Yoyo chinese 35 (not only but also, fāngbiàn) Flashcards
Oh, well, that’s good then
Nà jiù hǎo
Just now (noun, time phrase - goes at the start of the sentence)
Just (adverb - before verb, after subject)
Gāng (gāng)
To split the bill
AA zhì
To treat
Qǐng kè
If you had/have a meal with friends, would you choose to split the bill?
Rúguǒ hé péngyou yìqǐ chīfàn, nǐ huì xuǎnzé AA zhì ma?
Why would (will) you choose this work?
Ní wèishénme huì xuǎnzé zhège gōngzuò
No need, let’s [just] split it (the bill)
Búyòng, wǒmen AA zhì ba
Let’s go for a walk
Use verb-yì-verb structure
Wǒmen qù zǒu yì zǒu
Not only is she pretty, but she’s also smart
Tā búdàn (hěn) piàoliang,érqiě (hěn) cōngmíng
Apparently sounds more odd to omit the hěn after érqiě, more common after búdàn
Winter here is not only cold, but also dry
Zhèlǐ de dōngtiān búdàn hěn lěng,érqǐe hěn gān
What do you think about your health?
Nǐ juéde nǐ de jiànkāng zěnmeyàng
Transportation here is very convenient
Zhèlǐ de jiāotōng hěn fāngbiàn
Instant noodles / ramen noodles
Convenient noodles
Fāngbiàn miàn
Not appropriate to say / shouldn’t say / can’t disclose
Bù fāngbiàn shuō
That’s not fair!
Bù gōng píng!
Could you give me (would it be appropriate for you to give me) your phone number
Nǐ fāngbiàn gěi wǒ nǐ de diànhuà hàomǎ
Those lawyers are both hardworking and fair
Zhèxiē lǜshī yòu qínláo yòu gōngpíng
Not too nervous
Bú tài jǐnzhāng