the R waves:
Point away - leaving - LEFT
Point together - reaching - RIGHT
And if lead III is more neg think left vs more pos think right
Which p wave shows which atrial hypertrophy?
Bifid P mitrale - left atrial hypertrophy eg mitral stenosis/regurg
Peaked P pulmonale - right atrial hypertrophy eg tricuspid stenosis/regurg
How long should the PR interval be?
0.12-0.2s ie 3-5 small squares
Outline the different degrees of AV heart block
1st: prolong PR interval
2nd: Mobitz 1 - prolongation then dropped QRS + Mobitz 2 - constant PR and often wide QRS w occ dropped QRS
3rd: complete dissociation b/w p waves and QRS complexes
Which heart block is also called Wenckebach?
2nd Degree Mobitz I
Which heart block is also called Hay?
2nd Degree Mobitz II
Which Mobitz type is more likely to degenerate into 3rd degree?
Type 1
How long should the QRS complex be?
<0.12s ie <3 small squares
What does a narrow QRS suggest?
What does a broad QRS suggest?
Which BBB is more concerning?
A new LBBB is always pathological whereas RBBB could be a normal variant
Rare sign of PE w deep S in I, pathological Q in III, inverted T in III
Anteroseptal MI Leads
Anteroseptal MI Artery
Lateral MI Leads
V5-V6, I, aVL
Lateral MI Artery
Left Circumflex
Anterolateral MI Leads
V4-V5, I, aVL
Anterolateral MI Arteries
LAD + Left Circumflex = Left Coronary
Inferior MI Leads
Inferior MI Artery
Right Coronary
What else does the right coronary artery supply?
SA + AV Nodes
Posterior MI Leads
Global ST depression w dominant R waves in V1-V2
Posterior MI Arteries
Left Circumflex + Right Coronary
Comps of LCA v RCA occlusion
LCA - left ventricular failure + pericarditis
RCA - rhythm abnormalities
Plus aneurysm + PE
Immediate mx of a STEMI
MONAT + PCI/Thrombolysis
Tx of Pericarditis
Tx of Complete Heart Block
What are the ECG changes of left ventricular aneurysm?
Persistent ST Elevation
What are the ECG changes of PE?
No Changes
Sinus Tachycardia
RV Strain
Inverted T Waves
What med should pts be on following MI or stroke life long?
What does a saddled ST segment suggest? (2)
What does a reverse tick ST segment suggest?
Digoxin Toxicity
Which leads is where T wave inversion is normal?
III, aVR, V1
Tx of AF
Unstable: A-E + DCCV
Stable: look for treatable causes (structural, thyroid, clot, infection, K/Mg/Ca) + ultimate tx is to mx risk of HF due to tachy and risk of stroke due to clot in LA
Risk of HF: Rate (β-blocker/CCB and digoxin) + Rhythm (DCCV or flecainide/amiodarone if structural heart disease)
Risk of Stroke: Anticoag (CHA2DS2-VASc + HAS-BLED) - start DOAC or warfarin 2wks after
Why do you tx the rate component of AF w beta blockade > digoxin?
Beta blockade allows the HR to change w exercise
Which drugs should you NOT give to AF + WPW pts?
Verapamil + Digoxin
Risk of sudden cardiac death in young pts
When would flecainide NOT be first line rx for rhythm control in AF?
There’s an underlying structural heart disease
When do you do rhythm > rate control first line?
Reversible cause, new onset <48hrs, more suitable based on clinical judgement, HF primarily caused by AF
When do you refer AF to the cardiologist?
Rhythm control is appropriate, rate control tx fails to control sx, ECG: WPW/LQTS, echo: valvular disease
What are the signs of heart failure on CXR?
A - alveolar oedema B - Kerley B lines C - cardiomegaly D - dilated UL vessels E - pleural effusion
Which cardiac drugs can lead to gynaecomastia? (2)
Spironolactone + Digoxin
Which dysmorphic features suggest what cardiac disease?
