Medicine: Gastro Flashcards
Tx pathway for bleeding varices on OGD
Band ligation, sclerotherapy, balloon tamponade, TIPSS, surgery
The point at which bleeding stops band to eradicate varices then regular F/U or if recur surg referral
Achalasia vs Nutcracker Oesophagus
Tx of Achalasia
Aim to loosen the lower oesophageal sphincter
Med: CCBs + Nitrates (but not first line)
Intv: balloon dilatation + botulinum toxin injection
Surg: Heller’s myotomy +/- Nissen fundoplication
Plus referral to SALT
What is the weak area called that leads to a pharyngeal pouch?
Killian’s Dehiscence
PVS Triad
Dysphagia, IDA, Webs
What is characteristic of angiodysplasia on endoscopy?
Cherry Red Spot
What is the anatomical significance of the dentate line?
Watershed separating different epithelial types and NV/lymph supply
Above: columnar, autonomic, branches of inf mesenteric, mesenteric LNs
Below: stratified squamous, somatic, branches of internal iliac, inguinal LNs
Ix for Rectal Bleeding
- A-E + Resus
- Protoscopy +/- Rigid Sigmoidoscopy
- OGD/Colonoscopy
- Mesenteric/CT Angiography
- Radionuclide Imaging
What bilirubin is required to become visibly jaundiced?
> 40uM
What are the clinical signs of chronic stable liver disease? (4)
Palmar Erythema
Dupuytrens Contracture
Spider Naevi
What are the clinical signs of portal HTN? (4)
Enlarged Abdo Veins
Imaging for PSC
When would you ix for UC?
Diarrhoea >4wks +/- blood, abdo pain, systemic sx
Which hepatitis virus inc the risk of HCC?
What are the indications for an ascitic tap?
Sx (tense or SOB) + Diagnostic (SBP)
What extra intestinal features are related to disease activity in IBD?
Erythema Nodosum + Episcleritis
What extra intestinal features are unrelated to disease activity in IBD?
Pyoderma Gangrenosum + Uveitis
IBD: Episcleritis vs Uveitis
Episcleritis is more common in CD
Uveitis is more common in UC
What are the findings of UC on imaging?
Endoscopy: pseudopolyps
Barium swallow: loss of haustrations
AXR: lead pipe colon in long standing disease
Mx of UC
Consrv: red stress + NSAIDs
Mx: Inducing -> Maintaining
What constitutes mild-sev UC flares?
The Montreal Classification
Mild <4 stools/d w no systemic disturbance
Mod 4-6 stools/d w minimal systemic disturbance
Sev >6 stools/d w abdo tenderness, fever, tachycardia, anaemia, hypoalbuminaemia
How do you induce remission in mild-mod UC?
Proctitis: topical 5-ASA, if not achieved @4wks add oral 5-ASA, if subacute add topical/oral corticosteroid
Proctosigmoiditis + L Sided UC: topical 5-ASA, if not achieved @4wks add high dose oral 5-ASA +/- change topical 5-ASA to topical corticosteroid, if subacute stop topical and do both orally
Extensive: topical 5-ASA and high dose oral 5-ASA then if not achieved @4wks stop topical and do both orally
How do you induce remission in severe UC?
Tx in secondary care w IV steroids first line
If CI/no improvement after 72hrs use/add IV ciclosporin and consider surgery
How do you maintain remission in mild-mod UC?
Proctitis + Proctosigmoiditis: topical 5-ASA +/-/or oral 5-ASA
L Sided UC + Extensive: low maintenance dose of oral 5-ASA
How do you maintain remission in severe UC?
If severe relapse or >=2 exacerbations in past yr: oral azathioprine/mercaptopurine
What are the ix results of CD?
Bloods: anaemia, low vit B12 and D, raised inflam markers esp CRP
Stool: inc faecal calprotectin
Histology: transmural inflam, goblet cells, granulomas
Small bowel enema: Kantor’s string sign w proximal bowel dilation, rose thorn ulcers, fistulae
How do you induce remission in CD?
If first px or single inflam exacerbation in 12m period: glucocorticosteroid/ budesonide
If steroid dose cannot be tapered or >=2 inflam exacerbation in 12m period: above + azathioprine/mercaptopurine/methotrexate
If unresponsive/CI to conventional therapy or >12m after tx started: infliximab +/- adalimumab
If child/young person: consider enteral nutrition w an elemental diet
If limited to distal ileum: consider surgery
What should be assessed before offering azathioprine/mercaptopurine?
TPMT Activity
How is severe active CD defined?
CDAI >=300 or Harvey-Bradshaw >8
How do you maintain remission in CD?
Stop smoking, first line azathioprine/mercaptopurine, second line methotrexate, monitor esp for cancer and neutropenia
When should you screen IBD pts?
Offer if sx started 10yrs ago: low risk 5y, med risk 3y, high risk 1y
What constitutes med + high risk when it comes to screening IBD pts?
Med: mild active inflam, post inflam polyps, fhx CRC first degree relative >50
High: mod/sev active inflam, PSC, colonic stricture or dysplasia in past 5y, fhx CRC any relative <50
Meds that inc risk of c diff (3)
What does the duodenal biopsy show in coeliac disease?
Villous Atrophy
Crypt Hyperplasia
Inc Intraepithelial Lymphocytes
How do you mx uninvestigated dyspepsia sx?
Full dose PPI for 1m OR test for h pylori after 2wks off PPI and tx if pos
What is the ix for carcinoid tumours?
Urinary 5-HIAA