Short stature: Turner (bicuspid aortic valve and coarctation), Noonan (pulm stenosis and HOCM), Down (AVSD, VSD, TOF)
Tall stature: Marfans (aortic regurg)
If the pulse is regularly regular, is the pulse sinus rhythm?
You can never tell if a pulse is sinus rhythm at the bedside unless you have an ECG w a p wave before every QRS complex
If the pulse is irregularly irregular, does the pt have AF?
Prbly but can’t say for sure w/o an ECG showing lack of p waves
Ddx: complete heart block and sinus rhythm w multiple ventricular ectopics
What are the four aspects of pulse? And where is volume measured?
Rate, Rhythm, Volume, Character
Rate + Rhythm - Radial
Volume + Character - Carotid
What is the carotid pulse like in AS?
Low volume and slow rising character
What are the causes of a RR delay? (2)
Coarctation of Aorta
Blalock-Taussig Shunt
What does a tapping apex beat always suggest?
Mitral Stenosis
What causes a hyperdynamic apex beat? (2)
Pressure Loaded - severe HTN, AS, HOCM - LV hypertrophy
Volume Loaded - MR and AR - LV dilatation
What causes an impalpable apex beat? (5)
Dextrocardia Obesity Pericardial Effusion Emphysema Shock
Ddx of an ESM
Any systolic murmur but if specifically ejection systolic: aortic stenosis, aortic sclerosis, HOCM
Typical HOCM pt
PC: exertional lightheadedness +/- syncope
FHx: SCD in middle age
O/E: jerky carotid pulse, double apical impulse, ESM
What is the inheritance pattern of HOCM?
Autosomal Dominant
When does the ESM in HOCM pts get louder?
When does the ESM in HOCM pts get quieter?
What is a/w HOCM?
WPW + Friedrich’s Ataxia
What is pathognomonic of HOCM on an echo?
Systolic anterior motion of the anterior mitral valve leaflet
Tx of HOCM
M: beta blockers and negatively inotropic CCB
S: ICD, myomectomy, alcohol septal ablation
The main causes of AS (2)
Younger - bicuspid aortic valve
Older - degenerative calcification
PLUS Rheumatic heart disease
What ausc gives away a bicuspid aortic valve?
Ejection systolic click
What usually coexists w bicuspid aortic valve?
Mx of AS
Sx or severe ie echo gradient >50mmHg = surgery
What is Heyde’s syndrome?
Angiodysplasia in aortic stenosis due to an acquired deficiency of vWF caused by areas of high shear stress
What is the definitive tx for Heyde’s syndrome?
Comps of valve replacement (5)
Failure Infection Bleeding Anaemia Thromboembolism
The main causes of AR (3)
Leaflets don’t work (endocarditis, bicuspid, HTN) or work but don’t meet in the middle (aortitis a/w syphilis and ank spond) and connective tissue disease
Eponymous signs of aortic regurg (5)
Quincke’s Sign: capillary pulsation in the nail beds
DeMusset’s Sign: head nodding w systole
Corrigan’s Sign: big neck pulses
Traube’s Sign: pistol shot femorals
Duroziez’s Sign: to and fro double murmur over femoral artery when pressure is applied distal to site of ausc
Sx and signs of severity in aortic regurg
Sx - angina + SOBOE
Signs - wide pulse pressure, displaced apex, CCF
Mx of AR
Acute - emerg surgery
Chronic - afterload reduction
NB: again like AS if sx or echo criteria (end systolic diameter >55mm, aortic root dilatation >50mm, ejection fraction <50%) consider valve replacement
What does polycythaemia inc your risk of? (2)
Gout + VTE
Which ventricle dilates in VSD?
Left because during diastole blood enters the LV from both the LA and RV
What are VSD pts at risk of?
Tx of VSD
Percutaneous Amplatzer device insertion or open heart surgery
If a pt has a stroke following a DVT instead of a PE what does this elude to?
Which ASD is more common?
Secundum > Primum
Which murmur is heard if a pt has an ASD?
MDM + fixed split S2 that doesn’t change w respiration
What are ASD pts at risk of?
AF + Paradoxical Emboli
Ix for ASD
ECG RBBB + Bubble Echo